Chapter 35 - Lurking

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Shadow hissed in pain as he tightened the bandages around his wounds, blood already soaking through. After his victims had escaped, he had collapsed, and fallen unconscious for a while. After waking up, it occurred to him that he had lost a lot of blood, and so he had to treat his wounds immediately.

God damn it... Shadow had thought to himself as he cleaned the injuries. This is why you should have learned healing magic... Though, if you had, I suppose you might not be as powerful when it comes to the magic you do know...

Shadow didn't actually know any healing magic. He had spent most of his magic studies learning about other types of magic, and his request to skip the unit that went over health and healing magic when he still went to magic school had gone through and been accepted. Let's just say that he was beginning to regret his decisions.

They've escaped... All of them... Shadow thought to himself, as he continued muttering. He had lost Hide, and Spirit, who had been right there in his clutches, had escaped as well. As he continued tending to himself, he felt his rage simmering inside him. He had lost another battle, and he had lost it badly.

"I'm going to kill her..." He growled, his fury growing stronger and more prominent. "I'm going to end her pathetic, little life, and then... who will be there to stop me...?"

Shadow finished tying the bandages around him, as the fire of his rage continues growing hotter and hotter. He knew what he wanted to do, but he also knew that he can't exactly act on it right now. And despite how much he wanted to, killing her would only make his situation worse, given the things he knew about her. Still, the desire for bloodshed was still there, and Shadow needed to tame it.

Shadow stood up, and limped around his little secret floor. He had managed to hide the existence of this area pretty well from Glitch during the hotel's construction, and had been able to do many things he knew Glitch would have never approved of without him knowing.

Of course, Shadow had never actually killed anyone. Most of his time down here had been spent practising the dark magic he excelled so much in. He still had all of the old spell books and instruction books in his office, most of which he had stolen from the Archives, which was where forbidden magic was locked away and hidden from seeking eyes.

Shadow, of course, had somehow managed to break in and steal countless artifacts, which gave him the abilities he has now.

Of course, he hadn't wanted anyone to know they had been stolen, or else there'd be a massive manhunt for him, and he couldn't have that. Not with his ambitions.

So, using a duplication spell he had crafted himself, he had left the original, ancient texts in the Archive, and took the just as powerful copies with him.

Shadow knew they didn't have any healing spells. Otherwise, he'd have used them by now. So all he could do was give himself strength (using magic), and heal like a normal, non magical human would.

The thought disgusts him.

Shadow stood up, pain searing in his side, before walking back into the room he slept in. He didn't dare call it a bedroom; it didn't have the level of comfort that a real one had. It was pretty much just his office, where he conducted magic and used his enchanted artifacts.

He creaked the door open, and stepped inside. It was an absolute mess, but Shadow had grown used to it. He pulled one of the dark magic books off of the bookshelf, and sat down on his not-exactly-a-bed, opening it. He flipped through it looking for something to ease the pain and give him strength, as he muttered to himself.

Eventually, he found it. A spell that would allow him to move and maneuver easily with no pain, and it would keep him fully energized for a while. Closing his eyes, he uttered the words of the spell, and felt a darkness growing inside of him. He felt cold, as if all of the warmth had been sucked from his body, before the spell worked, and he felt warm again.

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