xviii. football

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Rowan sat in the football locker room. School just started up again and tonight was their first game of the season.

She had told no one of this game, but she was sure that Dick knew since he also went to the school, but she was hoping he didn't. It's not that Rowan sucks, it's just that everything has been a little awkward with the team ever since their last mission. Y'know, when Rogue almost killed Kladur.

The girl was dressed for the game and her hair was in two dutch braids that M'gann did for her. She had on eye black under her eyes. Rowan was fucking ready.

The brunette walked into the boy's locker room with Angelina, whooping as they did. They all fed off each other's energy to get their adrenaline pumping. 

She locked eyes with August, also known as, Phantom. He didn't know she was Rogue, but she had to keep her distance. The boy walked closer and slung an arm across her shoulders, "Let's fucking win this thing!" He cheered as the team lined up by the door that led to the field.

They all could hear the announcer, "Welcome to the first Varsity game of the season! We'd like to thank you all for coming and enjoying this great game with us. Starting with the quarterback, Colin Hughes, number seven!" The boy ran out and cheers could be heard. "Next up, we have the one and only, Rowan Blake, running back, number twenty-four!" 

The girl ran out, holding her helmet in her right hand. She could barely see the crowd from the large light that shined on the field. Rowan did a quick handshake with the QB and waved to the crowd once more with a large smile. She lined up as he announced more. She did handshakes, fist bumps, and yells, as she felt her heart racing.

The girl was a fullback, meaning she was mostly by the linesman, ready to tackle the other team. But, she also catches the ball and all that shit. It really wasn't hard if you practiced enough.

Once the whole team was on the field, they got in their positions. She was behind the QB. Her spot allowed her to see the stands a bit more, but right then, she wished she never looked.

In the stands, there was Dick, Wally, M'gann, Artemis, Kaldur, and Superboy. Basically the whole fucking team. The martian immediately jumped up and down when they made eye contact, "Go, Rowan!"

The said girl smacked her hand to her forehead. Colin looked behind him with a smirk, "That your cheerleader, Blake?"

If it was anybody he was talking about, she would laugh it off. But, this was sweet, innocent M'gann who would never hurt a fly. A wave of protectiveness crossed her and she narrowed her eyes at the acne-ridden boy, "If you say another word about her, I'll slice your tongue." That made him shut up and look away.

Then, the referee blew the whistle and the game began.

The team watched her from the stands, cheering on the team. Wally and M'gann had face paint on with pom poms. While, the rest were just wearing civvies, happy to be there.

Wally nudged Robin, "You watching Rowan?"

The boy furrowed his eyebrows, "Duh. She's the whole reason why we're here."

"Nothing to do with you guy's liking each other."

Dick started to choke on his own spit. He heaved in, "No, no. She-we don't like each other." Just to clarify, he spoke again, "It would be a disaster."

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