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She Blowing Up His Base Then Surprising Him With A New One on my PrinceZam Vs PlanetLord | PrinceZam FULL VOD till I dandelionduo

hashtag another rushed and not fully finished fic hope u enjoy this banger /j (IF ANYONE SAW THE TITLE BEFORE I CHANGED IT NO U DIDNT)


Planet isn't scared.

They're not going through the portal to Zam's base in the dead of night because they're scared. They wouldn't do that.

That's something Zam would do, because Zam is scared and Planet isn't.

They're going on a night walk. Because that's what they always do. With nothing to do in the night they find themselves just wandering around until the sun rises. There's no feeling behind it other then maybe boredom.

But they don't know why it brought them here, and they should turn around and leave because nothing happened and nothing will happen because Eclipse is safe and doesn't need them hanging around anymore.

They recoil at the loud sound of the door opening when he pushes the button, it echos across the dome. They stare up at the top, as though they can see the noise as it bounces.

They wait till it fades away before stepping inside, where everything is just the same as it was when they left. Nothing to suggest anything out of the ordinary had happened.

Not that there was any reason for it to have. It was safe here, Eclipse was safe here. He knew that, and had no reason to believe anything else.

Mapicc or Ro or anyone else looking can't find this place. There was no reason why they would. Planet knew that, that wasn't why they were there. They were only taking a walk.

Planet isn't scared.

They're not going to the rooms because they're afraid something may have happened. Because of an unrealistic fear that someone has already found this place. And all the time spent making it and all their reassurances were useless.

That's something Zam would do, because Zam is scared and Planet isn't.

They're going down the stairs with their totem on, though they really won't need it. It's just nice to have when you're always on three hearts, that's the only reason they find themselves holding it so tightly.


And Planet, in all of their not-fear, definitely doesn't trip and fall down the remainder of the stairs at the sound of Zam's voice behind them.

They consider just lying there, face down, until he decides to just walk past them, just so they don't have to face the fact that they just did that.

That wouldn't work though, because they also have to bribe (and-slash-or threaten) Zam to never tell a single soul about that.

"Holy shit, are you okay?" He asks, quickly making his way down the steps.

Planet rolls over onto their back, their face hurts. "I'm doing great, actually."

Zam offers a hand, but Planet waves it off, unsteadily getting to their feet on their own. Trying to pass off the heavy reliance on the wall to get them up as a casual lean.

They're both in silence for a minute. Awkward expressions mirrored on both of their faces. Both with words and questions trying not to be let out.

Planet, despite it, also feels relief. Like a weight had just been lifted off their gut. Getting rid of the sinking feeling that stuck with them the entire walk here. Maybe it was just the stairs, maybe the rest of their body hurts too much to think about that right now.

"So... What are you doing in the base at four in the morning?" Zam asks, staring at the lava behind Planet's head.

"I forgot something." They say automatically, the first excuse that comes to their mind. "But I have it now, so I'm just gonna go-"

"Why did you need it right now? Why didn't you ask me?"

"It's personal! You know? Like I really needed it and I didn't want someone else to find it-"

They slowly back up the stairs as they talk. Subtly shifting through their inventory, trying to find an enderpearl.



"We're literally allies, don't lie to me, dude."

Now comes the point where Planet has two options. Either they can tell the truth, which they really don't feel like doing. Or they can lie, and Zam will know it. He probably won't press, but just lying to his face while he knows it feels like it breaks down some trust.

So, they go with the third option.

They still have a couple of enderpearls in their hotbar anyways, just in case this goes south.

"You aren't gonna tell anybody what I just did, right?"


"Like-" They mimic themselves falling down the stairs, pointing at the landing, and then at themselves.

It takes Zam a minute to realize what they're talking about. "Oh, yeah, no. Why would I do that?"

"I don't know."

They fall into silence again, and Planet takes a few more steps backwards.

"You should probably go to bed." Planet says.

"You should probably go back to your team." Zam responds.



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