Chapter 34 - Reconnection

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(Okay, so, this chapter is going to contain a bit of backstory on Spirit, and because this particular chapter has  been planned for a while, it's most likely not going to fit how the original author wrote it (thinking_of_name you are awesome), so sorry about that. It might not even fit how I've written it in the past because I cannot be consistent for the life of me. It's a flaw, but I'm working on it. Thank you for being patient, though.)

The pale moonlight shone through the windows of the main hall as the other entities slept. After some discussion, Spirit and Glitch decided that Shadow was too dangerous to take his weakness for granted.

"He might be weak from my attack, but that doesn't mean he can't heal himself," Spirit had said during their discussion while Hide was being bombarded by the others. "It's best if we still all sleep in the same room with two or three entities on watch at all times."

Glitch had agreed, so here they were. Spirit, Hide, and Glitch all sat in the main hall. Hide had volunteered to watch with them, but it had taken some convincing for them to agree to let him stay up with them.

"You said it yourself; Shadow only allowed you to sleep for one night every week," Glitch had said. "You need to sleep more than anyone."

"But I want to talk to you guys," Hide had countered. "Alone."

"Why don't we compromise?" Spirit suggested. "Glitch, why don't you, Hide, and I take the first watch? We get some time to talk and reconnect, and then Hide doesn't do anymore watches until he doesn't look like he's about to drop dead on the spot."

"Ha ha, very funny, Spirit," Hide said, but he had been smiling.

The last entity had finally fallen asleep, which meant they could now talk in peace.

"So, Hide..." Spirit started. "You and Seek, huh?"

"I... really don't want to talk about it," Hide said, remembering the conversation with Ambush and Halt he had earlier.

"You don't have to if you don't want to," Glitch said. "We're just... curious, I suppose."

Hide remained silent for a moment. "From what I've heard... He's changed a lot."

"I wouldn't doubt that," Spirit said. "But... What was he like before?"

"I mean..." Hide murmured. "I suppose he was always pretty fiery, even back then." He smiled softly. "He'd get frustrated and angry pretty easily, too, but it wasn't really ever that bad. As you may or may not know, our parents... they were awful. I think that may have contributed to his behavior. Still, though, when we were still stuck with them, we always had each other. We clung to each other in our fear. His suffering was my suffering. His pain was my pain.

"It tore me apart to lose him. When Shadow took him, I thought that, at worst, he'd be a shell of who he once was, and at best, our bond would survive through the predicament. I guess I didn't think that I wouldn't see him again after he had erased his memory. I guess... I believed that Shadow would keep him down here, with me. And I think Shadow wanted me to think that, too. Even after he was gone, Shadow would still threaten to hurt him if I stepped out of line. He wanted the illusion of control. And it worked, for the most part. I thought he had Seek somewhere hidden somewhere I couldn't go, and that Shadow could and would do terrible things to him if I disobeyed him.

"But at least now I know he's okay. Even if he's not here right now." Seek hadn't shown up when night had fallen, and Eyes was sent to his room to check on him, he knocked on the door, to which Seek responded with a shout, telling Eyes to go away. So he was still there, just not with them.

"It's not your fault, you know," Spirit said. "He reacted in a pretty reasonable way. I'd be surprised and a bit scared and confused too, if I found out I was the sister of the best friend of someone I knew."

"Still, though, he didn't have to jerk away from you like that," Glitch pointed out to Hide. "He reacted like you were trying to attack him."

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