. Some Voodoo Bitch .

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"Blaze do you hear that?" Gina asked. Blaze looked at Gina with a confused look. "What do you mean?" His said.
"There's music" Gina told.
"And lights!!" Elizabeth butted in. Isaac looked three of them.
"I like your new look Liz" Isaac said.
"Thanks, I sold it from some voodoo shop" Liz thanked. Isaac chuckled.
"My queen" Blaze looked over at Mindy, she was drinking some black coffee.
"What?!" Mindy asked annoyed.
"Do you hear that music" Blaze asked.
"And those lights!!" Liz came back into the conversation.
"Omg, enough with the lights" Mindy yelled. Making everyone in the shop look at them.
"What the fuck are you looking at?!!" Mindy spat.
"Mindy! What's going on?" Miss bee came over.
"There's music!" Gina told.
"And!-" Liz shut her mouth.
"Hmm isn't the festival this time of year?" Miss bee asked, looking over at Mindy.
"Yeah Bee."
"Can we go?" Winnie heard the conversation.
Miss bee and Mindy said at the same time.

"Miss bee we came here for Isaac, and we are going back" Mindy told.
"Come on, the kids have never seen the festival" Miss bee said.
"Yeah so what?" Mindy scoffed.
"It only comes every few years, maybe it'd be good for us to take a break" Miss bee pleaded with Mindy. While Miss bee and Mindy were arguing, Gina saw someone, a girl, she looked about the same age as her, maybe a bit older. She had golden eyes, and dirty blonde hair. She was walking off what looked like a stage? Leo noticed her looking at the girl and walked over.
"Gina? You ok?" He asked.
"Yeah, but do you see that girl?"Gina asked "Yeah?" Leo said.
"She looks human, more human than a witch.." Gina said.
"That's silly Gina, no human has ever stepped foot on earth, not since the Gods made the world of course" Leo told. Mindy noticed them looking at something.
"What are you two abortions looking at?!" Mindy yelled.

"Not I.R.O.N, Bee you see'n this?" Mindy tapped on Miss bee's shoulder and pulled her to see the band.
"They haven't played in years!!" Miss bee exclaimed.
"Who's the blonde girl?" Gina asked.
"That's the lead singer, Scarlett, stage name, Electra." Miss bee smiled.
"What are we looking at over here?" Kaylie came into the picture.
"I.R.O.N" Mindy said in sort of a sarcastic ? Tone of voice.
"Wait you've seen I.R.O.N??" Miss bee asked.
"Uhm yeah! My mom took me to see them near the Tuzitha Empire, before it burned down of course." Kaylie answered. Scarlett stepped back on stage.
"Omg she's doing another song we gotta go!!" Kaylie pleaded. "Yeah come on Min" Leo asked.
"This doesn't involve you Leo" Mindy sighed.
"Ok fine, Leo gather up everyone else, I don't care at this point." Mindy turned at and walked out from under the shaded coffee shop.

Leo gathered everyone up and went to the concert.
When they got closer they heard rock music, they saw two other members. One was a fox, he wore a orange pineapple shirt, and yellow corduroy, he was the gaiter player. Then there was a goat man, he wore a purple shirt with sweat pants, his hair was tied back and it looked bleached, he was the drummer in the band.
Then there was Scarlett, was wearing a brown dress and a medal chest plate and medal boots. They were playing music.

After that the crowd cheered, apparently that was the bands most popular song.
"That was so cool!!" Elizabeth squealed.
"Yeah" Leo says as he rubs the back of his neck. While Elizabeth was cheering and Leo was just being nervous around her, Gina noticed that Scarlett was looking at her the whole time she was singing, but Gina didn't know why.
"Hey Gina, didn't you notice Electra looking at you the whole song?" Isaac put his hand on her shoulder.
"Yeah so?" Gina asked.
"She liiike's yooouu" Blaze put his head on her other shoulder.
"Get off me Blaze" "and no, she doesn't like me, there's probably just something in my teeth or something" Gina told.

"Well everyone thank you for coming!!! It was a real party, please come again!!!" Scarlett yelled at the crowd, but only looking at Gina.
"See!! That's what I'm saying!!" Blaze came in front of Gina.
"What's up mutt" Mindy came over and crossed her arms.
"Oh hey Min, we were just telling Gina that Electra likes heeer" Isaac teased.
"Scarlett does like girls, so it's possible" Mindy told.
"You know I dated a girl once, the sex wasn't that good but it was ok" Mindy nodded.
"Mindy do you only talk about sex?" Kaylie came over with Winnie in her arms.
"Oh shut the fuck up" Mindy shot back.
"Guys! Come on!!" Miss bee called them over. They walked over to Miss bee and she was with the others.

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