Chapter 22

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(Just some wholesome fluff shit about Adam and Jonah being at a pool :D)

I tried to get Jonah to share his spaghettios with me, but then he just started complaining about how it was the "only thing he had to eat in his pantry". Anyways, I have a special treat for Jonah and I. Recently, the community pool opened back up, but since no one really lives close to the area it's at, no one goes. So, I've decided that Jonah and I could go swimming there. Just the two of us.
"Adam, what the hell!?"
Jonah takes me out of my thoughts as I realise my hand has slinked onto the inside of his thigh while I was zoning out.
"Oh, sorry! I was just.. thinking about what we could do later, if you're up for it."
I look shyly back at Jonah. His eyes are dead focused on the last two noodles in the bowl as he struggles to scoop them up with his spoon.
"Huh? Were you talking to me?"
Jonah then successfully gets the noodles out of the bowl, hissing a quiet 'yesss' as he shovels the spoon into his mouth. That's just the way Jonah is. He either doesn't know I'm talking to him, even though we're the only people in the house, or he just zones me out. Unless I formally address that I'm speaking to him.
"Yeah I was. Uh.. so you know hie there's that swimming place that's open to the public like five minutes away?"
"Well, I was thinking, since no one really goes that we could.. go together?"
Jonah about chokes on his spoon. He turns to me with tear-filled eyes and wraps his arms around me.
"I would love to, Adam! But.. I'm not a very strong swimmer."
"Okay, well, you can just ride on my back to the deep end!"
Jonah releases me, a goofy grin plastered on his face.
"I was thinking in about an hour, so we have some time to get ready and maybe.. do some stuff in between?"
Jonah laughs and pecks my forehead before jumping off the barstool and placing his dirty bowl in the sink so he can wash it later. He stretches a little before migrating to the living room and flopping onto the couch. I decide to follow, hopping off the barstool and sitting down next to him. He pulls me close to him as he turns the TV on and mindlessly flips through channels..
It's been about thirty minutes and I am now in the bathroom trying to figure out how the fuck this swimsuit works. I had to borrow some of Jonah's, since I forgot to bring any swim gear. It looks to have strings you have to tie, but they're at the back for some odd reason. I struggle with them, reaching behind my back and grabbing at them to no avail.
Jonah yells at me from the other room. I assume he's having a much easier time with his swimsuit, considering the ties on his are at the front.
I slump down on the toilet and patiently wait for Jonah, trying and failing again to just tie the damn thing. I scoff as my short arms can't seem to get a good grip on the ends.
I mumble a couple more curses before just dropping the whole thing to wait for Jonah. I put my elbows on my knees and lay my chin on my hands. Closing my eyes, I imagine what the pool would look like. Completely abandoned, the lifeguards having gone home due to their shifts ending. No whistles or running. No screaming kids or water splashing. Just silence. Running water coming out of the filters could potentially be the only sound there. Jonah and I will probably have to hop the gates, since they close at such an early time. No amount of lock picking can get us through a number-coded lock. I know because I've tried.
"Adam! Unlock the bathroom door, ya dummy!"
Jonah giggles as I walk to the door and twist the lock so he can get in.
"Now, what do we need help with?"
I turn around so Jonah can see the source of my struggle.
"Okay. Hang on.."
Jonah sputters as he grabs onto the strings and carefully ties them. It takes a few attempts, but eventually, he gets it.
"There you go! All.."
Jonah trails off as I turn back around to face him. I can see his eyes glance desperately over my body, especially at my abs.
"W-wow, uh.. you're... really hot."
"Haha, thanks Jo. Same for you."
I hold out my arms and grab onto Jonah's chubby cheeks with my thumb and index finger. I then jiggle my hands, making Jonahs face wobble in my grasp. He giggles and lands a soft kiss on my lips.
"Oh, while you're in here, we need some towels. Two will be good for the both of us, right?"
He points to the cabinets under the sink. I bend down and open them, grabbing a red and yellow towel out.
"Yeah, that'll be fine. Which color do you want?"
I hold out the two colors. Jonah picks the yellow one, since he's never been much of a fan of red. He throws it over his shoulder and smiles at me.
