Chapter 11

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"Oh, shit. Adam?" Jonah slides his knee off of my stomach. I manage to wheeze out, "Of course it is, you dipshit!" I can't breathe. Jonah knees hard. "Ow..." I inhale Jonah's blunt again and then hand it back to him. "Sorry about that. I didn't really mean to knee you that hard." Jonah raises the blunt this time and stuffs it into his mouth. "Yeah, okay. Now I know what to expect the next time I sneak up on you. Also, what the hell are you doing in a random alleyway this late?" I ask. "Didn't you read my note? It said what I was doing!" Jonah replies. "Oh.. it did? I just read that you went here." "That explains it." Jonah takes another puff of his blunt. I can tell he's way more chill because he would usually yell at me for not reading the note all the way through. Maybe this whole 'smoking weed' thing is actually worth it. "So.. how'd you know it was me that was down here?" He asks. "Oh, I saw your little stance and knew it was you. Hey, can you turn around for a second?" Jonah seems perplexed, but turns around anyways. I take a hair tie I picked up before I left off my wrist and put half of Jonah's hair up in a man bun. It makes him look really cute. He turns back around. "What did you do to my hair?" He asks. "Oh, I just put it in a little bun. Don't worry, it looks good." Jonah sighs and smoke comes out of his mouth. "Adam? Can I talk with you for a sec? Like, real talk?"
He asks. I nod, indicating he's fine to tell me anything.
"Uh.. you know how we kiss, like.. all the time?"
I nod again.

"Well, sometimes, I can't really keep up with you. I feel like we should just slow down sometimes. But, don't get me wrong! You feel and taste great! I just.. sometimes, I need a break from all the action, Adam. Sorry.."

Jonah drops his head as he takes another puff. "Sorry?"
He lifts his head back again.
"Sorry for what? Thank you for telling me! If you hadn't have told me, all of our kisses would've probably been really uncomfortable for you. I just want what you want, Jonah. Kisses or no."
A tear drops off of Jonah's chin. Shit. I made him cry-
Jonah throws himself into me and cries into my shoulder. His tears soak my hoodie. He pulls his head off of me. His eyes are red and swollen. I lean back onto the wall as hugs me further. He lays his head back onto my shoulder. Hics and sobs come from him. "Let's go home, Jonah."
I've decided to let Jonah rest, considering what he just told me. I will miss kissing him all the time, but I want what's best for him. And if I have to give up a couple kisses, it's a risk I'm perfectly willing to take. That just means when we do kiss, they'll always be filled with growing passion. Jonah's currently sleeping on the couch. His little snores are louder than ever. "Hmm...." I'm deep in thought. I've been staying at Jonah's for a couple nights. I might be able to take him to Mark's house or something. We could all just have a sleepover. It sounds childish, but when you have four gay men in a room, truth or dare is really fun to play. I pick my phone up off the counter and dial Mark's number.





"Hey Mark! Umm.. so me and Jonah wanna know if we could maybe stay with you and Cesar at your house? If that's okay with you guys, of course. It'll just be, like, one or two nights."

"That's fine with me. I'll just have to ask Cesar when he gets back from work."

"Okay! Thanks a lot, man!"

"You're welcome, Adam. Bye."


I hit the 'Call End' button and place my phone down on the counter. The decision is up in the air now. It isn't up to me anymore. I walk back to the couch and just look at Jonah for a minute. His hair is still tied up and he's sprawled out on the couch. A little drop of drool is falling out of the side of his mouth. He must have had that on his mind for a while. I let him rest a little more as I walk to the pantry and grab some of my favorite chips. I close the pantry door and walk back to the kitchen to grab a bowl. Once I've acquired one, I pour some of the chips into it. The sound presumably wakes Jonah up, as I hear him yawn. "Hey! You can't have those chips without me!" Yep, he's awake. I walk over to the couch and set the bowl down between our legs. "Wanna watch a movie or something?" I ask. Jonah nods and leans into me. I hold him with my left arm and flip on the TV. We eat the chips in silence and watch the movie together..

          ~~~END OF PART ELEVEN~~~

"Is This What Love Feels Like?" Adam X Jonah Fanfiction (NSFW + CUSSING)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora