Chapter 36 - Runaway

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Rush, Ambush, and Jack were on watch. It was strange talking to him when he couldn't remember anything, but at least they could work on trying to help him remember what they knew about him.

"So is there anything you do remember?" Ambush questioned.

"Uh..." Jack thought for a moment. "I remember... my parents... and my house... and... well, I remember running through a forest... but that's pretty much it."

"Really? You remember nothing else?" Rush asked.

"Not really," Jack said with a shrug. "But what can you tell me? Surely you must know something about why I'm here, and who I am."

Rush and Ambush glanced at each other.

"I mean..." Ambush said. "When you still remembered yourself, you didn't really... share anything about yourself."

"All I can tell you is that you have some kind of strange minigun that can shrink and grow on command," Rush said. "How you acquired that, I don't know, but you have it somewhere in your room."

"Wait, what?" Jack said with a laugh of disbelief. "You're not lying to me, are you?"

"You showed it to us yourself," Ambush mused. "It also apparently never runs out of ammo, so if you ask me, there's something magical about it."

Jack was silent for a moment, thinking. "That... doesn't make sense, but honestly, I'll take your word for it."

Pale moonlight shone through the windows, stars dotting the night sky, as Rush, Ambush, and Jack continued conversing, watching over the sleeping forms of their friends. It was almost the end of their shift, when Jack heard the sound of something creaking.

Jack turned around to see something go out of the door of the main hall that led to the outside world, before it closed, the sound drawing the attention of Rush and Ambush as well.

"What was that?" Ambush questioned. It was still quite dark out, so they couldn't really see anything through the windows, both on the walls and the doors.

"I don't know..." Jack said. "I saw something go through it... something dark..."

Rush knew who it was instantly. "Oh, god damn it..." he muttered.

"What?" Ambush asked, turning to him.

"We're going to have to chase him down," Rush sighed, which didn't actually answer anything for Jack. Ambush, however, realising what Rush meant, let out a long sigh.

"...Well, why don't you two go ahead?" Jack suggests. "Our shift is almost over; I'm sure I can handle the rest of it."

"Are you sure?" Ambush asked. "We don't know how long we'll be gone, chasing after him."

Jack nods. "I know who to wake up, and our watch ends in about fifteen minutes. I can handle it."

"Well, we should probably get going now," Rush says. "We want to catch up to him before he can get far."

Ambush nods in agreement, and then the two of them stand up, and walk over to the door.

Rush opens the door, walking outside, with Ambush following close behind. The door shuts behind them, as they walk slightly further from the hotel. They both looked around for a bit, before Ambush saw him. Seek was walking toward the deeper parts of the forest.

"Seek!" He called out. Seek stopped for a second, and, without turning around, began running.

"Seek, stop!" Rush cried, before they began chasing after him.

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