Chapter 4

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                     ~JONAH'S POV~
I walk to the living room and instantly see two men kissing on Adam's couch. "Uh, Adam? Who are these guys? And why are they kissing on your couch?" I ask. This makes them perk up. The one on top lifts his head to look at me. The one of the bottom holds him up and looks at me also. We stare at each other in silence for a moment. The one on the top looks to have a suit on. But why? The one on the bottom is a bit more casual, wearing a hoodie and jeans. I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. Instead, I get trampled by Adam as he races into the living room. "What the fuck? When did you guys get home?" Adam asks. Home? What does he mean by home? "Oh. We just now got here." The one in the hoodie says. "Is that your boyfriend?" The one in the suit finishes. "Uh, yeah? Did you not hear us having-" I cover Adam's mouth before he can finish his sentence. "Having what? A kissing session?" Hoodie Guy asks. Adam shakes my hand off his mouth. "No, we were having sex, you idiots!" Adam says. It's too late to recover his mouth, because the words are already out. "Having sex, huh? Looks like your new boyfriend sure knows how to please you." Suit Guy looks up at mine and Adam's hair, taking in the fact that it is clearly ruffled to shit. "Who are you two anyways?" I ask, finally regaining the confidence to speak. "Oh sorry. I'm Cesar and the one under me," he lets out a little chuckle after saying this, "is Mark."
I feel like I've heard those names before, but I don't know where from. "N..nice to meet you two." I say, looking down at the floor and offering my hand for whichever one is ballsy enough to shake it. Cesar shakes first. His hand is cold, and makes a chill go down my spine. Mark shakes after him. His hand is warm and almost feels like Adam's. "Well, I'll leave the three of you to it. I'm just gonna go get my bed situated. Ya know, where there's not the smell of horniness all over it." Adam turns to leave and walks back to his bedroom. I am left standing and looking at the two guys, who are now sitting beside each other instead of laying on top of one another. "How long have you two been dating? It must be a while since you two have had sex." Cesar asks. "Uh, we just started dating two days ago." I respond. "Two days?! It took me and Cesar two MONTHS to even start kissing!" Mark yelps. "Adam must be really horny." Cesar says. I let out a laugh when he says this. Maybe they arent so bad after all. "God damn, my ass hurts." I say. "Take some painkiller or something." Mark says. "Good idea." I race to the bathroom and rummage through the cabinets until I find the painkillers. I take two, just for good measure.
As I'm walking back to the living room, I hear a moan. "What the shit are they doing?" I mumble. I'm too tired to care at this point. When I walk in, I see Mark and Cesar frenching on the couch. "Oh." I say. I sit down on the couch and after a minute of me being there, they notice me and stop kissing. "Um, are we bothering you?" Mark asks. Cesar is trying to catch his breath. "No, not really. And is Adam done yet? I'm getting tired of waiting." "He hasn't come out yet. I don't think it takes that long to clean up after sex. You wanna go check on him or what?" Mark asks. Cesar is done catching his breath now. He throws himself into Mark and they continue kissing.
I get up off the couch and head into the bedroom. I peek inside. Adam is in his boxers on the bed, knocked out. Looks like all that sex made him tired. We did have, like, five rounds before we quit, so I can't really blame him. I take off my clothes as well and curl up next to him. It's like he can sense my presence, because he holds me closer to him. His body heat never gets old..

                     ~ADAM'S POV~
I'm having a nightmare. It's hard to describe, but its scaring the shit out of me. I know I'm being chased by something, but I can't tell what. I hug my pillow tighter. For some reason, my pillow is warm. And its breathing. Maybe I'm just tripping balls. I drift back into my nightmare. Theres an alternate. And its chasing me! I'm running across what seems to be an endless plain. I can feel my stamina draining. My pillow is squirming now. I hug it closer. It breathes on my neck. I whimper, hoping that my pillow knows how scared I am. It hugs me this time. It's so warm. It's almost like it's a person. The alternate is still chasing me, but it's getting increasingly faster now. My stamina is pretty much out. I kneel down to catch my breath. I can hear the alternate behind me. There's not much time! I struggle to catch a breath of air, and the alternate soon reaches me. It grabs me by the neck and turns me so I face it. I squeeze my pillow harder than ever now. I'm scared. I don't want to die. Even if this is just a dream, it feels real. I want Jonah. I want Jonahs kisses and his sweet, soothing voice telling me, "It's okay, Adam. I'm here." Then again, I can hear his voice. Whether it's in my mind or in real life, it makes me feel better. I loosen my grip on my pillow. The alternate seems to vanish, and I'm left with just myself in this world. No one else.. except. What is that in the distance? It looks like.. Jonah? He's running towards me now. I'm running towards him also. We meet in the center of this world and hold each other in a tight embrace. I feel safe now. Like he was the part of me I was missing. We pull apart from each other and I stare into his eyes. They are just as glossy brown as I remember. I lean in to kiss him. "Adam." Who said that? It wasn't Dream Jonah, because his mouth isn't moving. "Adam. Wake up." What the fuck? Who is saying that? "ADAM!" I snap awake to see myself strangling Real Life Jonah. I must have thought he was my pillow. "" Jonah is struggling to breathe. I let go of him. He gulps in a big gust of air. "What the hell, man? You were crying and whimpering and holding me REALLY close to you. Are you okay?" "I was.. I was having a nightmare." I reply. "Again? Isn't this one like the fifth one you've had this week? I don't even have to be your boyfriend to know that somethings up." Jonah's voice is quivering. He looks like he might throw up and cry at the same time. He's on his knees in front of me and he seems to be shaking. I must have scared him. Mark and Cesar must be gone now because it's the next morning. "I mean.. umm." I'm can't find the right words to describe what I'm going through. "It's okay, Adam. I know this is about Evelyn. What she said really got to me, but it looks like it got to you worse." Jonah is trying to reassure me, but it's just making him worse. He's shaking harder now, almost like he doesn't believe the words coming out of his mouth. I put my hand on his chin and lift his face up to look at me. "What happens to me doesn't matter. You are my world, Jonah. And as long as you're here with me, nothing can ever go wrong." He stops shaking as much, but I can still feel stress. "What would really make you feel better?" I ask. He meets my eyes. Tears are rolling down his cheeks now. "You."

                     ~JONAH'S POV~
Adam's kisses are the best. The way he's so gentle with me. Makes me wanna kiss him forever. "Adam.. I love you~" I moan it so he knows I really do. "I love you too." He closes his eyes and I know what's next. He's gonna kiss me.
He's gonna hold me and tell me he loves me. I just know it. I close my eyes and brace myself. My lips hit his and I'm under his spell. "Mmm~" Adam is moaning more than me now. I guess he really needed this. I kiss him more, getting very touchy under his shirt. He follows, putting his hands in my pants. I'm turned the hell on by this, and I show it by tugging at his shirt. I can feel his sexy chisled abs. "Adam~!" I moan his name. He moans mine in return. "Jonah~." We kiss until we've had enough, which is about an hour. Both our shirts come off (no surprise there) and we french until our tongues hurt. He bites my lip and I bite his. I went limp after about 10 minutes of our little show. That meant Adam could literally do whatever he wanted with me. So, of course, he touched me, like, EVERYWHERE and he pretty much took all my clothes off. He pleasured me, and I loved it. When we stopped, we both had to catch our breath for a long time. That's how into it we got. And the worst part is, Cesar was just standing in the doorway, waiting for us to stop kissing just so he could find the goddamn bathroom.

          ~~~END OF PART FOUR~~~

"Is This What Love Feels Like?" Adam X Jonah Fanfiction (NSFW + CUSSING)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora