Chapter 22 - Unexpected Appearance

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Spirit had searched half of the upper level at this point. She'd found a few books she believed could potentially be helpful, and she had set them down in a small pile near the staircase. As her gaze swept across the other shelves, she occasionally pulled out books and flipped through them, seeing if they had any useful information in them. However, just as she was about to pull out another book that was titled Training for Unarmed Combat, a soft creaking noise caught her attention. It came from the door.

Spirit pulled the book out, and set it with the others, before turning her attention to the large double doors. They were open just a crack. A very small beam of light shone from it, and when Spirit approached the doors, she could see the room beyond, as well as a figure huddled in the corner. Spirit pulled the door open more, and the figure looked up. It was Seek.

"Seek? What are you doing in here?" Spirit asked, shocked. Seek's eyes flared, panicked, and he motioned for her to be quieter. Spirit looked back into the library, but no one else had seen or heard her. She quietly stepped into the room Seek was in, and shut the door behind her. "So, what's going on? Why are you here?" Confusion flooded both her voice and brain; why was Seek here?

"I... was looking for the infirmary. The library doors wouldn't open, so I was stuck in here," Seek grumbled, refusing to look Guiding Light in the eye.

"Why were you looking for the infirmary?" Spirit asked, now even more confused.

"I thought it could help. But I didn't find anything worth anything," Seek sighed. "And I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I need your help," he said, turning to her.

Spirit's eyes widened. "You need my help? Why? What happened?" Seek said nothing, and just pulled down his face mask. Spirit gasped, seeing his broken nose. "How did that happen?"

"I don't want to talk about it..." Seek mumbled, turning away, though Spirit thought she saw a hint of red on his cheeks, as if he were embarrassed.

Spirit sighed, then walked closer to him, and offered her hand to help him up. "When I'm done with what I'm doing, I'll help you. But for now, I'm going to take you to my room. Don't break anything, and don't you dare look through my stuff." Seek looked up, and then sighed, grabbing her hand and standing up. Spirit closed her eyes, and a soft blue light filled the room. When she opened them, they were in her room.

"Okay, please never do that again," Seek said, staggering slightly, and looking a little sick.

"Alright, sorry," Spirit laughed. "But hey, you still owe Rush an apology. Don't go thinking we've all forgotten about that." Spirit turned away from him. "I'm going to go back to the library to finish what I was doing. I'll be back... eventually." She closed her eyes, and left.


"Okay, so, this is what I found,"Jack said, setting a stack of books on the desk. "We really need to have another section for fighting skills; these were really hard to find."

"Well, remember, Figure is blind. We'd have to ask him about any changes we could make, since he doesn't like a room he knows well just being completely rearranged without his knowledge," Spirit replied, setting the books she found down on the desk as well. "Which one should we start with?"

"Uh... why don't we start with... this!" he said, picking up a book titled The Basics of Self Defense. "It seems fairly promising!"

"Yeah, you're right. Why don't we look through it first, and see if there's anything useful. If there is, we should figure out how to do it before teaching it to the others," Spirit suggested, taking the book from Jack and flipping through it. "Here's something! It's called a 'heel-palm strike.'"

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