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authors note:

Mid and Red find a VERY DANGEROUS creature (highschool au)

sorry if endings a little abrupt i really didnt have any ideas for it 


"We're here!" Mid says. Gesturing at a shack behind a tall chain link fence. There was a hole cut through the middle, large enough for someone to get through.

Her and Red had been wandering through the woods behind her house for about ten minutes. Mid texted him earlier, claiming that he urgently needed to see something that she had found the day before.

The house itself was quite rundown, a few boards from the roof had caved, falling into the inside of the shack, and the whole thing had a cover of moss, vines, and spider webs coating it all. The porch steps seemed to be barely hanging on.

"I'm gonna be honest, for all you hyped this place up, its a little... y'know."

"It's not the house, obviously, it's what's inside." 

Mid ducks down to get through the gap in the fence. Trying to walk out of the way, but getting her hood stuck on a loose wire, cursing as it pulls her backwards. 

Red watches amusedly as she attempts to free herself from the confines of the fence. Eventually, she yanks hard enough for the hood to be untangled, in the process, stumbling and falling onto the grass.

She looks back at Red, barely concealed laughter obvious on his face. 

"Are you coming?" 

"Just after you." He says, crouching through the hole in the fence with ease.

Mid sighs, but walks up to the front steps of the shack, carefully walking along the edges of the stairs where its sturdiest. She's still light on her feet. Cautiously stepping onto the least creaky part of the porch.

She does have to go back after Red miscalculates and steps straight through a loose, thin floorboard. Effectively getting his foot stuck in the stairs. She swears she didn't laugh at him that long.

"Okay." She says, stepping into the doorway of the house. "You need to stay here, and I'll bring it out."


Mid disappears into the shack for a minute. Red can here her muttering something, but can't quite pick up on what exactly it is she's saying. After a minute, he hears her footsteps fade back in, before abruptly stopping right out of view of the doorway.

"Can I have a drumroll please!"

Red stares ahead.

"Drumroll please!"

He sighs, knocking his fingers against the side of the shack, imitating a drumroll.

"Introducing..." She steps into the frame, outstretched in her hands, is a black mass of fur being held up from under the arms, leaving it's paws reaching out, similar to Mid's stance. Green eyes stared up at Red confusedly.


Midnight meows, and tries to squirm away. Mid pulls it in, cradling it like someone would a baby. 

"I found it in here yesterday. Isn't it cool?" She reaches into her pocket and pulls out what looks like a cat treat (Red wonders how long she's been carrying cat treats in her pocket, considering they went straight here after school.) and gives it to Midnight.

"You found... a random cat in the woods."


"It totally has diseases."

Mid frowns. "It had a collar, it was like, clean, too. I think it got abandoned recently."

"You still need to take it to a vet, or something."

Midnight wiggles out of Mid's arms, jumping onto the ground. It looks up at Red expectantly, headbutting his leg. Twisting itself around his ankles. Mid looks at the cat, than up at him, grinning. 

"It likes you!"

Red tentatively scratches the cats head. It purrs, leaning towards him, closing its eyes, turning it into nothing but a ball of void.

"It's pretty alright. As long as it doesn't have rabies or anything."

"I tried to get it to come home with me the other day, but I think it likes it here, so..." She shrugs. "I don't know how I'm gonna bring it all the way to the vet."

"Did you bring it food last time?"

As if on cue, Midnight looks up at Mid. Walking over and standing right in front of her, eyes wide, as if waiting for something. She pulls another treat from her pocket and hands it to the cat, petting its back. 

"No, but we can see if it changes anything."

The two walk down the steps (Red is very careful to copy Mid's pathway.) and go through the fence gate (Mid is very careful to ensure that her hood is down.). Midnight trails behind until they get to the gate.

It stares at it, then at the people on the other side, it takes a moment to lick its paw before making the decision to jump through, walking over to them.

It stops, blinks at them once, and walks down the pathway that they had come earlier, towards Mid's house. 

The two watch as it leaves before remembering to follow. 

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