Fate of a planet

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Authors note:

Reupload of my original just cause I wanna keep all of them together

FT: Planet

He was created from the ashes of a long burnt out sun, and created from the flames of anothers creation.

He was created from the darkness of space as it blended with the light of this world of death and destruction he found himself on.

His eyes are woven by each planet coming together to welcome their creation, their child. Stars from thousands of light years away reflect in the shine. Blessing him with their love, with their magical ability to create.

He is made from the dust of moons and comets and meteors, the flame of a thousand meteor showers burning through the sky are within him, but remain undiscovered by all, even himself.

A solar system, in which every planet of the galaxy contributed, flies around his head. He is a star. He is their rock, and they all move around him. He is their passage of time, and without him, their world would stop spinning.

He is the tears of life on long forgotten planets, and the fiery rage of life on the ones most remembered.

He has been left on a world where all there is to do is act, while he was created to watch from beyond any world.

He has been left in a world in which violence is all that lets you survive, in a universe in which peace is the only way to live.

He hides in the light of the sun to escape the dark that ever consumes the world and all that know it.

He cares for those as the stars had once cared for him. He knows, one day, they will go on, and he will still remain. He knows, one day, there will come a time where he must return to the place in which he came, a place where they won't follow.

He dreams of living a life on earth with them, in peace. Though he knows he won't be able to. In the same way the stars had known that he couldn't remain in their sky forever.

There will come a new world, after all is said and done, after this one burns out along with all who reside there. But he is there, too, he is the passage of time, and he is the one that allows it to continue.

A new world will appear, and life will start up anew, but nothing will truly change. It will always be a land of death, of destruction. A fate suffered by all travelers of this world. Though, he will remain.

He will remain because this planet will always be his home.

He will remain because to sit and shine in space until becoming the ash used within a creation like himself, is a fate he chooses not to resign himself to.

He will remain, because to love, and to lose, has always been the fate of a planet.

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