New Found Friends.

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As Miss bee stood there, while Cynthia ran away with guilt. Miss bee knew that she had lost one of her only friends, but she also knew Cynthia had her problems but that gave her no excuse to yell at her guest especially when she knew that even if he was a threat, Miss bee could squash him, like a bug.

"Miss bee?" Alex said for concern for her.
"Uhm oh yes Alex" Miss bee said looking back at him.
"I need to get back to my kingdom, I know with everything that just happened I-" Alex tried to say but got cut off.
"Alex it's alright come on, let's get to your kingdom, you have all of your stuff right?" Miss bee said.
"Yes I believe so" Alex said griping his bag.
"Ok let's go then" Miss bee said picking up Alex once more.

As Miss bee came to the tree line of the forest, she stopped. "Alright point in the direction of your kingdom?" Miss bee asked.
"That way!" Alex said with confidence as he pointed northeast.

As Miss bee walked through the forest with Alex on her shoulder. Alex said something breaking the silence.
"Uhhh Miss bee?"
"Yes?" Miss bee asked.
"I think I gave you bad directions" Alex said with guilt.
"Well lets-" Miss bee said before stopping her words

There was a glimpse of a house in the distance.
"Alex you see that? Maybe we can ask for directions?" Miss bee asked.
"I uhm ok Miss bee, you're the boss." Alex said.

As they approach the house, they see an axe fly by them.
"HEY WHO THE HELL ARE YOU, STEPPING ON MY WITCHS LAND?!" A raspy woman's voice yelled.
"Elizabeth calm down" other girl said probably the witch.
"No no I'm on Liz's side here we don't know what the fox thing is capable of" a sort of dog like thing said glaring at the man.
"Look we mean no trouble we just want directions" Miss bee spoke up.
"Oh well where are you headed" the witch said walking over with lavender in her hand.

As the zombie looking lady ran past the giant and the fox man. The puppy looking human walking with the witch.

"To my kingdom, Banzai." Alex spoke up.
"Oh he can talk?" The puppy said.
"Winter!, don't be rude!" The witch said.
"Banzai huh?, ok well let me see" The witch says while pulling out a scroll.
"If I may ask what are you're names" Miss bee said picking Alex off her shoulder.

"Oh I'm Kaylie Ann, this is-" Kaylie said but get interrupted.
"Winter!" The puppy spoke.
"And the other girl is-" Kaylie said but getting interrupted again.
"KAYLIE HELPPPPP MY AXE IS STUCK IN THE TREE" The girl yelled for Kaylie to help.
"Elizabeth..." Kaylie said while walking over signaling for the pair to come with them.

As they get to where Elizabeth was she was saying something in tongues.

"NON NON MON BÉBÉ" ( it means "no no my babe!")Elizabeth spoke with anger.
"What is she saying?" The fox man said.
"Well wouldn't you want to know" Winter said with sarcasm.
"Yes I would?" Alex asked.
"Ugh, she's speaking French" Winter said annoyed.

As Kaylie helped Izzy get out her axe, Miss bee asked if she could make a potion to make her smaller for a time, so that's what Kaylie did.

"Oki! It's done Miss bee!" Kaylie said holding a strange  pink potion.
"Thank you!" Miss bee thanked her as she drank the potion.

After Miss bee drank the potion, she was smaller!
"Wow you  didn't fuck up the potion this time, good job!" Elizabeth said sarcastically.
"Oh shush you it bitch" Kaylie said glaring at Elizabeth.

"Uhm Kaylie?" Miss bee said for the bedroom she was in.
"I need clothes" Miss bee said embarrassed.
"Oh yes ofc there in the dresser!" Kaylie shot. (Btw there kinda wearing all the clothes that of in the pic<3)

As Miss bee walked out of the bedroom, Alex blushed, yes it was true he did have a small crush on the girl but he couldn't tell her.

"Oh btw Miss bee!" Kaylie said.
"Yes?" Miss bee asked.
"Your clothes are fit when you turn back to your normal hight!" Kaylie told.
"Oh good" Miss bee said.
"Well Alex you have the map I gave you?" Kaylie asked.
"Yep right here" Alex said holding up the map.
"Ok well it's a magical map, when you get to your destination it will disappear and come back to its holder." Kaylie told.
"Oh good to know!, well I best be out thank you for everything." Alex said Getting ready to go out the door.
"Ba bye! Everyone said but Alex.

He was already out the door.

Back over at the crystal cave, Cynthia joined them on there quest to find and kill the four sisters.

"Well Cynth I don't think we have a choice." one of the goblin type things said.
"Yea Theos right, I mean it's just we gotta do what we gotta do." The other thing said

"Well whatever, I'm not killing her ky." Cynth said.
"Do what you wanna do lady" Theo said taking a sip of his wine.

Hopefully those new found friends stay friends and don't get each other killed..............

Love x war/ &quot;My four kingdoms&quot;Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora