Chapter 17 (a lil smutty)

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(Um so warning lol
-Adam tries to jerk off in the car
-They talk about doing It in the car
There are probably a lot more warning things I could put but I'm lazy so just enjoy)

Jesus Christ, these pancakes hit the spot. I quickly shovel forkful after forkful of pancake into my mouth. "Damn, Jonah. Slow down!" Adam is laughing his ass off at the fact that I'm this hungry. I stop for just a second to look over at him and narrow my eyes. "Nevuh." I resume piling the pancakes into my mouth. Mark and Cesar are also watching me pull off this stupid stunt.  They both turn to Adam and start questioning him about it.
"Did you give him crack?"
"What in the world is he on?"
"Does he have mental issues?"
The questions circulate back and forth between both of them. "No, you idiots. He's just really hungry.. for some reaso- JONAH, SHIT!"
I accidentally sucked a pancake down my throat and begin to violently choke. Adam repeatedly pats my back and the pancake gets dislodged from my throat. "Slow. Down." "Okay, okay. Jeez."
It has been a hot minute since Adam and I did It. I'm realizing it now after choking on the pancake. It oddly reminds me of choking on Adam's.. yeah, nevermind. But still. The point stands. We probably would have done It in Adam's car yesterday if that man hadn't come so soon. I plan to continue holding grudges. And.. oh wait. If I can somehow convince Mark and Cesar to let us do It in their guest bedroom, maybe, JUST MAYBE, we could have a wonderful night together. I walk over to Mark after finishing my pancakes. I lean down and have to whisper in his ear so Mark doesn't have any idea what I'm plotting.
"Yeah?" Mark gets the hint and whispers back.
"Um.. this is gonna be an awkward question but.."
"What's up?"
Mark goes quiet. I stand back up and Mark has a funny-looking expression on his face.
"PFFT HAHAHAHAHAHAH" Mark suddenly erupts in laughter. His face turns red with how hard he's laughing.
"Nah man, no. I know how you guys are."
"Damnit. Okay."
I pout as I swivel away from Mark on my chair. Adam is sitting on the couch, just casually being a hottie.
I hum to myself as I try to think of a good place, besides either one of our houses, to fuck. Maybe.. a hotel? No, we don't have that kind of money right now. Plus, it would just smell off the entire time. How about behind a store or somethin'? Uh, no. People could potentially see us back there. OOH! How about his car? His windows are pretty much blacked out, so even if someone heard us moaning, they couldn't peek in. Also, we got pretty damn close to doing It on the side of the road yesterday, and there is a LOT of space in his car to move around and shit.
I snap out of my thoughts as Adam continously calls my name.
"What are you staring at?"
I notice that I accidentally zoned out on Adam's dick. I guess my eyes decided "HEY LETS MAKE A FOOL OUT OF JONAH!"
I immediately avert my gaze and start to blush.
"Oh, nothing! Just, uh.. zoning out is all! I GOTTA USE THE BATHROOM!"
I quickly jump out of my chair and race to the bathroom. I shut and lock the door before sitting down on the toilet and covering my hands with my face. I know he's my boyfriend and he probably doesn't care and all, but why did my eyes just have to do me like that? I sigh and slowly get off the toilet. As I grab the door handle, however, I feel it jiggle in my grasp.
"Jonah? You in there?"
Adam's muffled voice makes me jump.
"Uh, yeah? Why, what's up?"
"Just checking on you. Don't want you to get sick or anything."
Adam's kind words never fail to make my heart flutter. Jesus, I'm in love with this guy. I unlock the door and open it. Adam is facing the door with a worried expression. Instantly, I jump into his arms and wrap mine around his waist.
He almost falls back as I plunge into him. Even so, he wraps his arms around me in return and holds me for a minute. Once we're done, I look up at him and smile.
"I love you so much, honey."
"Well, I love you too, Jonah!"
I avert my gaze again, as I'm about to ask about the car thing.
"Hey, uh.. you know how we, like, really love each other?"
"Yeah? What about it?"
"Well.. it's been a while since we.. ya know, and I really wanna try it again if it isn't too much to ask."
Adam instantly turns pink, then red, and hides his face in his hood.
His words come out like a flood, but since he usually talks like that when he's flustered, I understand what he's saying. I hold out my hand and takes Adam's chin in it. I then pull him down and warmly kiss him. He leans into me and presses me against the wall so I can't go anywhere. My hands go around his neck, while his go around my waist. We kiss for a few moments, letting our tongues softly explore each other's mouths, before pulling apart again.
"I'm so excited!!"
Adam jumps up and down before racing back into the living room with Mark and Cesar. I smile and shake my head before joining him.
All day, Adam and I have been nonstop in each others arms. It's either me in his, or him in mine. No matter the order though, cuddling has been the main thing between Adam and I today. "Are yall just glued to each other now?" Cesar asks. "Yeah, pretty much." Adam steps in so I don't have to. Adam is sitting on the couch and I'm sitting in his lap. My arms are around his neck, and my legs are messily tangled with his. Not in a sexual way or anything, just kind of messy.
"That reminds me.. Jonah?" He turns and smirks at me.
"Later, Adam. You're getting too eager now."
I laugh a little as Adam slouches against the couch, pulling me along with him.
"How much longer?" He asks. I raise my head and whisper in his ear.
"Just wait until Mark and Cesar are busy. We might just tell them that we're going out to eat or somethin'. Just be patient."
I lower my head back down and put it back into Adam's chest. He ponders the new information, his eyes drooping.
"Ugh, fine." He finally gives in and quits his pouting.
"Sooooo~! Who wants to watch a scary movie??"
Mark suddenly bursts in holding 'The Conjuring' DVD in his hand.
"Sure, I'm down." Cesar shrugs his shoulders.
"I'm in, too!" I smile at Adam, who nods in agreement. Mark then walks over to the TV and slips the little disk in. He turns off the lights and plops down onto the couch next to Cesar. He wraps his arm around him and pulls him into his side.
"What about the popcorn?" I ask.
Everyone's heads perk up, as Mark rushes to the kitchen to retrieve the bowls of popcorn he made. They are freshly popped, steam rising off of every bowl he brings us. He hands one to Adam and I, and takes one for Cesar and one for himself.
"Sorry you guys have to share a bowl. There wasn't enough popcorn available."
Mark chuckles a little after the sentence as he flips the TV onto the setting that plays the movie.
About an hour in, I can feel Adam starting to get anxious as I'm sitting on his lap. He squirms every now and then, making distressed-looking faces. I just don't get it. Why is Adam so excited now? The other times we've fucked and all that, he kind of just let it happen without any complaints. Now, he's moving around like a little toddler, anxious about getting to go to recess.
"Hey, guys?" I start talking as Mark pauses the movie.
"Yeah?" Mark turns from the screen to me, our eyes locking.
"Adam and I really wanted to go to this new place that opened up. Do yall want anything while we go?"
Adam squirms more under me. He knows what I'm plotting.
"Uh, sure! We'll just get a couple tacos or something. Isn't it Taco Central that opened up?"
"Yeah. Okay. I guess we'll see you guys in about an hour!"
I hop off of Adam's lap and walk over to the front door. I slide my Van's on as Adam grabs his car keys. We waltze out the front door and climb into his car.
Suddenly, Adam screams. It makes me jump, and I turn to him.
"What? What's wrong?!"
"Oh, I'm just.. I'M SO EXCITED!!"
He lets out another squeal of excitement before backing out of Mark's driveway. He almost hits Mark's car on the way down.
"Damn, Adam! You know what? Let me drive."
I unbuckle my seatbelt and make Adam stop in the middle of the road. Mark lives closer to the country than the actual city, so he doesn't see too many cars come up his street. Adam and I switch places, walking around each other at the back of the car. I can tell Adam is trying to hold himself back from pushing me onto the trunk, but its whatever. He'll get to do much worse things to me once we're situated. I hop into the drivers side seat and buckle my seatbelt. I see out of the corner of my eye Adam doing the same.
"So.. are you really that eager?"
I start to drive, keeping my eyes on the road instead of facing Adam when I talk.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, first of all, you're a mess right now. Second, all you could talk about during the movie was us fucking. And third, you're whole demeanor has pretty much changed."
I watch Adam shift in his seat. He's uncomfortable at the truth.
"Uh..hah, that's not true! I'm as.. n-normal as I've ever been. Yeah."
He starts to fidget with his fingers, struggling to find something logical to spit back at me.
"See? You would usually not stutter if you were telling the truth, but.. guess who stuttered?"
I take my eyes off the road for a split second to glare playfully at Adam. He's dark red and looking down at his hands. I re-center my eyes on the road and continue driving.
"Where are we going?"
Adam tries to change the subject, and succeeds because I doubt Adam wants to be interrogated even further.
"Well, I saw this abandoned looking building on the way to Mark's house and I thought that was a good place. I mean, if you want to.."
I wait for Adam to respond. He doesn't.
"Adam, I can't hear your head rattling. Speak. Use your damned words."
I pull into the parking lot a few moments later. I shift the car into park and continue to await Adam's answer.
"Adam, we're here. I need to know if you want to do it here so we can-.."
I turn to look at Adam, who is roughly rubbing his dick. I assume this idiot got some kind of high just from talking to me. His head is thrown back and his eyes are closed. Faint moans that I didn't notice before are coming out of his slightly parted lips.
He doesn't respond, and continues to palm himself.
Still nothing.
I have to yell to get Adam to stop messing with himself. He immediately snaps his head towards me and fully shuts his mouth.
"Huh? Oh- UH... I-ITS N-N-NOTHING!!"
Adam quickly removes his hand from his boner and sets his hand beside him. I grab his now empty hand and hold it in mine. His hand is cold, and squeezes against mine.
"S.. sorry you had to see that. I'm just.. well you know by now."
He still hasn't answered my question about the parking lot. I decide to bring it up again.
"So, uhm. Now that we're here, do you wanna..?"
My question lingers in the air as Adam takes his sweet sweet time to respond.
"Uh, yeah sure. But, how?"
I've been planning how to fuck him in the car. Good thing I have exactly the plan..


(Word Count: 2128)

"Is This What Love Feels Like?" Adam X Jonah Fanfiction (NSFW + CUSSING)Where stories live. Discover now