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Authors note:

Day 3!! Flowers

Sorry for dandelionduoing all over the place it will happen again


"Can we watch?" Bacon asks, Jaron is at his side, nodding as Planet looks over at him.

"Literally why would you wanna watch?" Planet replies.

Planet had only told them that they were getting rid of the absorption heart, with a brief explanation as to what they had seen as their reasoning. Although, they really just could've done it without explaining every thing.

It was a long time coming, really. Zam hasn't been on the team for a while. The only reason that they had not yet taken it down was a mixture of procrastination and the fact that he had never really announced his departure from the Solar Union.

"It's a big day for us. Means we're officially Zam haters now." Bacon says, putting his hand up to his forehead and using it to block out the sun, so that he can better see the differently colored fourth heart.

"Ugh." Planet says, looking through their inventory and realizing that they don't have an enderchest on them. "If you put down an echest for me you can watch. I have to do something first though."

Bacon places one down. Planet slowly opens it, taking out two things.

A flint and steel and a dandelion.

They walk a few steps away from storage, ensuring they're far enough that nothing but the ground would catch fire. 

They then put the dandelion into their hand.

The trust dandelion, which should no longer mean anything to them.

"Wait, this is crazy." Bacon says when he sees the flower.

"Shut up." They reply, looking over to the two.

Jaron abruptly shuts his mouth, Bacon just grins at them. Planet chooses to just ignore them, turning their attention back to the dandelion he's spinning between his fingers.

It was once a promise of some kind. That Planet and Zam could trust each other, and not become the villain of the server or of each others stories. That they would never be like the Leviathan.

Hurting others without reason, using exploits for their own gain and for the harm of others.

This had been a long time coming.

It was meant to happen when they saw Zam, repeatedly pushing the button of a command block to give him dirt. 

No matter how harmless it was, it was still wrong. It was still damaging the server. Zam knew it was, and that was why he had tried to hide it whenever somebody came by. Whenever they came by.

It was created by somebody who was apart of the Leviathan, it was created by somebody who abused exploits to bring themselves up and bring others down. Somebody who wanted to bring down not just people, but the server.

And he could, of course. Easily.

And that was the team that Zam chose to stay on. The side that turned their backs on everyone they had ever known and every connection that they had ever made for no reason but to see the limit of their own power.

"Oh my god, Planet. Literally just throw it in already."

But it was just a flower, at the end of the day. And maybe the two of them should've stopped pretending it was more than that a long time ago.

They drop it into the fire.

Bacon cheers, Jaron claps a few times.

Planet takes a breath. Before looking away from the fire and over at their only two teammates. 

"Okay, I'm done. Lets get rid of that dumb heart now."

Later, they go to the temple, up in the sky. They find three plants in a ring of them. Some pots are empty, some have colorful flowers that all seem to face the one in the middle. But those three doing the same just isn't right.

Even if they're just plants, and nothing more then that.

When Zam returns later, he finds a white tulip, a white tulip, and a mushroom in a chest in the back of the room. 

The dandelion in the middle of room now finds itself vulnerable, with nothing but mostly empty pots to protect it. 

Planet knows it is only its own fault.

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