The forest

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Authors note:

Woogie, Parrot, and Vortex past AU :D

Really short one because i am very ill right now but i had an idea n ran with it


"I think you broke my arm, man." Woogie says, after catching his breath. He wrenches it out from Parrot's grip, which had barely loosened as they had slowed down.

He shakes it around a little, and roles up his sleeve to assess the damages. Nothing except for a fading red mark where he had been grabbed and dragged through the forest.

"You wouldn't be able to move it like that if it was broken." Vortex says, reaching for Woogie's arm. Woogie pulls it away, cradling it to his chest, glaring at Vortex.

He just shrugs, backstepping to his original spot.

"Maybe if you just ran faster-" Parrot chimes in.

"I would've been fine, oh my god."

"You would've gotten us caught-"

"You say that every time, and I have yet to even get seen by anyone."

"Because we save you every time."

Woogie flops into a sitting position on the grass, covering his ears and looking at Parrot blankly. "I'm not listening to you anymore, you're wrong."

"How am I-"

"I can't hear you! Vortex, tell him he's wrong."

Vortex points at Parrot "You're wrong."

The latter sits down a few feet away from Woogie, slinging a backpack that had been over his shoulder into his lap and rummaging through it. "I hate both of you."

They sit in silence for a few minutes, the only sounds around being the buzz of insects in the tall grass, and the bag as the boy looked through it. Faintly, there may have been the sound of a river running by, if you were listening hard enough. 

"Did you get everything?" Vortex asks, when Parrot had set the bag back down. 

"Yeah. Woogie grabbed whatever I couldn't." 

Woogie nods, slinging his own backpack from his shoulders and shaking it a little. The thuds of everything clattering against one another almost acting as words of their own.

Another bit of silence overtakes them, the sun begins to drop behind the trees that surround the clearing. Vortex is once again the one to break the silence.

"So are we setting up camp here, or should we keep looking?"

Parrot looks around at the space, then at the sun, and the moon as it rises higher and higher into the sky. Late fall always sucks, it gets too dark to continue travelling for long periods of time, and the crunch of the leaves always gives away where you are.

Woogie also gets seasonal allergies when the leaves start to rot. So running through the mold-infested forest with someone who can't really breathe right that particular month is always a challenge.

"Tonight, we can set up here. I wanna keep looking for somewhere we can stay for a while, though."

Vortex nods, looking around the area like Parrot had before. It's a nice place, a nice clearing. Not somewhere where they could stay for a while, but just for a night or two, as they travel from place to place. 

Maybe next time, they'll find the place they don't have to run from. A place that they don't have to search through the forest for days just to find a replacement for.

Maybe next time, things will be different. Things will be peaceful.

Lifesteal SMP oneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang