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authors note:

hashtag lifesteal finale or something i dont know i dont watch it 


At the end of the world, there's life.

Maybe it's not much, when you think of what it used to be. But that's how most things tend to be.

There's life. There's life that stands scarred and broken and just clinging to what left they have. But it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter because the life is there. And most people will never get to see it.

You're so lucky, to have been able to see it.

To see to the end, to see to what a life can overcome. How far it can be pushed, and still get back up, just because it knows, somewhere inside, that it deserves to make it to the end. That it's going to earn it.

At the end of the world, there's life.

And even after, there will be life. 

It will live on through what is left behind. Through the legacy it creates.

Through what you remember it to be.

It doesn't matter what you feel, when you think of a life. A part of life is to feel, and if you feel, than a life can live on, for however many years a person can feel because of a life, then it will always remain.

At the end of the world, there's joy, there's grief. There's words that some people couldn't even begin to describe. Life is complex, and there's never quite one word to explain all that you feel at once.

Even of the perspective of someone passing by, watching. It's the same sort of true. You don't quite feel it in the same way that they do, but it's similar.

At the end of a life, there is a world.

It's never quite perfect. There will always be cracks, rifts, volcanoes. There will always be something there that will remind you of the bad, because there will always be bad. That's the way that life works.

But sometimes, in the middle of all the destruction, that's where you'll find all the nicest parts. All the parts that you want to come back to someday, just because of how great they are. Even if you have to dig through all the rock and ash to get to it.

When you leave, it'll be hard to remember the bad. To remember what it was. 

Everything good will push it away. It'll be all that you know. 

You can remember all the good in detail, every moment that you had there, everything you saw, everything that was worth coming back to.

The bad fade into a hazy dull in your mind, you know that it was there. But it isn't something that you want to remember, it's not something you want to bother to spend your time on, when there's at least a little bit of something better, that you could look back on instead.

At the end of a life, there is a world.

It's full of people that love you. It's full of each and every thing that you've left behind. It's full of all that you cherish. To live, is to cherish, and leave behind, and love.

At the end of a world, there is always a new one.

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