Chapter 17 - Success?

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(posting this today cuz I'm gonna be at a freaking wedding tomorrow)

Confusion flooded her brain, until she remembered her own abilities. She began trying to change into her blue light form, but whatever Shadow was using to keep them tied up must also prevent her from using her magic. He's blocking my powers! The realisation crashed onto Spirit like a falling redwood tree. They were trapped. They couldn't escape. They had failed.

She noticed the faint purple light getting brighter. I know that glow... but from where? Unfortunately, Shadow noticed too, and it seemed he knew where it came from.

"Ah, I wasn't expecting this. But it's no problem. It just makes my life easier." He laughed, then, as the light got much brighter, and began to fade, he slammed his fist into the middle of it. Until the light around them began to flash and multiple colours began dashing along the walls. "What the hell...?" Shadow breathed.

Finally, the colours came to a halt, and the room returned to normal. A static-like noise filled the air, and suddenly, someone leapt out of the shadows, tackling Shadow. Eyes, Glitch, and Rush stood over Shadow, seemingly coming out of nowhere.

"Spirit! I figured out how to teleport!" Glitch exclaimed excitedly. Eyes began punching and biting Shadow, while Rush picked up the keys from his hand, and Glitch untied the others.

"Glitch? What are you doing here?" Spirit questioned, disbelief filling her brain.

"Yeah, and how is Rush walking?" Timothy asked. Glitch opened his mouth to answer, but before he could, Shadow let out a yell of fury, pushing Eyes off of him, and stumbling up.

"I see you may be more competent than I previously thought. None the matter, though. You will never defeat me." He finished speaking right as a loud clicking noise came from the cell block entrance. Everyone turned in time to see Rush with the keys, opening the door to the cell room. Spirit broke away from the rest, dragging Sally with her, and leaving the others to handle Shadow.

"Ambush!" Rush called out. There was no response.

"AMBUUUUUUUSH!" Sally screamed loudly, loud enough to make both Spirit and Rush flinch.

A weak groaning came from a cell at the far end of the room. Rush, Sally, and Spirit began sprinting towards it, stopping just inside of it. Rush pulled out the keys, trying them all in the locks on the door. There were no lasers like there was last time, instead it was multiple locks, as well as a number lock. Rush groaned in frustration, after all, the last time he had touched a combo lock, thousands of combinations had already been tried.

"Three...Seven...Eight...Four..." A voice weakly whispered from the other side.

"What?" Rush asked, confusion clear in his voice.

"He muttered... the combination every... time he opened... it..." A thud could be heard on the other side, as if Ambush had collapsed after weakly uttering the words. Rush tried that, and, sure enough, it worked. The door clicked, and slowly creaked open. A piercing scream came from the main room.

"That sounded like Screech!" Sally shouted. Rush pushed open the door, seeing Ambush lying on the floor. Blood splattered the ground around him, and the concrete walls seemed to be drenched in it. Spirit nearly screamed as Rush picked up Ambush, and they ran out of the cell room, to join the fight, and then escape.

The scene was quite chaotic. Everyone had their weapons out, but Shadow was dodging them left and right. He was almost at the door when Figure tackled him, opening the jar he had, and pouring it on Shadow's face. He screamed in pain, then pushed Figure off of him, stumbling while getting up.

Spirit noticed Hide huddling in the corner, fear clouding his eyes. She began to dash towards him, hoping to help him, when Shadow jumped at her.

"I don't need vision to see! I can sense your mind, even if I can't read it!" He began beating down on Spirit, and was immediately pulled off and thrown to the side by Glitch. Spirit climbed back up and turned to where Hide was, only to see that he was gone.

"Spirit, we need to get out of here!" Glitch shouted. Spirit nodded, then tried to round up everyone else. Hide was nowhere to be seen, and everyone was pretty much dogpiled on Shadow, trying to prevent him from escaping. How Shadow was still alive, Spirit didn't know. Rush held Ambush in his arms, as Spirit pulled out her dagger, while Sally was clinging onto Glitch's leg.

"Come on, everyone! We need to get out of here!" Spirit called. Everyone turned to her, and everyone began to dash towards her. Shadow seemed to be weak and nearly unconscious, so they had a good chance of escaping.

Spirit slashed the dagger through the air, and a portal appeared out of where she sliced. Rush went in first, still carrying Ambush, and Halt followed immediately after. Glitch and Eyes went in next, then Window and Screech.

"You... You're not going anywhere..." Shadow growled, standing up shakily.

Spirit panicked, and jumped into the portal. After getting to the other side, she poked her head out, ready to lead Figure and Timothy into the main hall. She reached out her hand, and Figure grabbed it. Just as she was about to pull him through, Shadow raised his hand, and a shadow creature swept through the room. Timothy and Figure were trapped; both of them were stuck on the floor and bound by the demons, while Figure was still holding onto Spirit's hand.

"Come on, you can break free!" Spirit cried desperately. Shadow began slowly approaching the trapped entities.

"I'm sorry. We won't make it," Figure croaked, beginning to let go of Spirit's hand. "Go, while you still can."

"No! I'm not leaving you!" Spirit felt tears streaming down her face, and out of the corner of her eye, saw Shadow pick up Timothy, then he began to approach Figure. "Please! We can still escape!"

"Not this time," Figure said. "I'm sorry." He pulled his hand away from Spirit's, then slammed his fist into her face, pushing her through the portal.

"No!" She got up, now standing in the main hall. She ran to the portal, and was about to reach it, before it closed. She ended up slamming into the wall, then falling back from the recoil. She turned around, meeting everyone else's eyes.

Screech looked on the brink of tears, Sally stuck with a look of shock and fear on her face, while everyone else stood confused, hurt, and scared. They did it. They completed their mission. They saved Ambush. But they lost Timothy and Figure.

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