Chapter 32 - Shadows of the Past

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(Managed to squeeze out another one before the year ended)

Feelings of outrage began flooding through Rush. Of course Seek would leave us! He doesn't care about anyone other than himself!

Ambush caught attention of his brother's anger, and walked over to see what was wrong. Spirit seemed to have Shadow pretty busy now anyway, considering she was now using magic to attack and defend herself.

"Hey, is everything alright?" He asked, placing a hand on Rush's shoulder.

"No! Seek's gone! He left us down here!" He growled, a dark scowl on his face.

Ambush looked around, noticing it at once. "God damn it..." He muttered. "Well, what do you expect? It's Seek we're talking about. He never helps us if we don't make him."

"H-he came down here first, though, right?" Timothy asked, his voice quiet.

"Only because Spirit made him," Rush grumbled. "Anyway, we should probably go back to standing by. Spirit might need our help."

Ambush nodded, and this time Eyes joined them, after Rush gave him the spare dagger he'd been carrying. Hide stayed behind, muttering something about not being much of a fighter, and Timothy just said that he thought it would be a fight he couldn't possibly win.

Anyway, Shadow and Spirit were neck and neck in the fight, recovering easily every time one managed to knock the other down. Both were battered with bruises and some cuts, but they were mostly using magic now.

Spirit had summoned a small ball of blue light, and thrust it into Shadow's face, causing him to shout in pain. It had the desired effect, though, as Shadow was now temporarily blinded. Spirit drove her elbow into the side of his face, causing a sickening crack to resonate throughout the room. Ambush visibly winced at the sound, and Rush was now wondering just how strong and powerful Spirit was.

Hide continued watching with an unreadable expression, though he flinched a bit when Shadow released a sudden burst of magic, which resulted in Spirit becoming slightly dazed. Shadow saw the opportunity, though, and knocked her down. He drew a long knife before the others could react, and pressed the sharp end against Spirit's throat.

"Not one more move," Shadow threatened, looking around at the entities gathered. "Or your precious little goddess won't live to see tomorrow."

Rush, Ambush, Halt, and Eyes froze, looking from Spirit to Shadow. Shadow smirked, pressing the blade harder into Spirit's neck. She inhaled sharply, locked eyes with Rush, and mouthed for him to stand back.

Rush was confused, why did she want him to back away? Didn't she need help? Still, Rush backed away slowly.

Ambush turned to look at him.

"What are you doing?" He asked. "Don't you think we should try to help Spirit?"

"Trying anything to help her is futile," Shadow snapped. "If any of you do anything to help her, I'll kill her, right here, right now."

"I have a name, you know," Spirit said softly, but winced as Shadow pressed the knife into her neck hard enough to draw blood, as Rush was able to observe when a small crimson drop could be seen dripping down her neck.

"It doesn't matter," Rush said quietly. "Shadow could kill her in a heartbeat, and then what would we do? Run? If Spirit gets killed, it's over for us."

"Listen to your friend," Shadow said to the others in the room. "I'd much rather spare her life, since she's much more valuable to me alive. But I won't hesitate if you try anything."

"Why are you doing this?" Eyes murmured, looking Shadow in the eye. "How could you possibly benefit from doing this? No matter what you do, you'll be stuck here, like the rest of us."

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