Bonus Chapter: Window's Whispers

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(tw - homophobia and homophobic slurs, alongside a tiny bit of internalised transphobia (transphobia is only at the end, though))

Most people Sally knew would say that she did not have a normal life. Sally would disagree. Personally, she'd say she had a very normal life. The only "strange thing" about her life was the looks people would give her and her family when they were out.

There wasn't anything wrong with Sally's family. Only other people thought that. In Sally's eyes, her family was perfect the way it was. She was an only child with two parents, which was normal. But no, because her two parents happened to be two men, there clearly was something wrong with them.

Sally loved her dads, and they loved her. They had been with her when she had been diagnosed with severe anxiety and ADHD, and were helping her get through her journey. When the psychologist recommended getting an emotional support animal, they had let Sally choose any animal she wanted, and didn't ask questions when Sally immediately chose a white cat with grey spots, whom she had named Molly (and loved very much).

One of her dads was a Chinese immigrant, who had moved to the US to find a better life, and the other had grown up on the outskirts of Florida, though he moved away to get away from his horrible family, and had met Sally's other dad along the way. Eventually, they had moved in together, and had Sally via surrogate. She called her Floridian father dad, because that was what he had preferred, but she called her other father "bàba", which was the Chinese word for dad.

Sally's personal favorite thing about her family was their weird obsession with reptiles and amphibians. One of her dads was a herpetologist, and the other worked at a reptile house, and fed the crocodiles and alligators. Sally herself had a pet ball python and bearded dragon, both of which resided in her room, spending most of their time in their terrariums. She'd sometimes let them out and play with them, though never at the same time. She wouldn't make that mistake again.

Anyway, Sally would often get teased at school for having two dads, but it was never really too bad. The worst that had happened was a boy (who was two years younger than her) who had called her and her dads slurs and ran away. Now, her dads had grown up in fairly homophobic environments, so they hadn't really cared much, being used to it. Sally, on the other hand, had found the boy after school and beat him up to the point where he had to go to the hospital for a broken arm and nose. Sure, she had been suspended for a week, but it was worth it.

Since Sally started high school, though, she noticed that people tended to avoid her. She had a hard time making friends, but she didn't really mind. She didn't really need them. She had her cat and her snake and her lizard and her dads. She didn't really need anyone else. Sometimes she heard whispers of her in the halls, and a few false rumors, but again, she didn't really care.

Sally was a good student. She had pretty good grades, and she had teachers who liked her. She excelled at science, and took a robotics class. Sally was content with her school life, though she did hate math and english. She was decent at the classes, but she just hated them. Her biggest problems were the other students and the insufferable dipshits in her classes.

It was supposed to just be another normal day at school. Another day stuck in a boring english lecture and doing stupid math problems while trying to ignore the annoying kids in her classes. For the most part, it was normal. It wasn't until after school that things had begun to get weird.

"Hey!" Sally heard a voice shout at her just as she was beginning to leave the school. She turned around, seeing one of the popular guys in the school (among the freshmen at least), who's name was Mason Smith, and his other two guys that he carried around, whose names were Gavin Davis and Matthew Jones, approach her.

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