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"Haeunnn, hurry up we're going to be late!" I complain impatiently from beside the occupied girl, relentlessly patting her back as she attempts to drink from the water fountain

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"Haeunnn, hurry up we're going to be late!" I complain impatiently from beside the occupied girl, relentlessly patting her back as she attempts to drink from the water fountain.. without getting the clear liquid all over her uniform.

Once finally satisfied with her drink, she turns around to face me with a cheeky smile on her face, shaking her head in disbelief. "Relax Mi, we still have like... fifteen minutes before we need to be at the auditorium—"

I cut her off by shoving my phone screen in her face, showing off the large letters which display: '12:26PM.' Her eyes widen as all the color drains from her face.

"Oh shit." The girl deadpans as if she's seen a ghost. She spins around on her heels and before I know it, she's setting off into a run down the long hallway.

"Hey— H-haeun, wait up!" I shout after the thin-framed girl as I scramble to collect the bag she left behind, my eyebrows furrowed deeply with wide eyes. I quickly rush after her long strides while clutching onto both of our backpacks, an agitated huff leaving my lips as they spring up and down with my steps.

This whole day has been stressful from the get-go.

First, my alarm didn't go off this morning, causing me to miss my bus to school. I had to run the entire way to school instead, since my father already left for work. Thankfully our apartment isn't too far from the school, though— we live in the old downtown apartment complex, just a few blocks away from the school.

Second, it's the filmmaking competition day, which in itself makes it a stressful day. I take the junior filmmaking course at Seokmun high school, which often gives the class opportunities to join competitions against more advanced students. Like college students and upperclassmen from other schools.

Like today for instance. My friend Haeun and I were partnered together to create a film with the competition theme of 'acceptance after hardships.' The physical competition is held at the local college, so after arriving at school, Haeun and I hopped on the bus— along with another duo who will be competing in the name of our school, and arrived at the college.

Outbreak = Heartache | yang jungwon 정원Where stories live. Discover now