. The new queen .

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Back with Elizabeth

As Elizabeth stood, blood dripping down from her face, the door that Mindy just left from opened. When Mindy walked threw the door with Winnie behind her, Mindys jaw dropped when she saw the new queen of Lavera in front of her.
"Elizabeth?!" "What the hell happened?!" Mindy yelled as she ran to the girl.
"I'm fine let's just get out of here" Elizabeth told trying to wipe off the blood from her face.
"No I want to know what happened!?" Mindy yelled.
"Listen y'all, I can't get my dress dirty so how bout we rap this up and get going" Winter said.
"No I want to know!" Mindy shot back.

"I'm fine! Just let's go" Elizabeth looked back at her new guards. "Go back to my kingdom, NOW" Elizabeth yelled as she left the castle with Mindy and Winter following her.

Back at the cottage.

Back at the cottage, Kaylie was begging for Isaac not to tell them what happened in the kitchen. He eventually agreed as, Miss bee and the others came home.
"We're back dear!!" Miss bee yelled making it echo threw the cottage.
"Oh heyyy Miss bee" Kaylie said leaning on a wall with her hands behind her back.
Miss bee gave Alex her stuff and he ran to her room.
"So is Mindy and Elizabeth back yet?" Miss bee asked as she took a sip out of her canteen.
"Oh no!" "But I think they'll come back eventually" Kaylie told as she sat down in a chair at the table, Miss bee slowly doing the same.
"Are you sure?" Miss bee asked putting her hand on her cheek.
"Yes!!" Kaylie said said quick.
"Ok...." Miss bee said getting out of the chair and going to get changed into her night gown.

Blaze saw Kaylie look at him, he smirked in response. 5 hours go's by and then faint screams came from the village. Kaylie heard this and thought- really?, I'm in my nightgown. But Kaylie just went downstairs to see everyone else in their night attire, Miss bee looks at her and motions for her to come on.

When they got to the village.

They got down from the mountain and saw all of the Landia people shocked. The group goes to another group of people.
"Hello!, uhm what's all the commotion about?" Miss bee asked. The group didn't answer, they just pointed to see a faint picture of a girl and woman, the girl was on the horse, the woman next to the horse with her hand on its main. The group came more into view, when they saw non other then Elizabeth, Mindy and Winner?!!?
Elizabeth was soaked in blood with a small bits of her flesh ripped, Mindy on the other hand was perfectly fine, I mean she is the queen of Scar after all.

The crowd just screamed and ran away as she came closer. Miss bee didn't know what was happening, but she knew that she was ok. Miss bee got away from the others and went into the middle of the remaining crowd.
"EVERYONE ITS ALRIGHT CALM DOWN!!" Miss bee yelled. The crowd was speechless, all they could do was stand and stare. Elizabeth and Mindy came over to Miss bee, now the others saw that Winter was holding Mindys hand.
Miss bee smiled at Mindy and Mindy grined back.
"NOW LET THE NEW QUEEN OF LAVERA THREW" Mindy shot agian. The crowd of people ran away and Mindy and the others went back to the mountain.

When everyone got to the cottage, Elizabeth got off the horse, not answering any of the others questions and tied up her horse and storming into the cottage, storming into her room.

Everyone didn't know what was going on, expect Mindy and Winnie, so everyone sat down around the dinner table and Mindy explained the situation. Everyone was shocked, how could Elizabeth kill her father! I mean she's such a bright and bubbly, I mean she's just a nice person to be around, how could she kill her father?!

"Woah woah woah, so when Kaylie and Blaze were mak-" Isaac asked but got cut off by Kaylie covering his mouth.
"Isaac!!" Kaylie yelled. Everyone looked at them, then Kaylie took away her hand and went upstairs embarrassed.
"Well I suppose we should all go to bed" Miss bee said as she went upstairs.

Back with Elizabeth.

Elizabeth was in her bathroom changing out of her blood soaked cloths and into her night gown. When she was done she went out of her bathroom she thought- thanks a lot Liz now you're queen and everyone in this stupid town thinks you're some monster.

Now the new queen has a lot of things she has to settle........

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