What once was

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Authors note

hey guys 3ht streamed together irl im done now ive reached my final checkpoint in life i will have to stop being a stan i will have to stop writing nothing is going to ever compare to this i cant go on any longer

Anyways have some dandelion duo (they hate each other) (theyre the bestest of friends)


Planet sits on the wreckage of Subz's old spawn tower. Swinging his feet off the edge as they look up, and try to ignore all the destruction below. The Wormhole's gone, it's been closed, and the sky's back to normal. 

It's still the same sky. If that's normal, they can pretend it's all normal.

They can pretend that the power of the gods itches under their skin. Given to them at the drop of a hat just because nothing mattered anymore. Maybe it hadn't for a while, they just didn't realize it then.

They hear someone behind them. Though everyone's gone by now, everyone's meant to be gone. Move on, or whatever. That was the goal of the Wormhole in the first place, wasn't it? To destroy this place and make a new one? Without any of the connections or friendships or memories.

They turn around, and find who is almost the last person that they would expect to still be here. 

"Oh. You." They say. Filtering as much disdain into their voice as they could.

"Me." Zam agrees. His boots click as he stops floating in midair. He moves to take a seat.


Zam does it anyways. Planet does nothing, just as they both knew that he would. It wasn't worth it anymore. 

(Despite how much the urge eats away at Planet to push him off, to stab him, to use god powers to hurt him the same way he had used them to hurt his team. None of it would even work, anyways.)

"Why're you still here?" Zam asks, he sits with his knees curled to his chest, arms limply at his sides. He looks at Planet, Planet looks anywhere else.

"I told you why, already." They put their hands in the pockets of their sweater as their hands curl into fists. It's not worth being angry. "You're the one who wanted to end the world. You did it. Why are you still here?"

Zam stays silent for a minute, but just shrugs. "I dunno."

He does know. But interrogating him for an answer is a waste of their time.

"Okay. Then leave."

"No thanks."

Planet considers getting up, but that means Zam wins. Zam's already had enough victories within the last few days for them to surrender to him. Even if it doesn't matter now, even if its all over, like they keep telling themselves and like everyone kept telling them.

They sigh, loud enough to be it's own response, and continue as they were. Looking up at the sky and ignoring everything else.

It lapses into silence, nothing but the sounds of fire and water below them. They think it would've been find to just stay like that until they were finally ready to leave.

"What's the point?" Zam says suddenly. "Everything you worked for is gone, everything you tried to save. That's the whole reason you didn't give up before, why are you still here?"

Because they don't know where else they would go. Where else they would feel the same sense of familiarity and comfort in the people around them. They don't have another home that they can find themselves always coming back to.

They aren't gonna tell Zam that, though. 

"There doesn't have to be a point. Everything's gone. Like you said."

"The whole point was to get rid of everything so that people would move on from this season. Get a better life in the next one. Not to just... wait here."

They aren't waiting. There's nothing to wait for. They aren't waiting for the next season, they aren't waiting for their friends. They're doing nothing but existing in this place for as long as they can until they aren't able to.

"Okay." Planet repeats. "Then leave."

Zam opens his mouth, then pauses, closing it again. 

"Will you?" He asks slowly, as if not really sure of what he's saying.

Will they? Of course they will. They don't have a choice to stay. Zam knows that. He made the world unable to live in with his own two hands. He knows that he could either leave or die trying to stay.

"Not right now." Planet says. "I'll have to at some point."

Zam stays silent for a minute, watching Planet as if to make sure they were telling the truth. As if he could even have a thought that it was a lie. A lie to say that living in the hellscape he created was impossible.

"Okay." He says, as slow and as questioning as before.

He gets to his feet. Facing the way that the moon was falling over the horizon. 

"Bye." He says simply.

He doesn't move for a second or two, as if waiting for something. Waiting for a response. But Planet doesn't give him one, just watching warily as the wingless prince begins to fly off into the distance. 

Fly off to somewhere that was better than the place that he created. The place that he destroyed.

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