Chapter 40 "The Mysterious Monk" part 2

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After the sparring You and Tao did. You two now are sitting on the ground facing each other while he is brewing some tea.

Y/N: You mentioned that I am ready to face to the dragon right? So... When are going to start?

Tao: You were physically strong but In order for you to face the Dragon. We must gain balance at yourself in order to release the dragon in its cage.
First [Hand a tea.] Drink this.

You took the tea from his hand and smell it first even in scent it was relaxing as you drink it you feel braced.

Y/N: This tea is good Master Tao. You and Uncle iroh should discuss about this.

Tao: *Smile* Hmph. I am thankful to the nature because it provides us of what we need. [Drinks tea.] Now tell me Y/N. What do you know about chakras?

Y/N: Chakras? From what I know there are seven of them right? I don't know exactly but Each is a spiritual energy in our body.

Tao: Correct. Each chakras are blocked because of our turmoil and horror that happens in our life. But if you let yourself open the energy will flow to your body.

Y/N: So you're saying? I can't control the Dragon because of my past?

Tao: Not just in past but in present as well. You still fear the other part of you and still clings to some of your past never letting it go causing your energies being blocked. [Stand up.]  If we open up your chakras and have an audience with the dragon you need to prove your stronger than him but if you were defeated your chakras will be blocked again and start over.... Are you ready Y/N?

Y/N: [Breath deep.] I'll do whatever it takes...

Tao: Then Come we have so much work to do.

You and Tao where meditating on a rocky terrain.

Tao: First we will open the Earth Chakra, located at the base of the spine. It deals with survival, and is blocked by fear. What are you most afraid of? Let your fears become clear to you.

In your vision you saw the images of things that cause you fear. Like where you and Aang first fight, Katara Sinking in the ground by general fong, The firelord, Douglas burn your home and kill your father and the vision of Dragon that charge towards you. which makes you scream. The three silhouette, Ozai, Douglas and The dragon are standing infront of you in Flames. You body is shaking and sweating hard.

Tao: Your vision is not real. You are concerned for your survival, but you must surrender those fears. Let your fears flow down the creek. [Y/N relaxed and clears the image away in Y/N's mind.]... You have opened your Earth Chakra. [ Y/N Touch forehead and chuckle.]

In the dragon's plane the Cage that holds him weakens alarming the dragon inside you.

Later, In a river with a waterfall. You and Tao were sitting on a two rocks in the water while facing each other Some beast were stalking at the two of you behind the trees and bushes.

Tao: Next is the water chakra. This chakra deals with pleasure and is blocked by guilt. Now, look at all the guilt with burdens you so. What do you blame yourself for?

A tears form in your eyes as you remember your young self run away from the danger and The dragon incident in the desert.

Y/N: I ran away because I'm a coward and weak... I'm not strong enough to protect my friends around me... [Clenching fists.]

Tao: Accept the reality that those things happens. but do not let them cloud and poison your energy. If you are to be a positive influence on the others, you need to forgive yourself.

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