Chapter 23 - Hiding and Training

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(Fuck my life, man.)

Seek crept through the halls, always keeping close to the walls, and never staying in the open for too long. He wanted to avoid everyone right now, since he couldn't bring himself to talk face to face with other people. Not right now.

Seek jumped behind or under desks or jumped into closets if he saw or heard someone, trying to make as little noise as possible. So far, he'd seen Eyes, Halt, Ambush, and Rush. A strong feeling of guilt gnawed at his stomach when Rush and Ambush passed through the room, and Seek tried his hardest to stamp it out and forget about it. Still, the guilty feeling never really went away.

Finally, Seek had gotten out of the main hall, and there was a straight shot to his room from there. However, there were no good hiding spots, so if someone walked in on him, they'd see him. Seek didn't need a reminder of how he was a horrible person, so he ran as fast as he could, beelining to his room. He quickly opened the door, and closed it behind him, locking it as soon as he was inside. He took a moment to breathe, attempting to calm his accelerated heartbeat. Seek finally let out a heavy exhale, before jumping onto his bed. He curled up into a ball, too many thoughts circling around in his head.

Figure and Timothy are gone... Everyone hates you... Can't rebuild what was never there in the first place... Seek sighed, trying to dismiss the nagging in his mind, and failing. Finally, he gave up, deciding to sleep the thoughts away. He crawled under one of his many blankets, finding comfort in the warmth it provided. He always had his room locked when he was in it, so he wasn't worried about any other entities walking in on him. He finally let his head fall back, hitting the pillows, before closing his eye, and forgetting about the world, if only for a little bit.


"Alright, so, we're here to learn self defence," Spirit announced, now that every entity was in the Library with her. "Jack and I are going to demonstrate a palm-heel strike first. Pay close attention, because we are only going to do it once." Spirit turned to Jack. "Do you want to deliver the blow, or should I?" she questioned.

"You can do it," Jack replied. "I'm alright with it."

Spirit nodded, before turning to the other entities. Her mind flashed to her previous meeting with Seek. Despite everything, he should be here too. Shadow is a threat to all of us... Spirit quickly shoved the thought to the back of her mind. She had to focus on the task at hand, first.

"Is everyone ready?" After receiving several nods in response, she turned to Jack. "Are you ready?"

Jack nodded, and readied himself. Spirit flexed her wrist, before striking Jack in the nose. Jack recoiled from the hit, staggering backwards. Spirit then turned to everyone else. "Did everyone see that, because we will not be doing it again." She extended her hand to Jack, helping him up. "I'm sure you understand why."

"I do," Halt responded. Everyone else nodded, and Spirit smiled.

"Find a partner to practise with. After we're all decent enough at it, we'll move on to the next method." Spirit then picked up what appeared to be a silver and sapphire circlet. "If anyone feels that they aren't able to recover quickly enough to continue, come to me. I finally found a good enchantment for this thing that allows the wearer to have an accelerated recovery from an injury." Everyone gave her a verbal response, and found partners.

Rush partnered with Ambush, Halt with Eyes, and Screech with Sally. Glitch didn't have a partner.

Spirit sighed. "Glitch, why don't you partner with Jack and I?" She motioned for Glitch to come over to them, and Glitch smiled, walking to the two entities. They began practising. (I'm so tired and I have no idea what to write.)

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