Chapter 04 - Annoyance

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(From here on out, this will be my writing, you'll be able to tell by the sudden drop in quality.)

Rush opened the door to see Figure, Eyes, Glitch, Seek, and Timothy inside. Figure looked up and was about to ask who it was, until Eyes whispered something into his ear.

"Welcome Rush, did you need something?" Figure asked.

Guess Eyes told him it was me. "No, I just kind of felt like coming here." Figure nodded and continued looking through a pile of books on the floor. It was no secret that Figure was blind, so there was almost always someone in the library helping him with the books. This time it was Eyes and Timothy.

"Hey Rush!" Glitch greeted as Rush passed by where he was sitting.

"Hey Glitch! How's your new room treating you?" After escaping the small corridor he had been stuck in, he had been welcomed into the main part of the hotel, and given his own room.

"It's pretty nice. It's definitely not as dusty as my old room. I've also finished retrieving my stuff," Glitch replied, flipping through the book he had chosen. "Unfortunately, like everything else, I've forgotten how to read, so... could you help me?" Glitch asked nervously.

Rush laughed slightly and replied, "Sure!" Rush sat down next to him, and Glitch handed the book to Rush. He flipped to the beginning and began to read.

"Hey, could you guys please read a little quieter?" Seek snapped from where he was sitting. Rush rolled his eyes, not having the energy to deal with Seek right now.

"Yeah, I'm sorry Rush, but I have to agree. Please be a little quieter," Figure requested. Rush looked back, only to see Seek smirking (as best he could anyway, he had a mask on that was covering his mouth and nose, and one of his eyes was covered by his hair that was poking out from under his hood, the emo guy). Rush growled, and reluctantly quieted himself.

What an annoyance.

After a while of reading, Glitch yawned, and Rush looked out the window to see it was night. Rush got up and helped Glitch get up, put the book back, and walked out of the Library. As he walked out, he caught Seek looking at him on the way out, he was staring at him in a mocking manner.

Rush grumbled to himself, wondering what he did to make Seek despise him so much. He didn't think he did anything wrong to him. Seek just... hated him.

As he approached his room, Halt came out of his. "Oh, hey, Rush! How're you?" Rush looked up at Halt's voice, and realised he had been muttering to himself.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine, the library was fine. Glitch is here, too," Rush replied. Halt took note of how fast he was talking, noting something as wrong, then turned his attention towards Glitch.

"Hey Glitch, how are you?" Halt asked. He had been trying to be friendlier towards the "new" entity, since he had a strong feeling Shadow was part of the reason he couldn't remember anything. He didn't know why, he just did.

"I'm fine, just tired," Glitch replied. Halt nodded and retreated back to his room. It was late at night, afterall.

Rush said his goodbyes to Glitch, then closed his door and fell onto his bed. So many thoughts were running through his head. Who was that person in that photo in Spirit's room? What was that book on her desk? Why does Seek hate me so much? What did I do to him? So many questions and no answers. Sleep was a long way away.

A thump had woken Rush up. He hadn't even known he was asleep. Maybe it was only a few minutes. Or an hour.

He got up, rubbed his eyes, and sighed. He was exhausted, but he couldn't sleep. He looked around to see what had fallen. His eyes fell upon a small, leather bound book. I don't remember having this. He picked it up, and decided to flip through it. On every page, however, only pictures of Spirit and the stranger were on every page. On occasion, he saw Glitch in the photos as well. He would recognize that dark purple hair with multicoloured streaks in it anywhere.

As he continued to flip through it, Glitch appeared more often, the stranger less often. Until eventually it was only Spirit and Glitch in the pages. And then, on the last page, it was only a single photo of Spirit, looking just like she does now. She had a saddened face, and seemed to be holding a few pale purple flowers.

So Spirit knows Glitch... Why didn't she say anything? And it also seems like she was very close to the other person in these photos. What isn't she telling us?

As Rush set the book down and crawled back into bed, the thoughts of Spirit keeping so many secrets made him wonder if he could truly trust her.

When Rush finally awoke, he looked towards the desk, hoping to further observe the book, only to realise that it was gone. Like, completely gone.

What the- Rush got out of bed, and immediately fell onto the floor, since the blanket was still tangled in his legs.

He looked all over his room for the book, but there was nothing. After a few minutes of searching, he gave up, and decided to just hang out with Ambush and Halt. He looked at the clock to see what time it was, only to realise it was already nearly mid-afternoon. He scrambled up from where he was sitting on the bed, remembering he had agreed to help Figure with managing the library today, and he was very late.

He pulled on a hoodie Halt had given him the previous night, the evidence being a note on top of a folded hoodie on his desk that read

It's definitely too cold for me, so I'd imagine it's cold for you. Here's another hoodie I found for you.

He ran out of his room and rushed (lmao) to the library. He pushed open the door, only to be met with the sight of Seek carrying 3 books and pushing others into shelves.

"Oh, hey Rush," Screech said, sitting on the railings of the upstairs area.

Figure turned his attention towards the door, smiled, and said, "Hello Rush! Ambush told me you were still resting when I asked where you were, so I asked Seek for help instead. You don't have to worry about me."

Seek looked at Rush, then laughed quietly. As he passed by Rush, he whispered, "Lazy idiot," and then continued to shelve the books. Rush glared at Seek, wanting to say so much to his face, but really not wanting to make a scene, so he just muttered a few insults and cursed, then exited the library. Maybe I should go visit Spirit, maybe I'll feel less pissed.

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