Chapter 18 (SMUTTT)

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(Warnings bc I have to:
- They have sex in the car
- Orgasm reaching
- A shitton of moaning)
Sorry not sorry :))

Things are going really slow between us right now. My question is still hovering over our heads, just waiting to be answered by Jonah. He puts his hand on his chin and thinks for a moment.
"I guess we just kind of.. improvise?"
Jonah really looked like he had a plan. I didn't think he did. I mean, when does he ever plan ahead for anything?
I suddenly feel my pants rise up a little. I look down and see a large bulge.
I mutter to myself as I pull my hoodie down over it. Jonah already got upset with me when I tried jerking off while he was driving. Now that we're stopped, he has the potential to get WAY more uptight.
"What was that?"
Jonah hears my mumbling and faces me. He tilts his head to the side like some kind of puppy. His hair falls over one of his eyes. I reach up to brush it out of his eye when he grabs my hand. His fingers intertwine with mine. I suppress a moan at the sudden action.
"Hey.. are you sure you wanna do this?"
I stutter, but manage to get the sentence out.
"Y-yeah. I'm-I'm sure!"
I try to sound really enthusiastic, but I'm almost positive it comes out as needy. He squeezes my hand harder, slightly tugging me towards him.
"You don't sound right. What's wrong? Like I said, we don't have to do this if you don't want to."
"N-no! I want to! It's just.. ugh... you're just so hot."
I wanna shrivel up and die after that sentence. Jonah lets go of my hand and stares at me for a moment.
Beats of silence flow between us. Finally, Jonah speaks.
"..I know!"
He then grabs my hoodie and pulls me into him. His tongue enters my mouth and starts its exploration. I try to break free, but it doesn't work. I soon get dragged by my waist across the car and onto Jonah's lap. I'm in a position where all I can do is straddle him. My knees dig into the car seat as Jonah continues to kiss me. I can feel his warm breath on my neck as he slides down from my mouth and onto my neck.
"J-Jo-.. ngh~"
His arms slide up my shirt and start to grab at my sides. I return the favor by holding onto Jonahs shoulders as tight as humanly possible. He immediately stops kissing me after this, though. He slinks his hands back out of my hoodie and plasters a concerned look on his face.
"Did I.. hurt you? You were grabbing onto my shoulders really tight and-"
I put my index finger on Jonahs lips, gesturing for him to keep quiet. He does so.
"You didn't hurt me at all. I was actually doing that because I enjoyed it."
Jonah's face shifts from confused to a plain 'I'm stupid' look.
"Oh. Okay then. I'll continue!"
I lean back into him before he puts a hand on my chest.
"What's up?" I ask.
"Oh, it's just.. this seat is really uncomfy. Like, I don't really like sitting up and kissing. How about I.."
I watch as his hand fidgets with the left side of the seat before pulling up on the little lever that makes the seat go down. It jerks down before Jonah lets go. Now, it's more like I'm laying on top of him rather than just straddling him.
"That's better~"
Jonah then places his hand on the back of my neck and pulls me back into him. We kiss for a couple more minutes, the car growing increasingly warmer due to our constant heavy breathing. Suddenly, Jonah stops again. I let out a sigh of frustration. Why does he always have to stop when it gets good? I wasn't eager for nothing!
Jonah notices I'm zoning out and gently strokes the side of my face with his hand. I'm sure my neck is covered in hickeys by now. That'll be fun to showcase to Mark and Cesar.
I turn back to him and our eyes lock on one another. Jonah has such beautiful eyes. It's like I could get lost in them.
"Its really stuffy in here. Are you sure you still wanna-"
"Yes. I'm sure, Jonah. Now... goddamn it, just take your pants off already."
Jonah rolls his eyes and slightly scoffs at me before reaching down to his pants and unzipping them. He tosses them off into the passenger seat, revealing the bulge in his boxers.
"Oh! Hard, are we~?"
I start to fiddle with Jonah's hair as I playfully slide my hand up his thigh. His skin is so smooth and soft. It makes my erection double in size. Jonah bites his bottom lip as he tries to hold back a moan.
Jonah stutters as I place my hand on his chest. I then slide my hand down and begin gently massaging his boner.
I continue palming his boxers as he twitches around helplessly, trying to get me to stop. Jonahs hands go up my hoodie again as he tugs at my shirt.
"S-stop being a.. a t-EASE~~"
He moans even louder as my hand slips up his boxers and onto his ass.
"Fine, fine. If you really want me to.."
I then unbuckle my own belt and begin to unzip my pants. Jonah watches eagerly, his twitching reaching an all-time high.
"C-come on! Why are you being so-"
Before Jonah can finish his complaint, I press my lips gently against his. Our tongues touch, but he doesn't seem to care. We tenderly kiss as I slowly grind my boxer-restricted dick against his.
