Chapter 20 (NSFW)

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(Nothing too major, just kissing TwT)

Jonahs house is just around this corner. While I'm driving, though, I start to think about what there is to even do at his house. I mean, we could fuck again, but that's kind of boring. Don't get me wrong, it's fun but when you just did it an hour ago, it can get kind of slow and tiring. Energy draining, even. I pull into Jonahs driveway, pushing the car into park as I unbuckle my seatbelt. Jonah copies my movements and, despite him getting his buckle off after me, he manages to get out of the car before me. Looks like he's pretty eager to be back at his own house. Though, sometime or later, I'm going to have to stop being with him all the time. I'm using my off-days for work, and I'm sure he is, too. He works in a.. I think it's at McDonalds or something, and I work at Chick-Fil-a. You can't really expect much from a couple twenty-three year olds just tryna make it. We will still be able to see each other, but just not as often as we are now. I mean, come on! I'm with him all the time! We both probably need a break from each other. I walk into the house behind Jonah after he fiddles with his keys and manages to get the door unlocked. He walks in the house and immediately races to the kitchen for something to eat. I, on the other hand, take a beeline for the couch. What surprises me is how comfy Jonah's couch can really be. My couch is good and all, but Jonah's really cuddles your pressure points. Makes all your sore places feel good. I let myself sink into the couch as Jonah comes back with a bag of chips. I notice, from the label on the bag, that they're tortilla chips. Plain Jonah. Always choosing plain food items to munch on. He sits down on the couch next to me and throws an arm around my shoulder. He scoots into my side and grabs the remote. When he does, however, I grab his wrist.
"Isn't there something else we could do to.. entertain each other?~"
A seductive tinge lines my voice as I brush some stray hairs out of Jonah's face. Without hesitation, Jonah leans into my touch.
"Hmm.. like what, baby?~"
His voice copies the same lined tone, making me blush.
"Like, maybe... recreating what we did in the car right here on this couch?"
"Mm.. gladly!"
Jonah then grabs my wrist, hesitantly slightly before putting my index finger into his mouth. His tongue wraps around my finger as I stare at him, my mouth gaping open. He takes it out with a satisfying 'pop!' before slowly lowering his head.
"S-sorry. I thought you would like.. that."
I lift his chin with my hand and continue stroking his hair.
"Who said I didn't like it?"
I then pick up his hand and do the same thing, taking his index finger into my mouth and wrapping my tongue around it in the same way. He turns a dark shade of red, hiding his face so I can't see his embarrassment. I 'pop' it out of my mouth as he stares at me in amazement.
"W-wow. Uhm.. how am I supposed to.. respond to tha-"
I let Jonah talk for a minute before pulling him closer to me.
"Shh.. just enjoy."
I then pull his lips into mine. I swear, everytime we do that, it's like little fireworks erupt and little hearts go everywhere, like in movies or something. He leans into me and takes the 'dominance' roll right out of my hands. Stopping the kiss, Jonah takes a second to swing his legs over my lap so he can straddle me.
"How's this position?"
"Eh, it's okay. It's kind of cramped though, haha."
Jonah climbs off of me and sits there for a minute. He turns to me and tilts his head again.
"Well, what position do you want?"
"Hmm.. your choice. Just anything but that one."
Jonah, seemingly not satisfied with the response he got, sighs and leans into the couch. After a couple moments of pure thinking, Jonah recoils up from the couch.
"Ooh! I have an idea! Let me just, kinda.."
Jonah puts his hands on my shoulders and slowly lays me down on the couch. I am now on my back, Jonah on top of me.
"I saw this one in a movie once."
Jonah then grabs the inner part of my knees and wraps my legs around his waist.
"There! Feel comfy?"
I am a blushing mess right now.
"Y-yup. It's.. it's good."
The clothed erection in my boxers increases tenfold as Jonah slinks down to start kissing my neck.
"Mm~ Jo, I love it when you do that~"
I feel Jonah smirk and moan against my skin. I guess he has a thing for praise. Noted. Slowly but surely, Jonah slides around my neck and collarbone, trying to find a sensitive spot that he can suck on. I figure it's hard, because Jonah searches and searches but just can't find it. Eventually, though, he hits a spot that makes me gasp. He stops kissing me and raises his head to make sure I'm okay.
"You good?"
I tense up as Jonah adjusts his weight on me. He accidentally grinds against me, which sends pleasant shivers up my spine.
"Y-yeah, just.. keep going, please~"
I accidentally moan the last word, making Jonah smile before he goes back to my spot. He proceeds to lightly suck on it, presumably making a dark hickey. His tongue glides against my skin, which makes me quietly moan with delight.
"H-hey, Jo?~"
"I think I shoul- ugh~- I think I should go back to my own houSE- augh~"
Jonah lifts his head and, sure enough, a dark hickey remains.
"We're using our off-days for work. I will still be able to see you! Just.. not as often, I guess."
Jonah sits up and prys my legs off of him.
"Oh. Okay."
Sadness absorbs the tone of his voice as a tear streaks down his cheek.
"No, no! Don't cry! It'll only be for a week or two, I promise."
I kiss his cheek and playfully lick the tear away. A smile takes over his face as he throws himself into me. I hug him back and we embrace for a minute.
"See? It'll be okay. Plus, you have my number, so you can call me anytime!"
"Y-yeah. Thanks, Adam."
He lifts his head from my shoulder and kisses my cheek.
"Here. I'll make you another promise. I solemnly swear, on my life, that I will call you once I get off of work."
I release Jonah from my arms and hold up a palm, mocking a salute.
"Hehe, okay. I love you, honey."
Jonah kisses my cheek and smiles.

"I love you too!"

         ~~~END OF PART TWENTY~~~

"Is This What Love Feels Like?" Adam X Jonah Fanfiction (NSFW + CUSSING)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat