Chapter 31 - Caught

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(Chapter names are getting harder, please help)

Every entity down there, excepting Spirit, was silent with shock. However, they were brought back to reality by the sounds of Seek struggling to breathe, as Shadow was gripping his neck quite tightly.

"Interesting..." Shadow murmured after a while. "Very interesting..."

Shadow's grip on Seek's throat loosened somewhat, but apparently it was enough. Seek managed to twist himself out of Shadow's grasp, before falling onto the floor, breathing heavily. Though, this didn't last long.

Seek was back on his feet pretty quickly, and picked up the object that had fallen to the ground, which the other entities realised was his weapon. Though, it looked strange. It was some weird cross between a battle axe and a scythe. Shadow himself just seemed shocked that he was able to escape his grasp so easily, and was able to recover so quickly.

He was so shocked that he didn't even register when Seek struck him again, which resulted in him getting smacked in the face with the flat side of the blade, which actually made him stagger a bit.

"Seek? What are you doing down here?" Rush questioned, confused.

"Helping you idiots, obviously," Seek retorted, but was quickly caught in Shadow's grasp again, this time unable to escape.

"Seriously, Spirit? You chose this one as your backup plan?" Shadow said with a laugh. "I'm surprised. I thought you couldn't trust him."

"He seemed like the obvious choice," Spirit shot back. "In case you forgot, Sally and Screech are literal children, Jack lost his memories, thanks to you, and Glitch... he didn't want to come down."

"So that's what he is, then?" Shadow countered. "Your last choice? The one you'll choose when you have no other options? Is he actually important to you, or..." Shadow trailed off, thinking for a moment. He cocked his head, as if he were listening for something, before smiling wickedly.

"I see how it is. You brought him down to distract me so that you might free the rest of your friends, and when everyone else was safe, you'd leave him behind. None of you like him. None of you think it'd be a massive loss if he was gone. Isn't that right?"

Seek cast a look of hurt and betrayal at Spirit, who was struggling to find the words to defend herself.

"I... No, that's- that's not-" Spirit stammered.

"I've seen it. You might not believe it as strongly as the others, but you still believe it. Rush, for example, has stated himself that he 'couldn't care less if he was taken.' I'm sure that says everything you need to know," Shadow said, turning to Seek, who was struggling to free himself.

"You said that, Rush?" Timothy asked, looking up at him. "Like, actually said that, not just thought it to yourself?"

"I- yes. I did. But I didn't actually mean it! I was just... I was just mad at him!" Rush responded, making quite the feeble attempt to defend himself.

"You had every right to be upset, Rush," Ambush said. "It's just... that might have been a bit harsh. No one deserves to be trapped down here."

"You still said it," Shadow said, smiling. "But, I suppose if there's no one around who likes you, you're bound to be angry at the world. Isn't that right, Seek?"

"Why do you keep talking to him like that?" Eyes questioned, confused. "You keep acting like you're trying to get a rise out of him, as if you want him to get angry and react."

Shadow looked down on Eyes with a frown, before giving him a small grin. "Well, aren't you observant..."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Halt asked, wrapping an arm protectively around Eyes.

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