Chapter 28

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Okay, Adam isn't the biggest fan of this idea, but since when did I care? Anyways, we have decided that, after yesterday's ordeal, we are going to go to Mark and Cesar's place and play Truth or Dare with all four of us. The best part? All dares are allowed, even sexual ones, and you cannot deny a dare. Well, you can, but if you do, you have to.. actually I don't know. You might just have to eat something disgusting.
"Hey guys! Come on in!"
Cesar greets us at the door as Adam and I step inside. I stretch and yawn a bit as we all take our seats on the floor. We already planned this with everybody, and decided that we were going to all play on the floor with pillows under our asses to keep it at least a little comfortable. I shift my weight on the couch pillow and Adam crosses his legs.
"Okay.. who's gonna start us off?"
Adam and I turn to each other and smirk. I then swivel my head over to Mark and jab him in the chest with my index finger.
"Mark. Truth.. or dare?"
It takes Mark a second, but he finally formulates a response. While waiting, Cesar gets up from his pillow and walks to the kitchen, presumably getting snacks for the four of us. After all, this could get quite boring if there's nothing to eat when it's not your turn.
"I guess.. dare?"
"Ooh! Diving headfirst, I see? Alright.. I dare you to.."
My mind races with devious dares I could give to Mark. I could make him do something nasty like eating something moldy or rotten, I could make him do something even illegal! But.. after all is said and done.. I don't want this to get too out of hand. So, I decide to take a calmer approach. After all, it's only the first round.
"I dare you to.. do five laps around your entire house."
Mark takes a second to comprehend the dare. Once he does, his face turns stale and he stares at me with shock. Cesar returns, reclaiming his seat on the pillow. He's trying to hold in giggles at Mark's face. He doesn't even know what dare I gave him.
"Isn't it like, a hundred degrees outside?!"
"Yeah, but that won't stop you, will it?"
"Okay then! See you in a bit!"
Mark sighs and pulls himself up off the floor. He walks to the front door with a slight slouch while removing his shirt to prepare for the heat. I see Cesar's eyes slightly widen at the sight of Mark's strong back. I hold in a slight giggle as our heads turn back to the front simultaneously.
"Alright, well I'll go. Adam, truth or dare?"
Cesar takes the next go, pointing to Adam with a casual swivel of his wrist.
"Uh.. well, after seeing what Mark has to endure, I'm gonna go with truth."
I'm not surprised with Adam's choice. Honestly, Cesar chose a kind of harsh dare as the first one. I thought he would pick something along the lines of, oh I don't know, do ten jumping jacks or something.
"Pussy- uhm.. is it true that you cheated on Jonah?"
"What?! No, I never cheated on Jonah."
"Oh really? Cause he called me crying about i-"
I clap my hand over Cesar's hand to indicate that I don't want him saying anything else about the matter.
"Well, I didn't cheat on him, so yeah. Truth answered."
Adam crosses his arms and tries to lean back on the pillow, but ends up falling on his back with his legs still crossed.
"Haha! You thought you were in a chair! Hahaha!"
"Shut up guys!" Adam wiggles around on his pillow a little before propping himself back up and giggling a little himself. I, on the other hand, look over to one of the windows. I swear to God I see a flash of sweaty Mark blasting by the window. Looks like he's at least done one lap, judging by the sweat dripping off of him. I'm guessing it's Adam's turn to ask one of us.
"Adam, you go."
"Alright.. uhh.. Jonah, truth or dare?"
"Dare." I say it without hesitation. Anything with Adam is gonna be fun to do, even if it means me getting involved with the law.
"I dare you to give Cesar a kiss. And not a light one either. I want you to french him like you french me." Adam's face is glowing. Mine is.. clearly not.
Cesar, however, doesn't really seem reluctant. I turn over to him and see that his face is a little shocked, but mostly just looks normal.
"I mean, come on Jonah. It's just one kiss."
"YEAH! But it's with TONGUE!!"
"I know that, but you don't even have to go that long. It could just be like ten seconds."
"NO!- actually, you know what? Fine, but we don't tell Mark."
"He won't care as long as it's a dare."
"Alright then, come here."
Adam eagerly watches as Cesar slowly scoots closer to me. His pillow drags across the carpeted living room floor as his expression changes from calm and collected to slightly freaked out but also horny at the same time.
