Chapter 26

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"Dude, what is this show?" I clutch the remote as I flip through yet another channel. I swear, everything on TV has gotten hella boring these days. It's almost like the people that host the news and anything else just said, "Fuck you, audience. Now give us your money!"
I sigh and mutter a couple curses under my breath as I see that it's just another shitty kids show. It features dancing little puppet things that creep the living shit out of me.
"Yeah, no. I don't think so."
Another and another channel fly onto the TV as I skip through them to see if there's ANYTHING possibly good on.
"No.. nope.. fuck! Is there anything-"
I jump as Jonah barges into the living room with a really pissed off look on his face. I also notice that he has my phone clutched in his hands.
"Yeah, babe?"
"Don't fucking 'babe' me! Who the hell is this?!"
Jonah holds up my phone and presses the 'on' button. My phone illuminates, and a picture of a girl flies up onto the screen. She's practically naked, with only a thong and a bikini top holding her privates in.
"Eww, I don't know!"
"Then WHY is she DM-ing you?!"
That girl is seriously directly messaging me? Man, she's got some bad taste.
"I don't know! I-"
Jonah suddenly charges at me, pouncing on me and digging me into the couch. He holds both my wrists at my sides as the remote falls out of my hands and onto one of the couch cushions.
Jonah then raises one of his hands and slaps the fuck out of the right side of my face. With a man of his.. stature, you wouldn't really expect him to pack much strength. But he did manage to give me quite a hefty red mark.
Tears well up in Jonah's eyes as his voice begins to slightly waiver and quiver.
A tear streaks down Jonah's face and lands on my chest.
"Listen.. okay? If you're ch-cheating on me, just.. just tell me, alright?"
More tears drop out of Jonah's eyes, each one adding a new wet spot on my white shirt. I'm not cheating, but I don't think Jonah understands. I've seen that girl before, yes, and she has DMed me multiple times, also yes. But every time she has, I've told her off and said that I had a boyfriend. And if she wouldn't listen to me, I would just flat out tell her that I wasn't interested. I don't think Jonah understands that I'm telling the truth. I think.. I think he thinks I've been seeing this whore.
"No, Jonah, you've got it all wrong, I-"
Jonah then climbs off of me and sobs all the way to his room.
"JONAH! WAIT-.." I call out to him, but he's long gone, slamming his bedroom door behind him.
"Fuck.. I've really screwed myself this time, haven't I?"
I sigh and pick my phone up off the couch, since Jonah dropped it when he was wrestling with me. I flip it on and see the same almost naked chick pop up on the screen. I click on our messages and see a new one has been sent.
"Hey baby~ wanna hook up at my place? ***-***-**** give me a call and we can have some fun together♡♡"
"What the actual-" I quickly type a response and send it.
"NO. I'VE TOLD YOU A MILLION TIMES. I dont want to hook up with your ugly ass"
I then click the three dots in the corner of the screen. I click the "Block User" icon and a warning pops up on screen. It says 'Are you sure you want to block this contact?'
"Hell yeah, I'm sure!" I say out loud as I hit the 'confirm' button. I then get up off the couch and throw my phone down onto it. Shit. I really screwed with Jonah's head. I can't believe he actually thought I was cheating on him! I'm not, and he probably knows it. You know what? Even if he hates me right now, I need to at least try to tell him that I'm not cheating on him. I need to let him know. I walk to the kitchen and grab one of Jonah's favorite snacks as a sort of peace offering; Fruit by the Foot. I take two just in case Jonah wants to have a competition, and slowly walk to his room. I'm careful not to make a sound in case Jonah shoos me away the instant he hears me. Once I reach his door, I gently knock three times.
"Jo? You okay?"
I get sniffling in response. I'm assuming Jonah's taking his time crying, so I try the doorknob. It's, of course, locked. I knock again, this time a little harder.
"Can you open the door please? I just wanna talk to you." More sniffles. I don't wanna make him angry, so I reach inside my pocket and dig out one of the lockpicks I keep on me all the time. I line it up with the lock hole and start trying to pick the lock. It works, and I hear the lock click open. I try the doorknob again, and this time it works. I creak open the door to see Jonah's hair on the floor beside his bed. It looks like he's sitting on the floor away from me. A bunch of crumpled up tissues dot the bed, used and wet.
"Jonah? Can I come in?"
Nothing. Just small whimpers. I sigh and step inside his room, closing the door behind me. It clicks shut as I slowly walk towards where Jonah is sitting. I round the side of the bed and find Jonah's body, with his head buried in his knees, hugging them tightly to his chest.
"Hey, are you alright?"
"W-weave me awone.. *sniff*.."
Jonah scoots his knees closer to his chest, burying his head deeper into them. I can see the tears that have fallen onto the lower part of his jacket. It seems like he's been crying pretty damn hard. I walk a little closer to him before taking a seat down next to him.
"I-.. I towld yiw ta.. weave me awon-ne.."
I wrap my arm around him and pull him gently into my side. His numb body falls into me without any movement. It's like he's a shell of himself.
"Hey.. let me see you? Please?"
Jonah hesitates for a while, but lifts his head anyways. His face is expectedly blotchy and red, with wetness covering his cheeks as a tell-tale sign that he's been sobbing. His eyes are swollen, making his face look all puffy.
"Aww. I'm so sorry I caused this.."
Jonah then leaps into my arms, crashing into me. He pushes me against the bed as he wraps his arms around my shoulders.
"Hey, honey.." I wrap my arms around Jonah in return. At least he isn't as mad at me as I thought he was. He sobs into me, his tears being absorbed in my shirt. After a couple minutes of just sitting and gently petting Jonah, he manages to calm down enough to speak.
"A-.. Adam, I.. are you?"
"Am I what, Jonah?"
"D-dating someone el.. else?"
"No, honey! Not at all! That woman you saw on my phone is just some random hooker that likes to fuck with me."
I see Jonah's face contort into a ready-to-cry-again expression. Wrong choice of words, Adam. Wrong choice of words.
"I- I mean, she likes to mess with me."
Yeah, that's worse.
"I MEAN-.. she likes to text me and ask if I want to hook up, to which I always say no. I think she's some kind of horny sex bot."
Jonah's face shifts again, this time to a more calm look. I know he knows what I mean when I say 'sex bot'. We get messages and emails from them all the time! Well, it wouldn't really happen as often if we didn't go on so many porn sites together. But still. He knows what I mean.
"Oh. W-well, can I read your.. me-messages?"
"Sure." I hand my phone to Jonah and unlock it. He taps on the 'Instagram' icon and our messages fly up. Each one having something to do with hooking up. Every one of my replies look the same, with the words 'no' and 'stop dming me' sprinkled in.
"Oh, Adam. You were telling the truth. I'm so s-sorry.."
Jonah hugs me again, this one feeling more heartfelt and kind. He then gently starts to kiss my neck, pecking and slightly sucking on it.
"Jonah, don't tell me you're horny-"
"So what if I am? You're supposed to be my boyfriend~"
Jonah then brings his lips up to mine, kissing me softly and tenderly. He moans a little as our tongues swivel around each other in delight. His legs go into a straddle on my waist as my arms wrap around his. His hands are on my face, preventing me from going anywhere. Essentially, he's liplocking me. We kiss for what seems like hours, my phone falling out of Jonah's grip and onto my lap. It vibrates as a new message pops up, and I glance down to see what it is. It's from Mark, asking if we can come over. Whatever, he'll have to wait.
"Mm~ you're such a good kisser, Adam~"
"Haha, glad I could be of service~"
I then grab Jonah's jacket and pull him closer to me, kissing his neck.
"Ooh~ thAT was unexpecTED~"
Jonah's voice comes out in quaky moans as I graze over some of his sensitive areas, just to tease him. I hold his body tighter, as I feel him squirm around in my grasp. I start to lick up and down his neck, which causes him to moan loudly.
"A-ahh~ stooop~" I ignore him and continue running my hands up and down his plush sides. He presses his head into the mattress behind him and moans louder as I suck on his sensitive spot.
"Do you want me to go further?" I ask as I pop my lips off of his neck.
"Yes..~ please..~"
I laugh a little at his response before sliding my hand down his pants. He groans as I toy with his boxers, massaging his half-hard dick. I slide my other hand under his chin and tilt it up to look at me. I then tilt my own head a little to the side and connect with his lips. He moans into my mouth, leaning into me and straying further and further away from the bed frame. Once I have enough leeway, I flip Jonah over so he's on top of me and I'm sitting against the bed frame.
"A-Adam~ why do you love me so much?"
I lowly chuckle and bring my hand onto his back, dragging him across my lap.
"Because you're my little puppy~ and I get to do whatever my heart wants with you!~"
Jonah throws his head back as I make him grind against me, his mouth agape. He then looks back down to me and kisses me once more. I feel the heat simmer between us as we slowly rise to our feet. Once we're both standing, I take the opportunity and throw Jonah onto the bed. He topples back as his body hits his blankets. He makes grabby hands at me as I crawl above him and bend down to give him the kisses I know he so desperately needs. First, his neck. He loves it there.
"Ngh~ you know I like it there~"
I continue making small hickeys all over his neck until he's practically begging for me to move on.
"Okay..~" I giggle before resuming my kissing with Jonah...


(Word Count: 2042)

"Is This What Love Feels Like?" Adam X Jonah Fanfiction (NSFW + CUSSING)Where stories live. Discover now