Back to the Finish

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Author note:

This was kind of a test cause I literally just challenged myself to see how much I could write in 20 minutes while I was on the plane (sorry if it's messy it's kind of meant to be a warmup cause I haven't updated this in a month :3)

Ft: Minute

Minute isn't sure when everyone leaves. It could've been weeks ago. It could've been months.

It had felt like there were only a few days between when he left and when he came back, but there's no real way to tell.

He thinks he tried to count, at some point. Count out the seconds, the hours, the days. But after a while it became counting just for the sake of counting. Counting for the sake of having a consistent thought in his mind.

It becomes hard to keep track after that. You're too busy focused on not stopping that you don't have time to consider how long it's been since you started.

Minute isn't sure when he comes back. The memory itself is hazy in this mind.

It feels less forceful than a revival. Less aggressive. It was calm, a sort of nudge back into mortality.

It was gentle. As if asking if he was okay with this. If this was something that he actually wanted to do. That's the only feeling he remembers.

The wormhole is gone when he returns. Not even the shattered frames of the portal are left of evidence of its existence.

Only the destruction and Minute's own existence proved the reality of Spoke's power. Or, what had been Spoke's power.

He knows it's all over. All the battles. He's known that for a while. But something tells him that that's not all that ended.

As if the gods themselves fell with the wormhole, fell with the server.

Maybe they fell with Planet, in some way.

That's what they said, for their brief time with Minute in the space between life and death. They said that they ended it, they did what they set out to do. Even if they didn't really win.

Maybe that was the point the whole time.

Maybe they were never meant to win, but they could still succeed.

Maybe a destructed and abandoned server didn't have to be seen as a loss, even if it didn't need to be seen as a win, either.

Lifesteal SMP oneshotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt