Save me!

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Well with one sister down, let's talk about there second oldest sister miss bee, she lives down by the swamp. As her people have 2 eyes and either dark brown skin or light skin, her eye and her skin were different, she had green skin with a patch of purple skin where her eye was. Then we get to her one eye, it was a beautiful blue color that made the ice mountains in the witch's territory shiver. Well enough of looks let's get into her story.

As miss bee stood taller then most of her people at age 7 she didn't mind, yes she was the tallest in her class and others did mind. But she never did blame them. " Cynthia! For this man hunt how about you pair with miss bee?" There archery teacher told. As the rest of the class giggled. Cynthia didn't, she actually found miss bee as a mother figure. "Miss bee?" Cynthia said "yes" miss bee stated. "Why is your skin like that?" Cynthia said not trying to be rude. "Well I believe it's because my father is one of the highest commanders in are plane. "Wow! Cool!" Cynthia shot.

35 years later

"Miss bee!" As a raspy voice shot.
"Yes papa?"miss bee said annoyed.
"You don't need to take care of me baby doll" miss bees father said trying to convince her.
"Papa you're 74 I need to take care of you"miss bee said.
"Well I'm dying honey, the healer said I have less then 3 days"miss bees father said quick. Miss bee stood there tall like always. Her father was the only one that said ~stand tall~ or ~they don't know you~ she knew what he meant, but this he was dying?! She couldn't take leaving him but as her father said "it's my dying wish, as you are going to rule in my place" "yes father" miss bee said looking for an excuse to cry but she could never find one.

After five days, and the funeral.

"Miss bee!"one girl said
It's was Cynthia, in the flesh. She saw miss bee at the funeral upset but composed. As miss bee was 6,7 and Cynthia was 5,4 miss bee had to look down which made them both giggle "oh miss bee it's been so long, how your rain coming along?" Cynthia said trying to clam down after laughing for a bit. "Well I have many planes but nothing to important" miss bee said clearing her throat. "Well see you around mb!" Cynthia said with excitement.

Miss bee was glad that she got to see one of her old friends but then out of the corner of her one eye she saw a man quite short about 5,6 in her eye at least.
She walked a little ways out of her swamp she look at the man closer. He was a fox like man, very blonde hair. Miss bee thought it was cute. She went more ways out of her swamp to greet the man. "Hello?" Miss bee asked the man out of curiosity."ahh hello there ma'am"the strange man fixed his glasses. "Miss bee." The giant cyclops spoke.
"I um Alexander lee" the man looked shook
Miss bee crouched down to get a better look at him
He blushed "what are you doing miss bee?" He fixed his glasses once more. "Who are you?" "What are you?" She said looking at him dead in his eyes "why were you in my kingdom..?" She said looking serious. "I uhm I lost my way back to my kingdom looking for my messenger" he said looking down. "Well it's getting late you can come back to my village and stay for the night?" She said smiling "really, I uhm ok!" He said with passion.

Miss bee picked up the strange fox man and put him on her shoulder, avoiding many tree branch's as possible. As they got back to her village, miss bees people looked at the strange man with disgust.

"Everyone!" Miss bee shouted toward her people.
"This is Alexander lee, treat him as your guest!" Miss bee shot hurting the poor man's ears. As miss bee put him down, miss bees people came up to him giving him things and as the swamps younger crowd played with him, miss bee felt happy, but on the other hand someone else didn't.

"Miss bee!" Cynthia yelled. "Yes dear what is it" miss bee asked "who is this new man in our kingdom?" Cynthia asked sort of angry enough to make Miss Bee understand how she was feeling. "Cynthia I can assure you, he is not a threat" miss bee told her. But Cynthia's anger grew, she felt as miss bee was replacing her. "Whatever, see you mb" Cynthia says before leaving miss bee to stand there, alone.

Little dose Cynthia know she would regret that for the rest of her life, well until it ended trying to save the only one she cared about.


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