Chapter 25 - Memory Quest

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After a few seconds, the surroundings around them changed. They were no longer in the library, but in the cell block of Shadow's lair. Evidently, Spirit had slightly miscalculated where they wanted to be.

"Uh, why are we in the cell section?" Rush whispered. Spirit jumped at his voice, and apparently so did a few others in their group, as both of the hands that Spirit was holding tightened their grips on her.

"I may have miscalculated our destination," Spirit mumbled in response, feeling rather puzzled. She thought for a moment, before coming to a sudden realisation. "We should see if Timothy and Figure are alright! Maybe we could save them now!"

"That's... not a bad idea..." Halt murmured. "But we'd have to be quick. We don't know which cells they're in, and we technically don't have a way to open any of the doors..."

"Well, Spirit has her light form," Ambush suggested. "She can see which cells they're in, and see how they're doing."

"Great idea, but you guys will have to stay put," Spirit remarked. "I don't want to lose you guys."

"Alright, just be quick," Glitch said, releasing Guiding Light's hand from his grasp, before Ambush did the same. Spirit shifted forms, breaking away from the rest of the group, before she began checking cells.

After looking through five empty ones, she finally found Timothy's. He was curled up in a ball in the corner, and had a large cut on his right cheek, as well as multiple bruises. Spirit bit back a cry of sorrow, and moved on to the next cell. Empty. She tried the next one, also empty.

The next one, however, contained Figure. The bandages that were normally wrapped around his head where his eyes were had been torn away, revealing empty eye sockets. Several small scars surrounded them, and then Spirit noticed a mark on his neck. When she got a little closer, she saw that it was the result of being cut with a knife.

Shadow had tried to slit his throat.

A deep, burning anger filled Spirit, if only for a second, before she remembered her current mission. Regret, frustration, and sadness flooded through her mind as she left the cell Figure was in, and retreated back to the others.

"They're alive, but they aren't doing too good," Spirit whispered, shifting back into her human form, still invisible. She heard one of the other entities stifle a yelp of surprise, before hearing another suppress a laugh.

"Please try to tell us when you've come back next time, instead of scaring us," Glitch's voice said finally, sounding ever so slightly annoyed, but it was still obvious he was mostly joking.

"Alright, sorry, I guess," Spirit said, attempting to stop her own laughter. "Alright, let's find that storage area." Spirit grabbed the hands of two entities, and dragged everyone over to the exit. Slowly, one of them pushed it open, being extremely careful so as to not make too much noise. Shadow could not know they were there. They all quietly exited the room, gently closing the door behind them.

As they stepped into the dark corridor, an uneasy feeling began creeping its way into Halt. He felt as if he was... being watched. Suddenly, he wasn't so sure about this mission.

"Guys," he whispered. "I have a bad feeling about this place..."

"I don't blame you, but please, keep quiet," Spirit reminded. "There's no going back. Not right now. Let's get the memories and, if we can, save Timothy and Figure. Then, we get out of here. Now, we're almost there, so listen closely. Ambush will pick the lock on the door, if there is one, and Glitch and I will hold the door shut. You guys-"

Spirit's instructions were cut off as the creaking of a door opening could be heard. Footsteps echoed around the dim hallway, before suddenly stopping. Spirit slowly turned around, seeing Shadow at the entrance to the cells. And Hide. Spirit bit back a gasp of fear.

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