Chapter 16 - Venture Down Below

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"Okay, so let's go over the plan one more time," Spirit requested. "First, we use the silver wrist cuff," She dropped it on the table. "And use its invisibility powers to get down unnoticed. Then, we find where Shadow and his assistant are. I'll distract him, buying you guys some time to find the key to Ambush's cell. When we find it, Figure, Halt, Screech, Jack, and Timothy will attack him from behind, taking him by surprise, while Sally and I find and rescue Ambush. We then escape by using this." Spirit placed a sparkling emerald and ruby dagger on the table. "I'll summon a portal we can escape out of, and then we'll be safe for the time being."

"But we can't go anywhere alone anymore, and everyone has to sleep in the main hall until the Shadow problem is dealt with, and there always has to be someone on watch," Halt said.

"Right," Spirit confirmed. "When we get back, I'll tell the others about the new, hopefully temporary policies. But before we go, everyone bring some kind of weapon to fight back. I have the dagger, what does everyone else have?"

"I have this battle axe I found recently," Screech said, pulling the rather massive weapon out.

"I have an inky blue substance that, if activated, will temporarily blind the victim if met with the eyes." Figure said. "It's not like I'd be affected by it."

"Timothy and I both have these things!" Sally said, pulling out what looked like a really old flail. Seriously, that thing had to be ancient. "We have no idea where they came from, but they're cool, and they'd work," She said confidently.

Amusement sparkled in Jack's eyes as he pulled out what had to be the biggest gun any of them had ever seen. "This is a minigun. I got it as a gift back in my old home. Believe me when I say that this place is way more exciting, yet terrifying."

"Wow, Jack, doesn't that seem like it would be hard to hide?" Halt questioned. "I mean, a weapon that big would probably slow us down, too."

"Nah, I can handle it," Jack said sheepishly.

"Alright, if you say so," Halt remarked. He then pulled out a large knife. "I took this from the kitchen. It should function as a weapon; it is pretty sharp, after all."

"Alright, if everyone has their weapon of choice, we should go now. Ambush needs us, and Shadow needs to be stopped," Spirit said, and she went into her blue light form. "If you need me, shout my name."

"You got it," Jack said, eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Let's go!" Halt called, and they began to head to the entrance to the place they had sworn to never return to.


"This is going to be a bit of a tight fit," Halt observed as they stepped into the elevator.

"Well, our main goal is to save Ambush, so we'll have to deal with it," Screech said, pressing himself as close to the wall as he could.

"Aren't there supposed to be, like, weight limits on these things?" Figure asked.

"Shh, the author is too tired to care," Spirit whispered, the blue light glowing slightly brighter as she spoke.

"Alright, let's head down," Halt said, as everyone was in the elevator. He pressed the button, and they began their descent.

As the light around them faded, the only light being Guiding Light, Sally began to feel a little less at ease. She'd never been down here before, after all. "...Guys? What if we don't save Ambush?" She asked, finally breaking the silence.

"What do you mean? We have to save Ambush," Screech questioned.

"I-I mean like... What if we fail? What if Shadow captures us, too? Rush can't walk, Seek's mean, and Glitch and Eyes don't like it here. How would we escape?"

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