"Uh.. how do you wanna-"
Cesar cuts me off by wrapping a hand around the back of my neck and pulling me into his lips. He doesn't even give me a warning as his tongue goes straight into my mouth to meet mine. Not gonna lie, this shit feels pretty good. I see where Mark gets his love for Cesar's kisses. His touch is warm as our tongues tangle together with one another. And, almost as soon as it began, it ends. Cesar pulls away from me with a slightly quizzical expression. A smile is planted on his face as he reaches up to caress my cheek with his thumb. I flinch at his touch.
"Uh.. I'm gonna go check on Mark!"
I back away from Cesar and quickly scamper off the floor, almost tripping over my own two feet as I race out the front door and onto the pathway in front of the door. I look around to see if I can spot Mark, but there's no sign of him. I reenter the house, as much as I don't want to, and see Adam and Cesar talking amongst one another. Cesar is obviously trying to hold in his laughter, as Adam apparently tells him a story. They both spot me as I walk back to my designated pillow.
"How is my Markie doing?"
Cesar has a nickname for Mark? Whatever.
"Uh, I didn't see him. But I'm assuming he's doing fine."
"Okay, well, I guess we can continue. Jonah, it's your turn."
I deeply inhale and turn to Adam. This is revenge for what he made me do to Cesar.
"Adam. Truth.. or dare?"
"Dare because why not!"
Ooh, a dare. I know EXACTLY what I'm gonna make Adam do. I'm feeling a little horny now, after the whole Cesar incident. So, I'm assuming Adam can, of course, help me with these complicated feelings.
"I dare you to.. push me up against something and whisper all your desires in my ear. They can be dirty, wholesome, anything. Just whisper them to me."
"Uh.. alright. Come here."
Adam stands up and offers me a hand to aid me in getting up. I grab a hold of it and he pulls me up. But, in a turn of events, he doesn't let go when I arise to my feet.
"You can let go no-"
I am abruptly cut off by Adam shoving me down onto the couch. I get pushed into the leather cushions as Adam makes his way on top of me in a straddle. His knees are at my sides, and his clothed dick is slightly brushing against mine. He leans down so his mouth is right next to my ear.
Adam's voice is down to a low growl, and he makes it seem like his whole goal is to seduce me until I'm nothing but a puddle of mush under him. I can feel his hot breath on my neck.
"Ngh.. yeah?"
"Ooh, you don't even know what I want to do to that precious body of yours~.."
"What's that..?"
"I just wanna lay you down and fuck you until you can do nothing but scream my name~.."
"And I want to just destroy you for my pleasure only~.. until you're just my sex servant~"
I can feel my pants tightening as the boner I had earlier begins to grow. I quietly moan at Adam's words, desperate for him to just fuck me right here, right now.
"My little bitch, all for me~"
My breathing quivers as Adam's words flood my ears like a raging waterfall. Why do I just want him to fuck me right here on this couch?
"Please Adam~ f-fuck me..~"
Suddenly, Adam prys himself away from me and turns to Cesar. I can no longer feel his breath on my neck as he talks to Cesar. I'm still under him though, and he's practically sitting on my erect dick.
"Cesar. Can you maybe give us some.. alone time?"
"Oh, sure thing! Have fun~!"
Cesar walks out of the room and out the front door to presumably see Mark. Adam, on the other hand, turns back to me. He grabs my wrists and pushes them deep into the couch.
"Now, you're gonna do everything I tell you to, correct?~"
I moan a little before answering. I mean, how can I not when he's being so dominant and hot?
"Augh~ yes, Master~"
"Ooh, I like that name~"
Adam then leans down and begins tackling me with kisses. He sprinkles them everywhere. On my neck, my lips, even some on my chest! But then, he stops..
"Why'd you stop, baby?"
"Because we can do this later. Plus, I like teasing you~"
Adam then let's go of my wrists and lifts himself off of me. I scoff, thinking Adam wanted to go all the way. But, I guess not. Well, he did say later, so.. hehe, I'm looking forward to that.
"Cesar! You can come back in now!"
And as SOON as Adam says this, Cesar walks back into the house, this time accompanied by an extremely sweaty shirtless Mark.
"*huff huff* holy shit... *huff* water.."
Cesar guides Mark to a fan in the corner of the room, with which Mark cools himself off with by standing in front of it. Cesar then rushes into the kitchen and clattering follows.
