Chapter 29 - Another Stolen Soul

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(cw - graphic depictions of violence.)

Rush snaps awake. A scream had awoken him. In a panic, he jumps out of bed, but trips over the body on the ground. Rush looks in horror at it, only to realise that it's just Eyes.

Then he screams.

He stumbles away from the body, his expression caught in a mix of horror, fear, and grief. Eyes was lying face down on the floor, a small rivulet of blood leaking down into a much larger pool from a slice on his neck, and upon closer inspection, Rush realised that his throat was slit, and he was stabbed multiple times in the chest.

W-what... happened...? Rush feels tear building in his eyes, and, even though he's sure it's too late, he checks Eyes' pulse. Not surprising him at all, there was nothing. Eyes was dead.

No... Rush couldn't believe it... This... This has to be Shadow's doing... right?

Rush stands up shakily, going off to find someone who could tell him what was going on. He looked out his window, as the gentle sunlight shone through it, and as birds sang. It seemed unfair how it was such a lovely day outside, with such a tragedy having occurred at the same time...

Eyes... Rush crouched down, brushing Eyes' hair aside, only to jump up and shriek in horror. Eyes' eyes were missing, and it seemed that some of his teeth had been ripped out, too. Rush began backing away in fear. Tears were now streaming down his face, as he looked down at the corpse of what had once been his friend. Rush backed up to the door, and, in a panic, quickly opened the door, and ran out of the room.

I have to find someone... Spirit... Glitch... anyone... As Rush ran through the corridors, he began to feel more and more terrified by the minute. The halls were all empty. Completely empty.

Rush finally stopped at the main hall. Holding his breath, he stepped inside... but it was normal. Spirit was discussing the Shadow situation with Halt, Glitch, and Ambush, while Jack was sitting on a couch, as Window and Screech conversed in front of him. Ambush turned as Rush burst into the hall, noticing at once that something was off.

"Hey, are you alright?" He called across the room, which in turn caused everyone to turn to him. Rush, feeling a little uncomfortable with everyone's eyes on him, walked fast to where they were all sitting.

"Eyes..." Rush said, his expression of horror and fear still prominent.

"What about him?" Spirit asked, sounding concerned.

"I- I saw him... He was... He was..." Rush choked out, as he tried his hardest to stop the flow of tears.

"What happened to him?" Halt asked, his tone grave and serious.

"He's dead... murdered..." Rush whispered, before collapsing, and began sobbing uncontrollably. Ambush crouched down to comfort him, while Spirit and Halt shared a look of horror.

"Dead...? But... How?" Glitch whispered.

"It... It had to have been Shadow..." Spirit murmured in response. Ambush helped Rush to stand up, and looked up at Halt and Spirit.

"What do we do?" He asked, still comforting Rush.

"I... I guess... we go bury the body..." Spirit said. "We... need to mourn our loss..."

Rush shakily began walking to his room, leading the others. However, when they arrived, it was... much worse than when Rush left.

Not only had Eyes been brutally dismembered, he had also been gutted, and his limbs and organs were strewn across Rush's room, blood soaking pretty much everywhere. His heart was sitting on Rush's pillow, his intestines hung around the ceiling like those banner-flag things you see during parties in movies, his lungs had been torn apart and had been put on Rush's desk, his stomach at the foot of his bed, and now Rush could see Eyes' eyes and all of his teeth in a pile on his bookshelf.

DOORS - A Roblox Doors Story (Book 2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें