It's new years woah

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(Just a fun lil story celebrating the new year)

(Also this is another chapter taking place in a different timeline, so every entity but Shadow and Hide are in the hotel again, with Jack still having his memories.)

(Yeah, it should go without saying that this chapter is not entirely canon for fairly obvious reasons, but I started writing this since the first week of December, so give me a break)

It was, once again, new year's eve, and the entities were busy preparing for the celebration. Spirit, Glitch, Halt, and Ambush were busy decorating the courtyard, while Rush and Eyes prepared snacks. Window, Screech, and Timothy would often come into the kitchens to attempt to steal the food, but Jack was also there, too, and he was named lookout after the first few attempts.

Figure was in the library where he normally was, and Seek was there, too, just hanging out. Figure was reading about common New Years celebrations, so as to see if there's anything else they could do, while Seek was just hanging out in there so he wouldn't have to help with anything.

Of course, Figure would sometimes request for Seek to find him another book, but that was about it.

Anyway, over in the kitchens, Eyes was looking through the cabinets, trying to find plates or trays to put the snacks on. He and Rush already had most of everything ready, but they just needed somewhere to put them.

"Hey, Eyes?" Rush called, and Eyes looked back at him. "Do you know where there might be any champagne glasses? Apparently it's a tradition in many places to have champagne on new years."

"I think they're in the cabinet next to the pantry," Eyes replied. "Have you actually found any champagne, though?"

"No, but I'm sure there'll be some around here somewhere."

"Maybe you should make sure we have that before getting out anything."

They continued doing their own things in silence, but Eyes soon finds a (very large) cabinet with its shelves filled with different kinds of alcohol.

"Hey, Rush?" Eyes called. "I think you might find something in here."

Rush walked over, and looked into the cabinet. "Holy hell, that is a lot of alcohol," he says, before beginning to look through it while Eyes continues searching the kitchen.

"Hey!" They suddenly hear a yell, and see Jack holding Screech in an armlock. "What have we said about getting into the snacks?"

"Come on," Screech says. "We still have so long till the celebration, and there's so many snacks! Why can't Timothy, Window, and I just have one small thing?"

"Because your definition of 'one small thing' is much different from ours," Rush says. "Let him go, Jack. Keep an eye out for the others, though; we don't need another surprise ambush."

Jack nods, and takes Screech out of the kitchen.

"I swear, we have to deal with this all night, I will willingly walk into Shadow's clutches," Eyes says wryly, as they get back to doing their assigned jobs.

"I wouldn't go that far, but I'd definitely do something a bit drastic," Rush agreed with a small laugh. He continues looking for the alcohol cabinet, and finds six bottles of champagne. "Alright, so, there's twelve of us, but Screech, Timothy, and Sally are too young to drink, so that's... nine glasses?"

"Yeah, but maybe grab twelve anyway in case some break," Eyes suggests.

"Good call," Rush says, grabbing a bottle from the alcohol cabinet and twelve glasses from the other cabinet.

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