Chapter 10 - Introductions

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(This story will mostly be in Jack's perspective, so yeah. Also, this is going to be a shorter chapter, lol)

The entities were gathered in the Library. Jack stood in front of the door, feeling slightly nervous, since everyone was looking at him. The one with very colourful hair was sitting at the desk, while also looking him up and down as if he were a threat. Rush was just sitting there, probably just as uncomfortable as Jack was. The emo-looking one with a face mask seemed to be paying him no attention at all, as he was scowling at Rush. Then there was Figure, who was trying to calm three small gremlin looking things down, while a bright purple haired person with multi-coloured eyes helped him. A pale green haired individual was chatting with a guy with deep blue hair, and then, after a minute, a pale skinned woman with blue-ish hair seemed to noclip through the floor right in front of him.


"Alright everyone, shut up! Rush met a new person in the hotel, and I had to wake up from a nap in order to be here, so let's make this quick! Introduce yourselves and we'll be done." the woman shouted. Everyone immediately stopped what they were doing, and looked at her.

"Uh, hi, I'm Jack. I... like to hide in closets?" Jack started nervously. What am I supposed to say?

"That's... weird... Anyway, my name is Halt!" The one with deep blue hair spoke first. He then gestured to the one he had been talking with earlier. "This is my friend, Ambush, and we are both friends with Rush."

"My name's Glitch, I have no idea who I am, and I can't read." The one with multi-colored hair said, looking up from the desk.

That's certainly one way to introduce yourself, I guess... Jack was vaguely aware of the way the emo guy looked at him, then looked away.

"Well, I'm Guiding Light, or, as I'd prefer, Spirit. It's very nice to meet you, and normally I don't yell, but I'm tired, okay?" Jack nodded, he'd felt that way sometimes.

"My name is Eyes, and this is Figure." The guy with bright purple hair gestured to the blind one.

"Oh, yes, we have met before, haven't we?" Figure asked. Jack nodded, before remembering that Figure was blind, so he gave him a verbal response.

"I'm Timothy, and these are my friends Sally and Screech."

"Would you like to join our cult of chaos?" Screech asked, excitedly.

"But isn't he much older than us?" Sally questioned.

"Well who knows? Maybe he would actually be interested."

"Oh, I'm definitely interested." Jack said. Screech laughed, and then Figure dragged them away to cause chaos elsewhere.

"My name's Seek. Leave me alone." The emo one immediately got up after he said that, and walked out of the library.


"Anyway, since that's over with, I'm going back to bed. Rush, find Jack a room to stay in. Halt, Ambush, go help Figure with the chaos demons." and with that, Spirit nocliped through the floor again, and was gone.

"Well, that certainly was something... Anyway, sorry about Seek, he's just kind of... like that..." Rush coughed, he felt awkward enough as is, and Jack felt as if he would make it worse if he pushed him to talk about it.

"Hey, it's fine. But Spirit said something about a room?"

"Oh yeah, there are a few vacant ones, let me help you find a good one." Rush said, as they stepped out of the library. The halls were empty and quiet.

Peaceful... Jack never liked too much commotion. While he enjoyed chaos, he preferred the quiet kind, rather than the obnoxious, in-your-face type.

As they walked through the corridors, Rush was thinking. Shadow was still out there, and there was no way to tell what was to happen next. He needed... a spy...

"Hey Jack?"


"After you choose your room, I need to tell you something..."

"That's rather vague, but okay. What do you need to talk about?"

"Just... stuff."

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