. Fishy .

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Gina was running down the hall, not knowing if the person that chased her was still alive. When she stopped to get some air, she saw a woman with strawberry blonde hair walk out of a room with a bloody knife. Gina hide behind a wall before making sure that the woman was gone. Gina didn't know who she was, but she looked older than she was. She got out from behind the wall and went to the door that the woman came out of. When she realized she was locked out, she kicked at the door over and over until it busted open. When she did that, she saw Isaac bleeding from his calf hunched over on a table. Gina came rushing over.

"Isaac?!" Gina said trying to pick him up.
"Gina, please go, I lost  a lot of blood" Isaac told.
"Over my dead body! Isaac you are one of our only allies for the war! I'm not leaving you!!" Gina told as she got Isaac on his feet.
"Gina guards are going to be here any minute." Isaac said.
"Well that's why I'm a witch." Gina said. Just as Gina got out her spell book, three guards came in.

"Oh god damn it, why do guards always come when about to get out my book?!" Gina complained.
"Stop in the name of Zorron!!" The Middle guard yelled. Gina laughed as she placed down Isaac. The left guard came running toward her. Gina scoffed and went after them. The guard held up their knife and cut her arm. Gina was unbothered by this. She just went around then and kicked their back. Just then as the left guard was on the ground, the right guard came and grabbed her arms, Gina gulped and flipped them over, leaving them on top of the right guard. Gina walked over to the guards on the floor and picked up the knife, when she looked back at the middle guard, she saw that they were scared of her, Gina was shocked, Zorron soldiers were one of the strongest men and women sense forever.

Gina just threw the knife at the middle guard, landing it straight in their eye. They then fell to the floor, pulling out the knife, Gina walked over and picked up the knife.
"That will you teach you to keep your mouth shut" Gina said. Gina then dropped the knife and ran back to  Isaac, totally forgetting him.
"Oh sorry Isaac!! Are you ok?" Gina asked.
"Yeah, but that's bad ass." Isaac said.
"Thanks" Gina thanked.
"Well uhm, can we get to a nurse? I'm kinda still bleeding" Isaac asked.
"Oh my god!! Yes of course!" Gina told. Gina then picked up her book and found a spell to take them back to the main floor. When they got back to the main floor, they saw Miss bee and Alex. Gina thought Miss bee would know what what to do. Gina walked Isaac over to the two.
"Hey uhm, Miss bee, Isaac got into some trouble." Gina told.
"Oh what hap-" Miss bee finally looked at the injury.
"What happened dear?" Miss bee held up Isaac's head.
"I don't know, I just need help" Isaac told. Miss bee got down and looked at his calf.
"My dear, I don't know how to treat this" Miss bee told. Alex looked shocked. I mean no one knew this but, Alex thought of Isaac as a mentor.
"But I know who can" Miss bee said. Just then Mindy found the four.
"Hey bee, what the fuck happened Isaac?" Mindy asked.
"I got injured" Isaac said.
"Well treat it?!" Mindy said annoyed.
"Min, I can't it's to deep, but you know Mera? On the west side?" Miss bee asked.
"Queen of Serafina? The fish? Hell yeah" Mindy exclaimed. The sirens are a manipulative kind, but nevertheless, they made quick alliances, so if you were in need of help, they would be there.

"Well my loves, we need to find the rest of the group" Miss bee told.
"Can Liz sit this one out?" Mindy asked crossing her arms. Miss bee looked over and gave Mindy a death stare.
"Ok god giant" Mindy shot. Just as Miss bee was getting her things, she saw Elizabeth walking around with a turkey leg in hand.
"Elizabeth!!" Miss bee said while waving a white handkerchief. Elizabeth turned her head and pointed at her chest.
"Yes come here!!" Miss bee yelled. Elizabeth started to walk over to the rest of her group.
"What's up guys?" Elizabeth took a bite of her turkey leg. Miss bee crossed her arms.
"Well uhm you see, Isaac has a injury, and we need to take him to seek care" Miss bee told.
"Ok and? It's not like it's my fault" Elizabeth said waving her turkey leg.

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