Chapter 37 - A Different Type of Normal

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Rush and Ambush walked back in the direction they came. They hadn't ended up chasing Seek far from the hotel, and they had pretty much run in a straight line, so they made it back pretty soon.

As Ambush opened the door, and he and Rush walked in, they saw that Jack had already woken Screech and Sally.

"Rush, Ambush?" Sally asked, upon seeing them enter. "Where did you go?"

They halted. "We... were chasing Seek down," Ambush said after a moment.

"Chasing him down?" Screech said, confusion in his voice. "Why? What happened?"

"Did you manage to catch him?" Jack asked.

Rush sighed. "We caught up to him, but... well, he got away from us. He's gone now."

Everyone was silent for a while.

"So he just... left?" Window questioned.

"Essentially, yes," Ambush sighed.

"Well... at least he won't get hurt by Shadow anymore," Jack said, though he said nothing else, and his observation just seemed to make the others more upset.

"Can we just... go to sleep...?" Rush says, feeling absolutely exhausted.

"That sounds nice," Ambush said, starting to walk over to everyone else.

"Well, we can handle the rest," Screech says. "See you in the morning."

Rush, Ambush, and Jack then went back to their places, and went back to sleep.


Hide didn't take the news of Seek's leaving very well.

"What? What do you mean he's gone?" Hide cried when Rush and Ambush told the story of what happened to every entity gathered in the morning.

"He ran away," Ambush said. "We tried to stop him, but... well, he wouldn't listen. Maybe we didn't try hard enough, or maybe he just didn't want to be around us that badly..."

Hide was silent, and while he did a decent job at hiding it, Rush could tell that he was distressed and absolutely heartbroken.

"I can't believe it..." Halt murmured. "I mean... he might have been a bit of a nuisance, but... I never expected this to happen..."

"Yeah..." Eyes agreed. "On the plus side, though, I guess he won't be starting any more arguments..."

Hide backed away from the crowd.

"Hide... are you alright?" Spirit questioned.

"I... I..." Hide whispered, breathing heavily. "I just need... some time..." Hide sank to the floor, breathing shakily.

"Alright, you heard him," Spirit said, turning to the others. "Just let Hide have some time to himself."

The main hall cleared out, Rush whispering a quick, "sorry" to Hide as he walked out. Hide just sat on the floor, gazing at nothing at all, as a million thoughts tore relentlessly through his head.

Hide felt the tears coming, and he let them.

I lost him again...

It was about afternoon when someone else walked into the main hall. Yes, Hide had been sitting there on the floor crying for that long.

Hide looked up, seeing Figure.

"Oh, Hide?" Figure questioned, tilting his head slightly. He looked much better now; the bandages around his eyes had been replaced, and he had cleaned up, so there were no longer blood stains on his clothes.

"H-hey, Figure..." Hide mumbled. He had since recovered from the initial shock, but he was still hurting.

"How are you feeling?" Figure questioned, sitting down beside Hide.

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