"Dude, you're like.. really sweaty."
"*huff huff* I just ran.. *huff huff* all that. And you expect me to.. hang on.. *huff huff* not be tired?"
"Well, yeah! It was only five laps."
"IT IS.. *huff huff* A HUNDRED.. *huff huff* DEGREES OUTSIDE!"
I decide not to antagonize Mark anymore and, instead, turn to Adam.
"So, when are we gonna do that thing?"
"Later, baby. Later~"
Adam then brings a hand up and ruffles my hair. His fingertips brush my scalp as he rubs his hand back and forth on my head.
"Hey! Stop that!"
I duck a little and grab Adam's hand, stopping him from further aggravating me. Adam giggles and looks down at me, flashing me a seductive grin.
"Mark! I have water!"
My head turns and out comes Cesar from the kitchen, rushing towards Mark with a tall glass of water. It's practically filled to the brim, and Cesar almost drops it once or twice. When he reaches Mark, Cesar puts a hand under Mark's chin and says something to him. He says it in such a low voice that I can't make out what he's saying. But I guess it has something to do with drinking, because Cesar puts the glass up to Mark's lips after finishing the sentence. Mark begins drinking, and Cesar giggles a little.
"Hey, Jonah. Guess what?"
I hear Adam's voice as I'm watching the two lovebirds do their thing across the room.
"Hm?" I turn to Adam and lock eyes with him on accident. I quickly avert my gaze, and instead look down at his chest.
"It says "gullible" on the ceiling!"
I quickly tilt my head up to look at the ceiling. For some reason, I can't find anything that resembles the word Adam told me was up there.
"What? Adam, there's no-"
I then feel Adam's hand on my chin. My head is quickly pulled down and I am met with Adam's lips. After a couple seconds, Adam removes his lips from mine and laughs.
"Haha! You fell for it, Jo! You're so gullible."
Adam goes up to ruffle my hair again, an action that I quickly dodge. I feel my face light up, my cheeks turning a dark red color as I look down at the floor and fidget with my fingers.
"Adam, you stupid little-"
"Goddamn! You drank the whole thing, Mark!"
I look up and see Cesar with an empty glass in his hand. Sure enough, Mark has managed to drink the entire thing in one go-around.
"Well, I was thirsty! Whaddya expect?"
I giggle a little at the show in front of Adam and I as we go back to sitting on our pillows. I fidget a little with my fingers as I think of the next dare. Okay, so its gonna be Mark's turn to ask. Well, if he can even manage to ask anything. Chances are, he's probably going to get Cesar back for making him run around the house, so I don't think I have anything to worry about this next round. I watch as Cesar and Mark stumble back over to their floor pillows, apprehensively sitting down on them.
"Okay, Markie~! Your turn!"
"Ces.. truth or dare?" Mark doesn't even look up at Cesar as he spits out his name along with the reoccurring words.
"Uh.. you know what? Dare. You can ask me to do anything."
I see Mark place a hand under his chin, still looking down at the floor as he thinks. What does this man have going on in his mind?
"..I dare you to.."
Oh God. This is gonna be so good! Better watch out Cesar, because Mark is out for blood this time.
"I dare you to be handcuffed to me for the rest of the day."
Cesar's stunned expression makes an appearance the moment Mark proposes his idea. His eyes widen, and his mouth gapes open. Adam and I both burst out laughing, falling into each other and giggling.
"Hahahaaaa! You have to, Cesar! You have to!"
Cesar groans, getting up from his pillow and exaggerating a sigh as he walks down the hallway into Mark's bedroom.
"Wait.. yall just have..?"
"We get a little kinky sometimes."
I wheeze out a little bit of laughter as Adam's face turns shocked. Mark himself chuckes a little too, embarrased to have admitted that.
"Yeah, Cesar has a bondage kink, so he likes when I put handcuffs on his wrists. I don't think it's weird, but the people I've told look at me like I'm crazy..."


(Word Count: 2561)

(Also I am SOOOOO sorry I haven't updated this in so long. I got myself a boyfriend and I have been really busy with my life with band and choir. I'll try to update this more, but dont be surprised if my updates are less consistent than they were months ago♡ thank you for all the support. Love you guys🥰)

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⏰ Última actualización: Oct 12, 2023 ⏰

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"Is This What Love Feels Like?" Adam X Jonah Fanfiction (NSFW + CUSSING)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora