Chapter 16

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I literally remember nothing from last night except chugging a tequila bottle surrounded by Jonah and Mark. They must've been drunk too. I open my eyes to see myself slouched over Mark's couch with Jonah laying on me. He has a pale-ish color in his skin, so he probably threw up a lot last night. I turn and look over at the other side of the couch. Mark and Cesar are on the other side. They are cuddled up next to each other as well. "Aww.." I turn back to Jonah and gently stroke his hair. It's so soft still. Ugh. My head hurts. Must be a major hangover. I carefully prop Jonah off of me and walk to Mark's bathroom. I then rummage through the cabinet until I find some hangover pills. I pop some in my mouth and return to the living room.
I strangly hear whimpering. It sounds like a fucking animal. But it can't be.
The whimpers get louder. I walk over to the couch to realise its Jonah that's producing the sounds. He's curled himself up into a little ball, and is slightly shaking. It could be that he's cold. "Hang on, baby." I take a blanket from Mark's little bin of blankets he has in the corner of the room and walk back over to Jonah. Something just doesn't feel right. "Jon-...ah." I then realise that Jonah's crying. It isn't much, but every now and then, a tear will softly and swiftly make it's way down Jonah's cheek and onto the couch. He's formulated a little puddle around his head. "Oh, honey." I scoot Jonah over a little and put him on top of me. He tightens his little ball up more. He probably thinks I'm a stranger.
"What's the matter?"
Cesar's voice suddenly breaks the couple beats of silence. "Oh, it's Jonah. He's crying even though he's sleeping and I have no idea why."
"He might be having a nightmare." Cesar slides over to Jonah and I and gently pats Jonahs head. "It's okay, buddy. Adam and I are here for you." Hearing this, Jonah immediately quiets down. His whimpers turn into soft breaths and his crying ceases. "Thank you, Cesar." "You're quite welcome! I'll be making breakfast if you need me!" Cesar then walks out of the living room and into the kitchen. I put my hand on Jonah's face and gently rub my thumb on his cheek.
"Mm.. huh?"
Jonah wakes. He looks up at me with a confused expression.
"Why am I so curled up in y- AUGH!!"
Jonah clutches his head with both of his hands and lets out such a big groan that Mark himself (the heaviest sleeper out of all of us) wakes up. "Fuck dude.. couldya quiet down a little there, Jo?"
"Oops. Sorry."
Jonah removes his hands from his head and turns back to me.
"My head hurts.."
"It must be a hangover, like I had this morning. Here, take some of these."
I reach into the pocket of my sweatpants and pull out a couple hangover pills I saved just in case my body tried to make itself vomit or something. I hand them to Jonah and he swallows both. Without water.
"Eww. Where did you learn to do that?" I ask.
"Oh! My mom taught me. She used to take tons of pills every morning and.."
Jonah slowly trails off. Talking about his parents usually isn't a big deal. But now that they're divorced, it seems like Jonah's talking about something that never even happened. I hug Jonah tighter to prevent him from crying again. "Th-thanks Adam. I love you so much!" He pecks me on the cheek and stretches across my lap. "I love you too, Jo."
After about ten minutes, breakfast isn't even ready yet. Mark is clicking away on his phone, probably texting someone, and Cesar is nowhere to be found. "Ugh.. I'm hungry. Want me to make us something?" I lower my head and look down at Jonah, who is still laying in my lap. "Sure! You know how to make pancakes?" "Yep. They'll be right out."
I walk to the kitchen and grab a pan out from underneath one of the cabinets. I place the pan down on the table and start to make the batter.


Once the batter is done, I gently pour it into the pan that I got out. It sizzles as it hits the warm pans surface. Now I just have to wait for it to cook. I throw myself onto the counter and pull my phone out of my pocket. I start to play some shitty mobile game Jonah downloaded on it. I think this things called.. Like a Dino? Whatever it is, it's actually not that bad. It keeps him entertained, so it accomplishes something. I'm onto the second level when I feel arms wrap around my waist.
It's Jonah. His fingers interlock on my stomach and he presses himself against me.
"Are the pancakes almost done??"
His tone turns from seductive to blatantly impatient as he lays his head onto my shoulder and sighs.
"Almost. Just have some patience."
"God... Fine."
He sighs once again and stays put around me. After a couple seconds of just listening to the pancakes sizzle, Jonah removes his head from my shoulder and walks over to the pan. He carefully watches the pancakes and suddenly squints his eyes.
"Babe, what the hell are you doing?"
"I'M CONCENTRATING. Just hang on a second."
Jonah continues to squint his eyes at the pancakes, almost like he thinks he has some secret powers to make the pancakes magically cook faster or something. He squints his eyes further, and softly grunts.
The pancakes sizzles in protest. Jonah decides to stop trying to make the pancake cook and just flips it with the spatula instead. He walks back over to me and hugs me again. This time, he hugs the front of me instead. I wrap my arms around him in return. "Sho hungyyy... " Jonah mumbles into my shirt. "It's okay, Jonah. They'll be done soon. I promise.."

                  ~~~END OF PART SIXTEEN~~~

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