And beyond.

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Authors note:

3 heart trio lives in a cottage in the woods and theyre all safe and happy and nothing bad ever happens to them again the end (huhhhh whats season 5 what r u talking about??? "they wont be interacting"??? what r u saying right neow????)


"This is so corny dude, oh my god."

"Bro, shut up."

Jaron sits quietly, his head tilted in concentration as he tries to braid the flower stems over one another. Only really succeeding in pulling all the petals off in his efforts. 

Bacon stares at the field of flowers as if they had personally offended him by being there. Squeezing the red tulips and daisies that Planet had thrown into his hand earlier. 

Planet was half paying attention to his current argument, wading through the tall flower fields in search of purples, blues, and pinks. Though only finding an abundance of the second color, and not much of the other two.

"There's just way better things we could be doing right now." Bacon says.

"Like?" Planet asks, examining a red flower, and trying to determine if it was pink enough to add to the collection. 

"Literally anything."

"Whatever you say, Bacon." He pauses, looking over at the third person in the group. "Jaron, it's called a flower crown for a reason."

The man in question had found mushrooms somewhere, and was currently trying to add it on to his loosely connected jumble of stems. "Well maybe I like the look of mushrooms more."

"Do you?"


Planet abandons his flower scouting post to help Jaron, picking a few more warm-colored flowers from the edge of the ring that the latter was sitting in. Crouching down to demonstrate the braiding of the stems, and handing his half-finished model to Jaron. "Do you get it now?"


Satisfied enough with the answer, he returns to his own place in the field. Looking at the pile of assorted flowers he had collected. He realizes that he probably has plenty, and didn't even really have to pick all the ones that he did.

He drops down into a criss-cross position, starting on braiding the first set of flower stems together. Working with as much concentration as he can have with Bacon dramatically sighing every minute or so.

He's picking the petals off of one of the tulip bulbs in his hand, still refusing to even attempt the activity. "I think we should stop letting Planet pick our activities."

"You can go home right now, by the way."

"No, I can't. You took us out in the middle of nowhere for this."

"Better start on that crown, then. If you want directions."

Bacon sighs again, and he wanders off further down the field of flowers, dropping the ones already in his hand. Though, they wouldn't be much use to him, anyways. With how crushed and torn they had become.

Planet picks up two pink flowers. Weaving them into the finished and connected set of blues. Jaron seems to have gotten the hang of it, making a loose pattern with some of the orange and red colored flowers.

For a while, they lapse into silence. Planet works, Jaron works, Bacon does... something. Maybe it's working on the crown, maybe it isn't. He's not inclined to care, as long as he isn't bothering him.

He finishes as the suns going down. Holding it out in front of him to shine in the orange-red light. Before delicately placing it onto his head. He looks over to where Jaron- and now Bacon was sitting. 

Jaron seems to finish his crown around the same time. He attempts to force it onto Bacon's head, but relents after a shove nearly sends all his handiwork into the dirt. He puts it on over his hat, leaving it to rest at it's brim.

Planet walks over, gesturing to Jaron's head. "Looks good."

"I know."

He sits down to the other side of Bacon, delicately pushing the flowers out of the way as to not crush them. He looks up to the rising moon, the sunset glowing behind them. He rests his arm on the formers shoulder.

"This actually is just, really corny." Bacon says, though he makes no move to leave.

"Shut up, man. We're having a moment."

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