Chapter 13

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A few weeks had passed, Jay had been released from the rehab facility and spent his time at Erin's, though not officially living together they might as well have been.

"Hey Erin, I have to run by my place and pick up some stuff, I won't be too long" he yelled out as he left.

"Jay?" She called.

"Yea?" He asked hearing her at the last minute.

"I've been thinking, why don't you just move in?" They hadn't brought it up but it was silly for him to pay rent on his place when he spent less than 2 hours there in the last 3 weeks.

Jay walked back in "move in, here?" He asked.

"Yea, why not?" She asked folding the newspaper in half "you've spent the last three weeks here, only going to your place to pick clothes up, just move in, think of all the fun we could have" she teased.

"That sounds good, you know what sounds better?"


"Not having to do my own laundry anymore" he laughed bracing himself for a punch he was positive was coming as he sat next to her on the couch

"You're a real comedian, Jay" she nudged his shoulder "I mean it though, move in with me"

"You got it, I wasn't going to leave anyway" he said as he pulled her in his lap and kissed her.

Kim and Adam sat in the exam room waiting for Dr.Hamonic to come in, "what do you think about a little girl?" Kim asked Adam as she flipped through a Parents magazine.

"You know something I don't, darlin?" He asked as he sent of a text message to his father "a little girl would be great, she would never date, plus she would have a big brother looking out for her now" he said.

"Please, I can see it now, she'd have you wrapped around her little finger" the thought warming her heart "I don't really have a feeling either way, but a girl would be a lot of fun"

"You know Adam is totally against a sister, told me he would live with my dad if the baby is a girl, something about girls not being allowed at Poppy's house" he laughed at the memory of the conversation, he was thankful his dad was so involved with little Adam. "You want a little girl don't you?" He asked watching a smile spread across her face.

"Yea, I think I do, I would love another little boy too, but a little girl, Adam, you'd be amazing with a little girl" she said "plus, I'm so close with my mom, I would love to have that too"

"Knock, knock" Dr Hamonic said as he opened the door "hello, Detective Ruzek, Mrs.Ruzek you both doing ok?" He asked as he read over Kim's chart.

"I'm doing well, doctor, you think we could find out the gender today?" Kim asked hopeful.

"As long as baby Ruzek, cooperates with us we can" he smiled as he pulled the ultrasound machine closer he lifted Kim's gown and squirted some gel on her belly and started sliding the wand around her abdomen "everything looks good, the baby is measuring well, now let's see what we have."

"Good luck getting a Ruzek to cooperate, Dr.Hamonic, the struggle is real" Kim joked winking at Adam.

"That's real nice, Kim"

"Alright, well this Ruzek is cooperating, no going back are you sure?" The doctor asked one final time.

Kim and Adam looked at each other, "we want to know Doc" Adam replied.

"Well, dad you have yourself another little boy" he told them "he looks good and growing as expected, here are some pictures and set up another appointment in a month"

As Kim got dressed, Adam asked "are you disappointed?"

"Not really, yes a daughter would be wonderful but Adam is going to love having a little brother" she stood up "babe, I just want a healthy happy baby" she kissed him "now let's go get lunch and my boy"

They knocked on James and Elaine's door, Kim having forgotten her key.

"Daddy's here, daddy's here" they could hear Adam yelling as he ran through the house.

Elaine opened the door Adam jumping in to his father's arms, "hey boy, you being good for Grandma" Adam asked him.

"Mommy, the baby not a sister, right?" He asked his little brow furrowing, making him look exactly like his father.

"Hang on buddy, let's wait for Grandpa" Kim said as they sat in the living room "where is dad?"

"He is at the hardware store, wants to build a swing set for Adam and the new baby" she laughed "he has way too much time on his hands, he's driving me crazy!" She checked her watch "please don't wait for your dad, you know he can get lost in that store for hours."

"Are you sure Elaine?" Adam asked her.

"Yes, please, I don't think I can wait" she laughed "I've been dying to know"

Kim smiled taking Adam's hand in hers, little Adam climbing into his daddy's lap "well, it's a boy!" she smiled.

"A brudder?" Adam asked

"Yes, boy, a brother" Adam told him the little boy jumping up and down in excitement.

"That's wonderful you guys, daddy is going to be so pleased" Elaine told them.

Later that night Kim and Adam sat in the living room, little Adam playing at their feet with his fire trucks, the son of police officers totally obsessed with the fire department.

"Names, what do you think, babe?" Kim asked as she watched the little boy race the tricks across the wooden floor laughing when they hit the wall "I hadn't really thought about boys names"

Adam thought for a minute before speaking "you can shoot this down if you hate it but, can we work Jay in, maybe his middle name" he asked "Jay saved you both, I don't think I can ever thank him enough but that would be a start"

"Adam, I think it's a great idea, he just needs a first name now" she said "I haven't a clue on what that will be, I have a bunch of names for a little girl but none for a boy."

"Good thing we have some time" Adam said as he kissed her "I'm going to go call my dad let him know Adam won't be moving in" he laughed "I'm sure he'll be heartbroken"

"C'mon buddy, let's go get ready for bed" she told Adam as she picked up his trucks and put them in the basket.

"I'm wearing Islanders pjs tonight mommy, Grandpa said it" Adam said "daddy likes yucky Hawks"

Once in bed the little boy was asleep within minutes, Kim sat watching him a few minutes, sure she was a little disappointed though that wasn't really the right word when she found out the baby was a boy, but the thought of another little boy made her smile. Little Adam so much like Adam, it was the sweetest thing they had an amazing bond and she couldn't wait to see the new baby join them.

She went out to the living room Adam laying on the couch a hockey game on, though he didn't seem to be paying attention "babe, your dad excited?" She asked, it seemed Adam didn't even hear her "Adam, what's up?"

He sat up so she could sit with him, her head in crook of his arm "I don't know, it's probably nothing but my dad's phone was turned off"'he said shrugging his shoulders "it just feels odd"

"I'm sure it's nothing Adam, try not to worry" she said as roasted her head and was asleep within minutes Adam carrying her to bed, laying beside her but unable to fall asleep.

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