Chapter 08 - Shadows and Spirits

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Rush was very confused. "What does this have to do with the map? I don't think burning things has anything to do with a weird paper."

"You don't understand, Rush. This map is the very reason you were trapped. I only remembered its existence after you wanted help. I'd spent so long trying to remember why it was more important than I thought it was, but now I know. I knew Shadow couldn't get his hands on it, since he'd just use it to move the barrier back around us."

"Are you saying-"

"Yes, Rush, when we moved, the barrier did not come with us. This map was enchanted to keep it in place so it could never move from its place. Shadow wants to tinker with it so he can move it back here. So right now, you very well could escape. And I wouldn't blame you one bit if you did."

Rush was taken aback. What does she mean...? "I-I can't leave. Not yet. I still have so many questions, and you're gonna answer them, since I have no idea who else would know the answers."

Spirit smiled, and turned her attention back to the map. Spirit frowned. "You know, we can get rid of the barrier entirely..."

"Well, why don't we do that? Surely it would stop Shadow from moving it back here?" Rush questioned.

"Because Shadow would just make a new barrier. Sure, it'd be more difficult, but that's exactly why he wants the map. He doesn't want to go through the trouble of making a new one, so he's looking for a way to move the pre existing one."

"Well, how would he know it was destroyed?"

"Because Shadow made the map."

What...? "So, by destroying the map..."

"We destroy the barrier. But Shadow would know, and just make a new way to contain us. He doesn't want us to leave. This barrier was made specifically so anyone could enter. But no one could exit. It's all part of his big plan. He wanted this hotel as some sort of toy box. He wanted to make a machine to make its residents his playthings. That's why he decided to deceive Glitch into founding this hotel with him. And when Glitch discovered his true plans, he used a memory eraser machine to get rid of any memories he had of this place and his life."

The sudden rush of information smacked into Rush like a coconut fell onto his head. Suddenly, he was actually very suspicious of Guiding Light. "How do you know all that?"

Spirit flinched at his harsh tone. She took a deep breath before saying anything else.

"Because Glitch was once one of my closest friends. And I was a resident of this hotel when it was run by him and Shadow."

What? What does she mean? She really did know Glitch before! So why didn't she say anything about him before? "Care to elaborate?" Rush growled.

Spirit looked down in shame. "I never wanted to lie. But I had no choice. Just know that I stand before you now, and every word that leaves my mouth from here on out will be the truth. You can... trust me."

Can I? But Rush listened anyway.

"As I had previously said, Shadow and Glitch ran this hotel, and I was a resident. Well, a secret resident, but a resident nonetheless." Rush was about to ask a question, but Spirit just continued.

"I... became a resident after running from home. I was, maybe 17 at the time? I can't remember... It's been so long... A-anyway, I had a huge fight with my parents, and I ran away. Luckily I had a... friend who was already a secret resident of the hotel, since he had no parents. Well, I mean, he kinda did, but they got rid of him."

"What was his name?"

Spirit finally let her tears fall. "His name was Hide... He was the one you saw in that photo..." Spirit sobbed. Rush panicked; he never had to deal with someone crying before! He didn't really know what to do, so he just wrapped an arm around her shoulder. They sat there like that for a few minutes.

"Are you ready to continue?"

"Yeah, I guess so..."

"Alright then."

"So, Glitch was already letting Hide stay there for free, unlike any of the other residents who stayed there normally and paid for rooms. Glitch agreed to let me stay for free as well, and Shadow had no idea. But it wasn't like that forever. Shadow did find out. And he was mad. Very mad. He had built a machine a few years back that allowed him to erase people's memories. And he- he used it on Glitch. That's why he doesn't remember anything, and it's my fault, it's all my fault!" Spirit began to cry again. Rush comforted her until she was ready to continue again.

"Anyway, after he wiped Glitch's memories, he... kidnapped Hide. He would have gotten me, too, but I had gotten away. I spied on him for a bit, and when I heard about his plans for the barrier, I scared all the residents away, so they would not meet the terrible fate of being stuck in this hotel for all eternity. After that, Shadow found out everyone had left and he was furious. He locked Hide away, and I haven't seen him since, until recently. But I will get back to that. He hadn't put up the barrier quite yet, so he altered it. He made it physically impossible for anyone to leave if they set one foot inside the perimeter. Originally, he had it so people could only get in if he allowed them to, but now, anyone could step in completely by mistake and be trapped forever. Anyway, I wouldn't leave without Hide, so I didn't. And here I stand. I stole the map while he was distracted since I knew he could track me with it."

"Wow, okay." Rush just sat there for a bit. Spirit nudged him, and he snapped back to reality (Oh, there goes gravity), "Sorry, it's just a lot to take in. Please, go on."

Spirit smiled slightly. "Okay, so, It was true I hadn't seen Hide for such a long time until recently. I actually saw him a few months ago..." Rush was surprised at this. "You remember the assistant that was helping Shadow?"

"That was him? But why would he be helping Shadow?"

"My guess is that he has no choice. But, you know, if we find Shadow soon, we could stop him from creating a new barrier entirely, and still have the current one destroyed."

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" Rush asked slyly.

Spirit grinned. "It's arson time. Let's destroy this map."

(This chapter sucks, lmao. Also, you have no idea how many times I've misspelt "Spirit" as "Spit," or "Spiit." I personally find it funny, but I'm also writing this at the ripe hour of 2:50 in the freaking morning.)

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