. protect and eat .

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A few hours later when everyone was settled with Mindy getting back, they went out into the kingdom leaving Elizabeth and Leo alone, they heard a knock at the door a few hours after they left.
"Leo!" "Can you get the door!" Elizabeth yelled for the man.
He didn't say anything but he got the door.
When he opened the door he saw the most odd thing, but he knew what it was, it was the vampires.
"Hello sir we have came to collect Ms. St Jane."one of the guards said looking up.
For the first time Leo said something.
"She doesn't want to come with you" Leo said in a raspy voice.
"I don't think you speak for her, now if you excuse me and my knights we'll get her our self's." The same guard said while trying to push Leo to get in house.

When the guard did that Elizabeth came down.
"Leo?" Elizabeth asked.
"Ah Ms. St Jane, we're here to collect you for your Father." The guard spoke glaring at Leo.
"Oh well I don't wanna go, so tell my father that will ya?" Elizabeth said grabbing Leo's arm pushing him away from the guard.
"I don't think that's in option Elizabeth." The guard said.
"Yeah well I don't care" "now get, and actually I swear to god if you come back here I'll drag you all outside at the brights time of the day and watch you burn" Elizabeth said doing that same glare.

As she said that the vampire got angry, he couldn't hold his anger inside. So when she said that he took out his knife and held it tight.
"If you don't come with us, we'll make you" The man said.
"Try me" Elizabeth said cold.
Leo looked at the girl, she looked like she was going to rip their head off, he would let her though.
"If you don't come with us we'll kill that hybrid of yours" The man said looking up at him.
How did he now he was a hybrid?? Only Gina knew..well I guess Liz knows..I don't think she'll-
As Leo was lost in his thoughts he saw Elizabeth walking to the guard.
"Elizabeth what are you doing!?" Leo said sort of coughing.
"What I should have done 5 minutes ago." Elizabeth said before pulling out her new axe.
Elizabeth left her other one at the cottage, so Leo made her a new one, not as good but still.

"Oh Elizabeth you wouldn't do anything to me, I'm your father's favorite guard" He said.
"I won't, but he would" Elizabeth said looking at Leo with pleading eyes, she didn't wanna go away, not from her friends, they were her family, the one thing she never really had.
"Get away" Leo said walking to the men.
"What are you going to do? Oh please you wouldn't do anything to me or my men, your just some stupid Orc, your practically extinct" the man said laughing.
"How about we take outside I don't wanna get the Princess dirty?" Leo said taking off his mask, he had big tusks, it looked like they hurt.
"Elizabeth, take my coat" Leo said as the two men came out to the front of the house, thankfully there was a cover over some spots in front of the cottage.
As they went out of the house, they stood feet apart from one another, Leo looked back at Elizabeth, she was held by the other men that were with her.
As he looked at her, she was with pleading eyes, he got back to the fight.
"So Leo are you going to have the first chance?" The vampire said smirking.
"What do I get if I win" Leo asked.
"The girl and we'll leave" The man said.
"And if I win I get the girl and you get nothing" The man said.
"Deal" Leo said.
"I was going to get her anyways but deal" The man Said.
"You pervert" Leo whispered but the vampire could hear.

As Leo whispered to the guard, the vampire charged to Leo.
The guard was about to stab Leo, Leo grabbed his shoulder and turned him around and took his knife and put it against his throat.
"Do you surrender?" Leo asked.
"Never" the guard said as he bit Leo's arm. He Let go of him and the knife falling to ground.
"LEO!" Elizabeth yelled as she tried to get out of the other guard grip but they held her tight.
"Oh Leo, say your goodbyes to your GiRlFrIeNd" The guard said picking up the knife from the ground and held his hair back his putting it to HIS throat.
"Like I would let you touch her" Leo said.
Leo grabbed his neck and squeezed it. Leo got off the floor, still holding his neck and walked to the light.
"And she's not my girlfriend" Leo said as he threw the vampire into the sun.
Leo looked back at Elizabeth she was on the verge of tears as she got out of the other men's grasp and hugged him tight, he blushed.
What Leo didn't realize was as he grabbed the guards neck, the man stabbed his side.
When Elizabeth realized what happened she screamed for her friends, the other vampires just laughed.
"OH DO YOU WANNA JOIN YOUR LEADER?" Elizabeth yelled as she tried picking up Leo bridal style, it hurt like hell but she did and ran down the mountain that the cottage was on.

When the two got to the main town she saw the others walking to the mountain. Gina saw what happened first.
"Oh my Elizabeth what happened!!" Gina said running to the two of them concerned.

When they got back up on the mountain.
The vampires were still on the porch talking amongst themselves.
"Woh lady? Chill out we aren't going to hurt you, but we do need the princess so yeah" One of the men said.
"As much as she is annoying she's not going anywhere with your perverts" Mindy shot back.
"Oh that's to bad" Another one of the men said.
"Yeah for you" Mindy said cold.

As she said that she held out her hand and a black mist come from it, when the vampires saw it they dropped dead.
"What the hell was that!" Kaylie asked as Elizabeth and Leo and the others besides Mindy and Kaylie went inside.
"A little party trick, now get your sorry ass inside" Mindy shot.
Kaylie didn't say anything she just went inside Mindy following soon after.

When Leo was in a room where when you got injured you'd go there first, then your bedroom.

"Leo?" Elizabeth said while opening the door and shutting it quickly.
Leo said nothing, it hurt for him to talk so he nodded in response.
" I wann tell you something but promised to not tell the others!" Elizabeth said looking a bit down.
Leo nodded his head again.
"Those vampires weren't vampires, they were a mist made from goblins" Elizabeth said

Apparently Mindy told Elizabeth about them, that's why she made that mist that killed them, the thing is why did they want Elizabeth and what were they going to do to her if Leo lost...........

Love x war/ "My four kingdoms"Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora