A new day

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authors note:

Oh my gosh 4/4 eclipse !! 

Not too proud about this one but I just really wanted to get some silly eclipse stuff out before the wormhole/doomsday week. 


Zam knows that Planet has been following him this whole time, Planet knows, too. But they both continue on like neither of them do. 

It's the dead of night. Jaron and Bacon were sleeping. Zam couldn't, and Planet never does anyways.

He's not quite sure where hes going, as he enters the area of spawn, but he knows where they'll end up eventually. He always ends up back here. Even when he tries not to. It always drags him back.

He always drags him back.

Someone's already there when he shows up. It's not all that shocking to him, of course he would be here. Of course he would find it.

Planet watches, from a structure a few yards away. They don't seem too shocked by the fact that they ended up here, either. 

Zam stands beside a former ally. A former friend. As they both stare ahead at the grave of another former ally. 

Zam and Subz stand there, in the darkness. As they both look towards the grave of Vitalasy. An eclipse that nobody but themselves see. The light hides, not just within the sky, but within both of them.

The former wears the clothes that mark his betrayal. In great contrast to the darkly colored grave, and the latter's own outfit to signify his loyalties. Only to himself, now. Nobody else to stand with.

"I don't want to miss him." He doesn't remember who said it. It could've been one as easily as it could've been the other. The same thoughts went through both of their minds, that night. 

"Me neither."

"He left us in the dark, didn't he?"


From behind him, he thinks he hears Planet fall out of a tree, or at least fall off something. He doesn't bother to look back. There's nobody else here at spawn, and Planet can handle themselves fine.

Subz, hearing the noise, glances at Zam. Upon seeing a lack of any sort of reaction, he looks back at the headstone. 

"You built this, right?" Subz asks, quietly.



"Same reason as why you're here looking at it, I guess."

The moon falls over the horizon. Descending the mountains that the two of them had built. Repairing a server that hated them. A server far too damaged to heal anything past the surface.

With their own two hands, they'd broken and rebuilt this server, this community. Time and time again. More times than either of them can count.

"This is dumb." Subz muttered, despite not looking away. "He didn't remember me. Why should I have to remember him?"

Planet lets out a dramatic 'oooh'  from what Zam can only guess is the tree he previously fell out of. If judging by the sound of a branch snapping and a curse that comes just a second later. He continues to ignore it.

The light begins to creep up from behind them, the bright colors of sunrise paint the sky a wide array of pinks and oranges and blues. It hasn't yet reached the space of Vitalasy's grave, where the moon continues to fall.

"You don't have to remember him. You just don't want to forget. Forgetting is loosing all the good memories, even if it gets rid of the bad ones, too."

Subz sighs. "Guess you've had more time to think about all this stuff."

"You could say that."

"When does it get better?"

"It doesn't." Zam shrugs, finally turning around to look back at Planet. Who seems to be hanging on to one of the branches for dear life. Yet, they grin when they notice him.

"It's easier when there are people that you know will be at your side, I think." He pauses "That's what you did with me after team awesome, sorta."

Zam and Subz look at each other at the same time, and they're both silent for a minute. Planet seems to fall out of the tree again, as judged by another thud. They mutter something and poorly attempt to suppress their giggles at their own comment.

Zam holds out his hand, and Subz takes it, just for a moment. The sun and the moon join together. The sky holds the two of them at the same time. The dark blacks and purples and blues of the night. The bright oranges and yellows and pinks of the morning.

"Thank you, Zam."

"Thank you, too."

Subz leaves, and the moon is hidden by the mountaintops. The light blue of the day begins to shine.

He stares in the direction he left for a while. Where the sky meets the ground. He stares at a speck of black and purple until it disappears beyond the skyline.

Planet yawns, though Zam knows they aren't really tired. "Can we go now?"

"You go ahead, I'll catch up in a minute."

"Whatever you say, Prince."

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