"I guess we're ready now!"
Jonah leaves the bathroom, and I follow. We walk to the front door as Jonah grabs his keys off of the hook next to the doorframe. He slips on some cute flip flops and heads out the door. I just put on my normal shoes, since I have nothing else to wear. I walk out the door with Jonah and slip into the passenger side of Jonahs car.
"Hehe, I'm so excited!"
Jonah lays his hand on my thigh as he slowly backs out of the driveway.
"I am too, Jo."
I kiss his cheek softly as he drives, making sure he keeps his eyes on the road and not me.
Finally, we arrive at the pool. Jonah pulls into one of the parking spaces and turns his car off. We both jump out and walk up to the gated entrance. Our fingers intertwine as we hold each others hands.
"Okay, now how the fuck are we gonna jump this?"
I swear to God, this fence looks like it's used to surround someone's million dollar mansion. That's how tall it is. Really, it's about ten feet. But that's still pretty tall for two men in their twenties.
"Fuck, I'M SO SHORT!!"
Jonah tries several times to grab onto the top of the gate by jumping up, but nothing works. He scoffs after trying for a little longer.
"I have an idea. Jonah, get on my shoulders."
I kneel down and pat my shoulders, signaling for Jonah to step on them.
"Y-you sure?"
"Yeah! I promise I won't drop you."
"Okay.. I trust you..."
Jonah carefully climbs onto my shoulders, making sure he doesn't fall. I grunt as his full weight is placed on my shoulders.
"You alright?"
"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Just hurry up."
Jonah wobbles on me a little bit as I stand up, grabbing around his ankles to keep him in place on me.
"I've got it!"
I feel the weight on my shoulders disappear as Jonah jumps over the fence, doing a front roll on the grass to break the intensity of his fall. I ponder ways to get myself over, since Jonah can't really help due to him being on the other side of the fence already.
"Shit... oh!"
I spot a small ladder just casually hanging out on the gates corner. Stupid workers. They forgot to take it back with them. Well, bad for them, good for me. I walk over to the ladder and step on the bottom step, pushing down on it with my leg to make sure that its sturdy enough to hold my weight. I then hoist myself up, climbing up the ladder and over the fence. I do the same thing as Jonah, pulling out a front roll as I hit the grass. It really makes you feel like you're in some action movie and you're the main character running away from security. I land next to Jonah as he's brushing himself off. Blades of grass have stuck themselves in Jonah's hair as he swipes some stray dirt and grass of his knees. I carefully pick the grass out of Jonah's hair until there's none visible.
Jonah thanks me as he gets up from the ground. Holding an arm out to me, I grab onto it and Jonah pulls me up.
"Hard part finished. Now let's get to swimmin'!"
Jonah yelps as he takes off running towards the pool.
"Wait for me!"
I struggle to catch up to him, my legs still recovering from the impact of the fall. Jonah speeds up after seeing me chasing behind. He throws his towel on one of the abandoned chairs and slides off his flip flops. I do the same, taking my socks and shoes off and throwing my towel down on the ground. Jonah walks over to the pool and sticks one of his feet inside.
"WOAH! That's hella cold, Adam. You sure you wanna do this?"
"Yeah, I mean, we drove all this way, right?"
"I guess we did. You know what? Fuck it."
Jonah then steps down on one of the steps leading into the pool. He screeches as the ice cold water wraps around his ankles, feet now fully submerged.
"Jonah, you're overreacting. It's not that bAAAAAA-"
I scream as Jonah dips his arm into the pool and scoops up the water, causing it to splash all over me.
I race towards Jonah and interlock his hands with mine as I try to push him further into the pool. I succeed, making him fall down a step, now the full lower half of his legs submerged. He doesn't seem to notice as he drags me down to his level. The water is pretty cold, yes, but not as cold as Jonah's making it out to be. He's a pretty big overreacter. I scoop some of the water from the pool with my free hand and splash Jonah.
"Adam- AHH!!"
He stumbles back and falls back into the water. I laugh out loud as Jonah stays underwater.
"Haha! Got you now! .. Jonah?"
Jonah is still under the water.
"Jonah, you coming up?"
Still nothing.
That's when I remember that Jonah said he wasn't a very strong swimmer. I didn't think he meant fucking two feet deep water, but okay. I quickly grab his hand and pull him out of the water. He gasps for air and then begins wheezing with laughter.
Jonah continues laughing as he drapes his arms across my shoulders. He shoves the top of his head into my chest.
"You're a fucking dumbass, you know that?"
I mumble in frustration as I let Jonah laugh into my chest for a moment before pushing him off of me. I step down into the two foot section again, and Jonah follows.
"I'm not THAT bad of a swimmer, Adam. I had total control!"
Jonah smiles like an idiot before wading through the water to the four foot section. I stay in the two foot section, casually sitting down in the water to get used to the temperature before going any deeper. I watch Jonah quietly gasp as the water goes up onto his shoulders as he goes further out into the water. Now in the five foot section, the water is splashing softly against his chin.
"G-God, it's cold out here, Adam! I need your body heat so hurry up!"
"I'm coming, I'm coming."
Once I figure that my body is used to the water, I wade out to Jonah. At the same exact spot he's at, the water only comes up to about my shoulders. It's really no surprise, considering I'm like six inches taller than Jonah. Now that I'm right next to Jonah, it's clear to me that he's shivering quite a bit. He wraps his arms around me and presses his body against mine, absorbing whatever heat he can get.
"Damn, A-Adam. We should NOT h-have come out th-this late.."
He presses up further against my body, almost enough to knock me down if I was as weak as him.
"You wanna get on my back so we can go to the six foot section?"
Jonah swims over to my back and grabs my shoulders. He swings his legs around my waist, and I grab his ankles to prevent him from falling back. I carefully walk through the water, making sure that Jonah is okay on my back. Once the water reaches my chin, I begin swimming, Jonah still riding safely on top of me. We soon reach the edge of the pool, at which I lower Jonah off of me. Since he can't swim, he grabs onto the side of the pool for dear life.
"Woah, this is.. pretty deep, babe. Can we go back a little bit?"
Jonah's voice quivers with nervousness. His legs softly kick under the water, keeping himself afloat the best they can.
"Don't worry about that, Jo! I've got you, hun. I swear."
I flash a quick smile at Jonah before dunking my head under the water. The soft water wraps around my face and ruffles my hair as I close my eyes and hold my breath. Propelling myself back up, I see Jonah's now wet face.
Jonah screeches before tackling me into the water, letting go of the safety of the side as he does. I'm careful not to push him under the water as we playfully fight with each other. He, on the other hand, is not as careful, pushing me under every chance he gets. He knows I can swim, so he uses the knowledge to his advantage. One final push under the water makes me reach my limit, as I throw Jonah under. He stays under for a little bit before finally resurfacing on his own.
"You did it! Haha!"
I hold my hand up to high-five Jonah as he shakes his head a little to get the water off his face. He slaps my palm and struggles to keep himself above the water. I hold onto him to give him some extra support.
"Here, you wanna go back a little? Like to the five feet section?"
I can tell I made Jonah's heart race as his heavy, inconsistent breaths give me a pretty big hint. I let him hop on my back again and swim back over to the five foot spot. I let him down off of me and the water wraps around his neck.
"Thank you."
Jonah reaches up and runs his hand through my hair. I lean down a little so he can reach the top of my head with ease.
"Ooh! Can you do any tricks underwater? Like a front flip or something?"
"Yeah, I think so. I learned how to do a front flip underwater when I was little, so I guess if you wanna see that."
Jonah quickly nods, pushing me out into the water so I can perform my trick. I ready myself, stretching my arms above me and warming up my legs. I then throw my body forward, making myself roll under the water. I resurface to hear Jonah delightedly clapping for me.
"That looked so cool! I wish I could do something like that."
All of a sudden, Jonah's face turns from happy to sad.
"Hey, it's okay! You'll learn in time, I promise. Now, you wanna go try the slide?"


(Word Count: 2762)

"Is This What Love Feels Like?" Adam X Jonah Fanfiction (NSFW + CUSSING)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora