Pick a flower

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authors note: 

this is so messy im running of a 30 minute nap and pain in both my ankles. (not beta read :3)

FT: Zam 

(Can you just tell me what you want already?

I just don't get it.

What don't you get?

What changed.





Why do you care?)

Zam stares at the ring of flowerpots in the middle of the room. Four had flowers in them, four were empty.

There was meant to be only one empty.

Mushroom, red tulip, white tulip. Someone had taken them out. Someone who knows why they're there in the first place. Who knows what they all mean.

That hurts.

They were the first ones, ever to be added to the ring. They were the ones that were meant to always be there. When every other flower was locked away in the chest of apologies he needed to make, those three flowers were there.

He supposes, the ring could've never been complete. Wither roses clash against the shade of white, it breaks down delicate flowers. Poppies threaten the red shade of the tulips. Mushrooms will end up wherever they please, taking up as much space as they want. Far more resilient than alliums.

 Asking them to coexist in a garden would never really work.

He walks down into the center of the room. Delicately stepping between the spots where the cornflower and the mushroom were meant to be, their pots vacant. 

There's one other that needs to be removed.

(We all have our endings, Zam, and I think this is mine.)

When he slides the pumpkin out, he finds it rotting. Becoming softer, dotted with brown and white. It's a little gross to be holding it, but just throwing it away feels worse, after all it had done. Holding up the dandelion for so long.

He places obsidian under the dandelion. No more plants to hold it up, it shouldn't have to rely on them anymore, all it does is wait, wait till it wilts and rots and goes away. Then it mourns, as if there was nothing it could've done.

He isn't sure at what point it stops being about the flowers.

He stands back, looking at how remarkably uncolorful and empty the ring had become. 

It was bound to happen, anyways. Flowers wilt. Each have their own methods of survival, some can't adjust to a change in environment, not like dandelions can.

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