Jonah is being way more submissive than usual, bucking his hips up against me as I continue. The car fills with the sound of Jonah's loud moans. I'm glad we picked an abandoned parking lot instead of an occupied one to do this. I pull my lips off of his and stop everything at once. He looks up at me with a needy expression.
"Why'd you stop??" He whines.
"Well, I thought you wanted to go a step further, but I guess..."
Jonah yanks my hoodie so my face is inches away from his.
"Please, Adam! PLEASE!~"
"Please.. what?"
I tease Jonah again as I slide my hand from his ass over to the shaft of his dick. I can feel his precum soak my fingers. He's really desperate right now. He looks to the side in annoyance.
"..fuck me."
He mumbles, so I can't quite make out what he's saying. I wrap my fingers around Jonahs dick and slightly pump it to make him talk.
"What was that, pup~?"
Jonah closes his eyes and throws his head back as I pump his dick faster underneath his boxers.
"Oh, is that right? Well, I guess I have no choice but to.."
I then slide Jonah's boxers off to reveal his throbbing, desperate load. I've detached my hand to pull off his boxers, so it's kind of just laying there, all erect and everything. I smirk up at Jonah as I throw his boxers off into the passenger seat, joining the pants. His breath quivers as he returns the gaze. His eyes are begging to be fucked until he can't move. I can just tell. I pull my boxers off as well and throw those into the passenger seat. I then line my cock up with Jonah's entrance and tease him a little. I brush my dick against it, which causes Jonah to moan in ecstacy.
"A-Adam~ Please..~"
"You want it?~"
I seduce Jonah into bucking his hips again, but I move a little so my dick doesn't immediately enter him when he does so.
"Adam! Goddamn you- NGAH~"
Jonah whines as I slide my cock gently into him. A couple inches later (about two or three), I stop so he can adjust. His breathing is now heavy and loud, his mouth agape as he tries to fill his lungs with air.
"M-more..~ Adam!~"
Jonah grabs at the side of my neck and pulls me head down so its inches away from his. I slip my hand into the crevice of Jonahs thigh so I can slide my dick into him easier and further. His breathing speed quickens as a couple more inches are shoved inside him. I can feel his hot breath against my face.
"Wh-what would.. ahh~ we do if s..someone saw us~? Mm!~"
Jonah's pleasurable sounds escape him even more as I swivel my hips, adjusting my dick inside him. It hits a sensitive spot, which makes Jonah grit his teeth in pleasure.
"We'll just- fuck, you're so tIGHT-~.. try to hide or somethin'."
Jonah's thigh starts to slide out of my grasp due to how sweaty it is. Hopefully, when I reach my climax and everything, cum doesn't get all over the car. If it did, I would be hella pissed. The sound of our moans, my dick thrusting into Jonah, and my skin quickly slapping against Jonahs fills the car.
"AhHH~ fASTer pLEASE!"
I start to thrust in and out of Jonah at an increased pace as he reaches down to the seat adjuster and lowers the seat even more.
"Shit, how are you- ngh~- so fuckING- tight~?"
I thrust into him faster as I try to loosen his walls up a bit. My dick presumably brushes or hits Jonah's prostate, which makes him go wild.
"AUGH!~~ SHIT- adAM!~"
Jonah pulls my hood off and proceeds to tug hardly at my hair. My head gets drug into his as we passionalty kiss, our tongues curling around one another. Jonah moans into my mouth as I grind against him harder. Suddenly, I feel my climax reaching its highest point.
"Jo-NAH~! I'm gonna fucking.. AH-~!"
I then feel myself release into Jonah's warm insides. Cum starts to spill out of him and I haven't even pulled out yet. I feel Jonah reach his own orgasm as he releases his liquids around my dick. I tilt my head back in pleasure as Jonah grits his teeth and claws at my back. We ride out each other's highs before eventually stopping.
"Oh shit~-.."
I slowly and carefully pull out of Jonah, careful not to hurt him or anything. After I'm out, Jonah leans into me like this is the last time he's ever gonna see me again.
"Goddamn.. when did.. you become so good~?" Jonah moans.
"I guess with a little practice!"
I respond in a cheery tone as Jonah tries to regain his breath and slow his heart rate. I look down and realise that my cum is about to get all over the car seat if I don't do something about it.
"Shit. Well, I'll clean you up. Here." I reach into the back of the car and pull out a towel that I used at my most recent swim trip, which was about a week ago. Jonah grabs it and begins to clean himself up. Luckily, nothing goes anywhere except for on the towel. I sigh and pry myself off of him. I slip into the passenger seat and hand Jonah his boxers and pants. He reluctantly grabs them and slides them over his legs. I do the same with mine.
"So.. are you ready to go home now?" I ask.
Jonah shouts and steps on the gas pedal as we race down the street to Taco Central, laughing and talking the whole way there..


Word Count: 1978

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