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authors note:

Tried my hand at a tma au (i read a bunch of fics and listened to like one episode from season one of the podcast, im a bit of an expert.)

FT: Zam, Bacon, Planet, Jaron


Statement of Bacon Waffles, regarding his trips stargazing. Original statement given March 6th, 2018. Statement begins.

I don't want to be here by the way. I think this is dumb. I'm only here cause Jaron wanted me to... just say something about it, I guess.

I don't really know where to start. 

Uh, I've had two friends for a while. Jaron and Planet. I met Jaron through a mutual friend, and he introduced me to Planet. We've been pretty close since then.

Planet, they've always been kind of into space, you can probably tell by the name. He always had this obnoxiously bright galaxy hoodie, with stars and stuff on it. You would never see him without it on, even when it was like a million degrees out.

But yeah, thing is, they've always been really into the stars. And one day, they asked if me and Jaron wanted to go and stargaze with them. I thought it was dumb, but Jaron agreed, and I didn't really have anything to do that night, so I did, too.

Planet was like... really excited about it. More excited than someone who is planning to stare at the sky for hours on end should be, but that's just my opinion.

Anyways, the night comes, we meet up on a hill, and nothing really happens while we're there. We create stupid constellations and point them out to the others, we talk, it's fine, maybe a little  better than I thought it would be, but I wouldn't tell them that.

The weird thing is, when we get back in the car and turned on the lights, Planet was pale. Like, really really pale. White as paper, literally.

It's not their face, either, their whole body, their hands, even their fingernails.

Their hair was lighter, too. It's always been like, pretty light, blonde and stuff. But it was the same shade as his face. Pale white.

Jaron asked if they were okay, Planet said they were fine, they felt good, even. When we showed them a mirror, they didn't seem that surprised, or anything, which was weird. They just shrugged it off, throwing in a joke about how they needed to get more sun.

My house was the first stop, before I had the time to think of any follow-up questions, Jaron was stopping the car in my driveway. As I looked back at the car after getting out, I could see Planet in the passenger seat, staring out the window and up at the stars.

The next day, Planet looked the same as they did the night before, completely pale with white hair. When we asked them about it, they were still just dismissive about the whole thing. Completely ignoring us, and asking if we wanted to go to the same place again.

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