New problem found

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While Elizabeth and her father were talking and the other were talking with the other party members, Elizabeth had the heart to ask her father if he would help for the war.
"Father If I may ask, you know the queen of Scar?"
"Yes? What about her."
"We'll she's here tonight and we were wondering if you would help us go to war with the Zorro king.."
"Elizabeth, babydoll, listen ugh a while back, we got into a war with the angels."
"Well how many people were left dead?"
"Well that doesn't mean you can't help us, right?!"
"We can't babydoll"
"Enough, you are 15 Elizabeth I can't have you leave me again"

As Elizabeth said that, she picked up her dress and went to go find her friends.
"Wait Elizabeth!" Her father yelled.
Elizabeth just ignored him, nothing left to say.
As Elizabeth looked for her friends she saw Kaylie and Miss bee talking.
"Kaylie, Miss bee!" Elizabeth yelled to the two.
"Yes dear?" Miss bee asked.
"Yea what's up?" Kaylie asked.
"My fath-" Elizabeth tried to say but got cut off, with Mindy coming to them, stuffing some food into her mouth.
"Yes Liz whats up?!" Mindy asked.
"Will you please! Ugh whatever. My father won't go threw with the alliance!" Elizabeth said with despair.
"WHAT?!" Mindy yelled, everyone looking at her.
"MINDY" Miss bee shot back.
"what?!" Mindy said putting her plate of food on the table.
"If I may I know some people that could help." Kaylie told.
"Where?" Miss bee asked.
"Landia" Kaylie said cold.
"The kingdom of witch's and wizard's?" Miss bee asked.
"Well I have some friends there they could help a bit." Kaylie told.
"Ok, well then I'll have Blaze get the horses ready." Mindy told walking off finding the man.
"I'm going to say goodbye to my father" Elizabeth said also walking off, cold.

As Elizabeth went to find her father, leaving her friends, she felt bad for her father, she just yelled at him.
Well whatever she can't look back on the past all she can look at is what's right in front of her.
"Father!" "There you are!" Elizabeth yelled running to him pushing people in her way.
"Oh yes Elizabeth?" Her father said looking down.
Elizabeth came to a stop when she got to her father.
"Oh I just wanted to say goodbye, cuz we're going to Landia!" Elizabeth said hugging her father.
"Elizabeth dear I don't want you going on these dangerous adventures, you could get hurt" her father said pulling away from the hug.
"But dadd-" Elizabeth said but go cut off.
"But nothing, you know what happened to your mom." Her father said looking down at her.
(Actually she doesn't 🙄🤓😑)
"I know but"
"BUT NOTHING ELIZABETH MARIE" Her father yelled, everyone looking at the two.
"WELL IM NOT MY MOTHER" Elizabeth shot back.

As Elizabeth yelled, she turned around and left for the horses. As Elizabeth walked to the door, she stopped, she saw a little green, thing? When she looked at it, it ran into a nearby room. Elizabeth grew up in the place so she knew that the room didn't have any other exit's in the place, so she ran off into the room.

"Hey who's in here!" Elizabeth called out while she closed the door.
"Hello?" Elizabeth said looking around the room.
As Elizabeth looked she found the thing.
"Why hello!" Elizabeth said.
"H-hi" The thing said standing up.
"What are you doing in my castle?" Elizabeth said looking down.
(Elizabeth's like 5,7 and the girl is 5,2 mkay🫣)
"I was just looking for something to eat" the thing said looking down.
"Oh well you want me to get you something?" Elizabeth asked.
"Please.." the girl said.
"Ok come on!" Elizabeth said grabbing the girl going for the main door.

When Elizabeth came out of the castle with the girl at her side, she saw her friends getting ready to go to Landia.
"Guys guys!" Elizabeth yelled running down the stairs.
"What Liz" Mindy said.
"I found a new friend!" Elizabeth shot.
"Oh lord" Mindy said.
"Oh well we can bring her!" Miss bee said.
"Oh great!"

When everyone was on their horses heading to Landia.

"Soooo what's your name?" Elizabeth asked.
"I don't have one I don't think" The girl said.
"Hmmmm let's think!" Elizabeth said.
"How about we go around and see what name is best!" Elizabeth said putting her hands up in the air.
"How about Lilly?" Kaylie said.
"Fuck no!, how bout yair?" Mindy spoke up.
"No, how about Cynthia?, that name is very dear to me."
"No!-" "I like it" the newly Cynthia said.
"Ok then" Elizabeth said with a sparkle in her eyes.

Kaylie thought ugh why did Elizabeth's father have to be stubborn and say no. We really do have a new problem found...............

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