Chapter 21 - A Vision of the Past

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"Spirit! Where are you?" A dark haired person called out.

"I'm hidden!" Spirit replied. She had finally perfected the silver cuff's invisibility enchantment, and she wanted to show Hide, but in the funniest way possible.

"Come on, you know I'm not magic like you!" Hide called out, perplexed and slightly frustrated. "Can you at least tell me what you did?'

"I made myself invisible!" Spirit laughed, pulling off the silver cuff and revealing herself. Hide yelped in surprise, and almost fell backward. He would have if Glitch didn't appear right behind him and catch him.

"Come on, guys, be careful!" Glitch said, though amusement shone in his eyes. "If you get hurt, you won't be able to do sorcery."

"Yeah, Spirit," Hide teased. "Be careful, or Glitch will steal your abilities."

"Aw, come on, now you're both against me," Spirit sighed dramatically, but started giggling when Glitch gave her a light punch on the shoulder.

"Anyway, I'm going to be meeting Shadow later to brainstorm ideas on how to make the hotel better," Glitch remarked, smiling. "I'd ask you two to accompany me, but I don't think he'd like that. He is fairly impatient, after all."

"That's fine, I need to head home anyway," Hide said, looking at his watch.

"But I thought your parents kicked you out and you ran away? Don't you live in the hotel now?" Spirit asked, confused.

"Uh, yeah, sorry. I meant back to the hotel, there's something I need to do," Hide said, though a nervous tone laced his voice, and he wasn't meeting Spirit or Glitch's eyes. "I can meet you guys later if you want, though."

"Alright, I can meet you in the main hall around sunset, if that's alright," Spirit said, glancing at Glitch.

"Just remember, stay away from Shadow. If anyone comes in, hide until further notice. I'd recommend you stay near a place to hide, just in case," Glitch replied. "He can't know you're here. I don't know what he'd do to you if he found out about me letting you stay for free."

"You got it," Spirit replied, then they all went their separate ways.


"Spirit?... Hey Spirit?"

"Spirit, are you alright?"

"Wake up!"

Spirit snapped awake, jumping up from where she was lying. She was in the main hall. Rush, Glitch, and Halt were next to her. She lifted her hands to her face, rubbing her eyes. They were wet. Was I... crying?

"What happened? You were having a nightmare or something," Rush said, visibly concerned.

"Yeah, you were also muttering a lot. Is everything alright?" Glitch asked, looking slightly troubled.

"I... I don't know. I think it was more of a... well, memory," Spirit responded, unsure of what exactly it was.

"What was it about?" Halt questioned, then caught himself. "Oh, uh, sorry. I understand if it's personal and you don't want to talk about it."

Spirit smiled slightly, and replied, "It's alright Halt. Just give me a minute to, I don't know, recover, and I'll tell you guys about it."

"Glad you're alright, though. Nightmares were a pretty big problem for me at first after I woke up in that strange corridor," Glitch said. "It was usually the same thing over and over again. A mysterious figure standing over me, whispering threats and stuff like that. They eventually stopped, but they really shook me up."

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